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500/1000 Alpha Legion lists


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Hello folks,


I've an escalation style campaign coming up, so I'm posting up the first markers (500 & 1000 points) to see if I'm missing anything glaringly obvious: The force is based around the idea of a mobile recon force escalating to a Headhunter/Rapid Reaction force.

500 pts (house rules - no need for 2 troop options)


w/ Space Marine bike; twin linked bolters, power maul & artificer armour


Legion Tactical Squad
-9 Alpha Legion Marines, Sergeant, Legion Vexillia, Rhino

Fast Attack

Legion Outrider Squadron
-2 Legion Outriders, Sergeant w/ power fist, twin linked plasma guns

Additions to make 1000 points:


Praetor [replaces Centurion, Headhunters as troops RoW]
-w/ Space Marine bike & twin linked bolters, Iron Halo, Artificer Armour, Paragon Blade


Headhunter Killteam
-3 Headhunters w/ combi bolters & banestrike, 1 Headhunter w/ heavy bolter & banestrike, Headhunter Prime w/ combi-bolter, banestrike and melta bombs

Legion Recon Squad
-Cameleoline, 5 sniper rifles

Fast Attack

Legion Outrider Squadron
-Increase Outrider Count by 1

Any C&C on the lists is welcome and please point out any errors I've made. Cheers!

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For comparison here is the 1k list I wrote for the Leviathal RoW, I think with the extra cost for the combi weapons it will be 24 points more (obviously it's not in battlescribe yet)


Could give one of the HH squads plasma and one melta or something.


+++ Head hunter Leviathal ZM (970pts) +++


+ HQ (240pts) +


Autilon Skorr (125pts)


Exodus (115pts)


+ Elites (215pts) +


Contemptor Dreadnought Talon (215pts)

Legion Contemptor Dreadnought [Extra Armour, Graviton Gun, Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon]


+ Fast Attack (515pts) +


Headhunter Kill Teams (265pts) [4x Combi-bolter with Banestrike Ammunition, 5x Headhunter, Heavy Bolter with Suspensor Web and Banestrike ammunition]

Headhunter Prime [Artificer Armour, Combi-bolter with Banestrike Ammunition, Melta Bombs, Plasma Pistol, Power Dagger]


Headhunter Kill Teams (250pts) [4x Combi-bolter with Banestrike Ammunition, 5x Headhunter, Heavy Bolter with Suspensor Web and Banestrike ammunition]

Headhunter Prime [Artificer Armour, Combi-bolter with Banestrike Ammunition, Melta Bombs, Power Dagger]

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