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Well my argument is based on the mathematical average results to expect from the weapons. A powerfist will kill a praetor in the first round, even without a second specialist weapon or master crafted or having charged. A paragon blade or blade of perdition won't, even with charge, master craft and second weapon bonus. That's just the math.


Then you look at the point values. A paragon blade is 25, a blade of perdition is 20, and a powerfist is 20. It's the cheapest, most consistent and most versatile of the options. It also gets discounted in terminator armour, something thats auto take if running footslogging, dropping its cost to 5 points.


I'm beginning to see the outlines of the next project: a kitbashed HQ with Artificer Armor, a Power Fist, a combi-bolter, and a Jump Pack. Given that my DoR Praetors' body guard unit are 10 Dawnbreakers with the Champion wielding a BoP, the option to field a Praetor with a Fist would make the entire unit handle more enemy types. My Terminator Praetors are all armed with BoPs and Combi-Volkites but I run them with Terminator Command Squads with Chain Fists, so that line of thinking exists for my lists that use other RoW. I may do another Terminator Praetor with a Fist and a Blade for Rule of Cool at some point but got enough stuff to work on for now.

  • 1 month later...
How useful is Day of Sorrow for Zone Mortalis games? I already pass it over for other RoW for regular games because it makes the victory conditions difficult but curious if there’s a niche for it in ZM. Edited by Cris R

What Heavy slot choices do people use for DoR? Currently, I have a Leviathan , but I'm looking to pad out my collection for higher point games.

Whirlwind Scorpius looks nice. The Deredeo also looks like it can be built for various needs.

Any preferences?

How useful is Day of Sorrow for Zone Mortalis games? I already pass it over for other RoW for regular games because it makes the victory conditions difficult but curious if there’s a niche for it in ZM.


Much like everywhere else, not very useful.


Because of the smaller size games, scoring units are even more necessary. While the FNP buff kicks in at 50%, so does the loss of scoring making it hard to use effectively.


I suppose they have decent grinding potential and kind of remove the need for Apothecaries, but I'm unconvinced. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Got a game in against my friend's NL who needs to play more. Just glad he could come out for once (he's been stuck in a vicious work cycle and its affected both his painting and his playing, and we know how those encourage the other). 


2500pts, played Shatter Strike with the corner deployments. His WLT let him Infiltrate D3 units, including his Cataphractii in a Spartan :huh.: . I rolled to get the re-roll 1's To Hit in Shooting, but then re-rolled it hoping for the melee one and got "enemy must use lowest Leadership" instead. Womp womp. 


My list was weird and not super balanced, but it was more about experimentation and using certain units/builds than really having a cohesive plan. 



-Crimson Paladins are just plain weird


-Forge Lord is such a sneaky build for BA (i love it)


-An Assault brick with power axes, Apothecary, and Rad Grenades (Forge Lord) is an interesting build (2nd time trying it out), but it's probably just too many points to be worth it. Those combat shields really worked for me this time around, though


-First time using a Drop Leviathan for BA. Boy, did he do work, if mainly on the defensive. He stuck like 16x invuln saves against chainfists, tying down the enemy Cataphractii bomb for ~4 turns. Dude just didn't want to die (again)! He even glanced a wound off the spartan with his nipple assault cannons. 


-Dawnbreakers are such a glass hammer. Don't let that 2+ armor fool you. They got Fear'd AND wiped by his Praetor in a single round of combat. 


-I overthought the deployment of my Xiphon and ended up not even having LoS on the enemy Deredeo I wanted to kill. Note to self: check LoS from the enemy unit's perspective as well (such a rookie mistake <face palm>)


-In case it isn't obvious, Blades of Perdition are AWESOME. There is an argument to be made that BA should always be taking 3x HQ's just to have as many of them as possible. Deathfire is one of the best rules in the game, and combo'd with Encarmine Fury it's just phenomenal. And that's before you start getting cheeky with Rad Grenades, etc....


-It was a pretty amazing game on both sides in terms of rolling. I whiffed almost every single one of my CQC attacks in the first two rounds, but made up for it with the amazeballs defensive performance by the Leviathan. Seriously, that guy was up against 3x Chainfists and 4x power fists and managed to lose only 1HP (and not get Weapon Destroyed/Immob) per round for 4 Turns. 



Will add more with pics in a bit. 

Edited by Indefragable
  • 2 weeks later...


What are folks’ thoughts on the best units in a Blood Angels army to pair with a Legion Herald in Terminator and Artificer armor?

Well you cant have a Herald in terminator armour.
They lost the restriction in the 2019 FAQ



What are folks’ thoughts on the best units in a Blood Angels army to pair with a Legion Herald in Terminator and Artificer armor?

