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2500 Blood Angels


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Ive been floating about with list ideas for different legions. Always get to the planning phase and never actually buy things. Mostly as I have a Blood Angels legion sat waiting for last weekend. Now after years of running Pride of the Legion, I can finally try something new with the Legion I love



Now I dont have the book ( yet) So this is built using the photos people have so kindly placed on this forum.


The Day of Revelation

[435] Legion Praetor - Artificer Armour, Iron Halo, Jump pack, Blade of Perdition
[xxx] Legion Command Squad - Jump packs, 4x Power Weapons, Power Fist

[165] Legion Librarian - ML2, Artificer Armour, Jump pack, Blade of Perdition

[280] 10 Assault Marines - 2 Power Swords, - Sargent, Artificer Armour
[280] 10 Assault Marines - 2 Power Swords, - Sargent, Artificer Armour

[695] 10 Tartaros Terminators - 2 Assault Cannons, 4 Powerfists, 6 Power Swords
[xxx] Spartan Assault Tank - Armoured Ceramite, TL Assault Cannon

[55] Land Speeder - Assault cannon

[210]Fire Raptor - TL Reaper Autocannon
[190] Predator Strike Squad - 2 Tanks, TL Assault cannons, Heavy bolter Sponsons.
[190] Sicaran Venator

Ok tactics

Spartan, 2 Predators and a Sicaran. Librarian rolls on Biomancy, its the lore most like the BA 40K lore imo. Also +3 attacks with a Perdition Blade is tasty!

Turn 1
The Jump infantry all have to deepstrike turn 1.  The Praetor and Librarian both go with different assault squads. Near infantry blobs, preferably on a flank. The command squad tries to tie up a unit on another flank.  
The Venator is there to stop super heavies dropping blasts on my Deepstrikers. It shoots first, if it fluffs the squads run. If not they will try pin some infantry. Depending on if im 2nd the Terminators try move into position or charge. Predators try stay stationary and unleash the Dakka.

Turn 2
The reserves show up! (Hopefully) The landspeeder deepstrikes and tries to get the rear AV on something (Mostly here because I have to have a fast deepstriker!).  The fire raptor tries to pop some transports or just unleashes hell on a large infantry blob softening it up for a charge for my Assault squads. Assault squads charge, the Sargent's in each unit accept any challenges leaving the HQs to murder units with the Perdition blades. The idea being I win combat and sweeping advance the enemy units. The Venator tries to keeps the blasts at bay

Turn 3, 4, 5 ect
Well its a perfect world! My opponent forfeits and I win! :D

Not really but you get the idea from that point.  Thoughts guys?




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At the Very Least, I'd try to get Power Axes on the Assault Sarges so that they can deal with any equally-equipped Artificer Armored Sergeant for Mutually Assured Destruction in most circumstances rather than being down an Artificer Sergeant and your opponent still having his around to tank stuff with.


And, should the points be available, giving your Assault Sarges and HQs Melta Bombs will help insure that they can deal with any Potential Dreadnoughts; something which they currently cannot do. And in the event that you find yourself with still yet more free points, Combat Shields for the Assault Sarges to give them a 5++ in CC (turning him into a TEQ unit with a Jump Pack) to possibly swing things in your favor when met with another Artificer Sergeant & AP2.


Same goes for the Terminators. Unless you can find the Points for Single Lightning Claws for the guys with Power Swords, Power Axes are a better bet for more Ap 2 Punch who, due to BA Rules, would on a 2+. I'd also try to at least get a single Chain Fist in there for S8 Armorbane.

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Appreciate the input Slipstreams. Thanks alot :D


I know what your saying but the RoW is so restrictive. The only place I could get points from is by dropping something. I could drop the Command squad, because lets face it... they aren't the best. But then I need another infantry squad. The idea with the assault squads are the Sargent is paragon blade bait. I dont expect him to actually swing. He's there to let my HQs do the punching on the unit and hopefully gets me to win combat by 6 or so.  Fully agree on the shield, but again points.


Power axes make sence on the Terminators, but again the RoW gives me the I bonus on the charge, Im trying to actually use it. Hitting first and wounding on 3s should help. These are not my TEQ killers, my 2 Perdition blades are for that. I could drop 1 fist and make the other a chainfist.


So in summary. I need points, but dont know what to drop. The only things I can think of are


Librarian to another consul. Probably a Chaplain. Saves around 40 points for wargear.

Power weapons from the assault squads, and let the HQs do all the heavy work.

1 Predator, though I wouldnt want to. Finally I have 30K Baal predators!!

Command squad to another cheeper unit. A Support squad In rhino with volkite calivers possibly? Use free points on upgrades.

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Honestly, I'd probably just keep the Force Weapon on the Librarian. If you fish for the right power, you can Give him Ap2, right? Coupled with Force for Instant Death and causing multiple wounds isnt an issue due to the rarity of Eternal Warrior. Hell, even use it as a Force Staff for a better S Bonus and Concussive (though you're already wounding on 2s at S5 vs MEQ anyways).


Saves a few points right there.


You could possibly ditch the Heavy Bolter Sponsons on the Predator and get a Pintle Assault Cannon instead. A few less bullets but, hey.


You could also lower the Number of Marines in the Command Squad.

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Hmm, I wonder. Am I reading the rules on the Blade of Perdition wrong? From what I gather 3 attacks with the Blade of Perdition that all hit and wound can kill 6 Marines. Its not multiple wounds 2, its double the wounds caused. The idea was I used the blade Vs the unit and caused the unit to flee because I would glib 6 or so guys with the sword alone.


Anyhow I noticed the last list wasnt legal. More vehicles then units with the LA rule. So a rewrite taking onboard what Slipstreams has said.


The Day of Revelation

[170] Legion Praetor - Artificer Armour, Iron Halo, Jump pack, Blade of Perdition, Melta Bomb
[150] Legion Chaplain - Artificer Armour, Refractor Field, Jump pack, Blade of Perdition, Melta Bomb

[295] 10 Assault Marines - 2 Power Swords, - Sargent, Artificer Armour, Power Axe, Melta Bomb
[295] 10 Assault Marines - 2 Power Swords, - Sargent, Artificer Armour, Power Axe, Melta Bomb

[735] 10 Cataphractii Terminators - 2 Assault Cannons, 2 Powerfists, 2 Chainfists, 6 Lightning Claws
[xxx] Spartan Assault Tank - Armoured Ceramite, TL Assault Cannon

[130] 3 Jetbike Sky Hunters - 1 Multi Melta

[130] 3 Jetbike Sky Hunters - 1 Multi Melta

[210] Fire Raptor - TL Reaper Autocannon
[190] Predator Strike Squad - 2 Tanks, TL Assault cannons, Heavy Bolter Sponsons.
[190] Sicaran Venator


Gone back to plastic Cataphractii, the money I was spending on Tartaros is now going on the Jetbike squad. Swapped the Libby to a chaplain to save a few points for wargear.

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The way I read Deathfire is that 1 wound = 2 on the model its allocated to but has to be saved separately.


That means 3 swings arent killing 6 marines.

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Thats not how wounds work afaik. The weapons does 3 wounds at the I5 step, which double to 6 thanks to Deathfire, and are then placed into the wound pool. You then throw to save vs those wounds and any other wounds done at I5 making sure you split any that have a different Str Ap or rules into separate pools. Thus 3 wounds can kill 6 marines because you have 6 Dice in the Perdition blades wound pool.


I dont have my book to hand but Im sure thats it.

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