Well you cant have a Herald in terminator armour.
They lost the restriction in the 2019 FAQ

Oh wow that's huge.




What are folks’ thoughts on the best units in a Blood Angels army to pair with a Legion Herald in Terminator and Artificer armor?

Well you cant have a Herald in terminator armour.
They lost the restriction in the 2019 FAQ

Oh wow that's huge.


Yes, it is. So back to my original question: which units in a Blood Angels army pairs best with a Legion Herald in both armor varieties?

Well it'd tend to be terminators for the terminator variant and I guess despoilers for the power armoured variant. The loyalist banner is a bit limited in that a lot of Legion special units get 0 benefit from it, and as he's jump pack restricted you can't have him with assault marines so that only leaves despoilers or terminators.
  • 1 month later...
If I'm arming my Primus Nullifactor to have two close combat weapons for a ZM list, does it make sense to pair the Aether-Shock Maul with a Blade of Perdition or a Chainfist? The Primus Nullifactor will be accompanying a set of six Nullifactors, five wielding the Mauls and the Sarg rocking a Thunder Hammer. Edited by Cris R
  • 2 months later...

Man, I really struggle with Raldoron when it comes to list building. My melee guys are almost all Jump units, but if I want to put him with Terminators for defense it severely limits the Transport options (I do not own a Spartan). 


How do you guys fit him in?



My big picture plan is a Kharybdis with 8x Cataphractii + Ral + Chaplain or Apoth (just need to assemble the Kharybdis).

Question: has anyone run a jet pack toting Forge Lord with a unit of Thallax as a part of their Day of Revelation or Drop Vanguard Assault lists? If so, what's a good build for the Thallax and what gaps can they fill in deep striking lists?

Edited by Cris R
  • 4 weeks later...
I’m putting together a 2,500 point "light armor" DoR list where I run a three vehicle unit of Javelins with meltas and missile launchers and a Boxnought with two CCW - one with a Grav gun, the other with an Assault Cannon - and a Drop Pod. I'm going to toss in two Sabres to lean into this theme and want them to threaten heavier vehicles while remaining a threat to infantry. Should I run them with Assault Cannons, a Heavy Bolter, and the Snub Autocannon? Or would the Neutron Blaster and these other weapons work better?

Well, I for one don't believe in Neutron Blaster. It may be reminiscent of the big bad Venator but it lacks S10, AP and Ordnance, it is basically a lascannon for most purposes.


Autocannon on the other hand is just like a 1/2 of a deredeo for 1/3 of its price, pretty good in my book if you don't mind the range. It will always outdamage the blaster (up to AV14 at least) thanks to full rerolls though obviously you won't really be exploding anything. But if you're praying for those Explode! rolls might as well take a multi melta instead of a blaster.


I'd say Auto&Assault Cannon is a fine combo for light-mid vehicles, a pair of Sabres could easily be stripping 3 hp from av13 a turn but against heavier stuff, well I'm not sure Sabre will suffice regardless of weapons.

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Any thoughts on a modestly cost efficient 10-man Destroyer unit to run with Dominion as your warlord in a DoR list?

My plan was to keep the unit basic: JPs, Artifice Armor on Sgt, and pow weapon on Sgt. Since my goal is to keep Zeph and company in melee, gun upgrades might be a waste

  • 2 weeks later...

Alright folks, I'm going to kick off trying to develop some ideas for potential lists given everything our Legion has gone through with this edition. One idea that merits looking into is Day of Sorrows where the heart of the list is something interesting and fluffy along these lines:


HQ: Ralderon or a Cataphractii Praetor with a Paragon Blade or Blade of Perdition and regular or Gravis Power Fist

Elites: 1 to 3 Apothecaries

Troops: A combination of Despoiler Squads and Crimson Paladins, which gain the Line sub-unit type for scoring


The basic idea is packaging Ralderon or the Praetor in a Spartan with a 10-man unit of Paladins or a huge blob of Despoilers with the Apothecaries then popping the remaining Paladins and Despoilers into Land Raiders for assault. There are different builds you can use for each unit to tackle different unit types, with the Perdition weapons will definitely be an asset to the Despoilers and adding some cheap AP 2 for the Paladins with the Axe of Perdition. I can really see the Despoilers emerging as the lynchpin for the new version of this RoW where you can get as many attacks as you can off the vital first charge, so I just ordered 15 to begin building this list since I've got everything else I need for this.


Obviously you can add things to this list to broaden its offensive capacity, so this is simply a starting point. I can also see the case for using Assault Marines deployed normally for this RoW - the RoW allows you to take units with the Deep Striking rule as long as they don’t start in reserves - so they can get a charge off a lot quicker than units in the Land Raider or Spartans.

Edited by Cris R

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