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2K Salamanders List - Vulkan and a Librarian

Rusty Nuts

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So, I've played 3 Heresy games in total with the people i play with up here, we all started HH armies and I picked the one nobody else would go...because Vulkan Rules!!!! Upon playing these matches I have learned the units and tactics of the other legions very well, those being (RG, IH, DG, UM, IW, AL, EC and WE). Our Heretic Brothers best us each time but in 2 games were I have used Vulkan, they have focused him greatly until death...and boy can he soak up some shooting!!

Seeing leaks from the new rule sets...Salamanders are going to be using Librarians soon...or at least some of us with a bit of scope will be. As the rules aren't out yet, our group has decided to keep the rules to a current until they do so, so I'm using one with standard rules and Pyromancy for the time being just to get a feel at how they might come into play.

2K Salamanders - Librarian Build (1997pts)

Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Allied Detachment) (927pts)
  • HQ (377pts)
    • Legion Centurion (162pts)

      Artificer Weapons , Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Combi-Weapon, Psychic Mastery Level 2

      • Consul


    • Lord Chaplain Nomus Rhy'tan (215pts)
      • Master of the Legion
  • Troops (550pts)
    • Legion Tactical Squad (250pts)

      Legion Tactical Sergeant, 19x Legion Tactical Space Marines

    • Pyroclast Squad (300pts)

      9x Pyroclast

      • Pyroclast Warden

        Artificer Weapons, Power Weapon

  • Legion
    • Legion Astartes

      XVIII: Salamanders

Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Lords of War) (1070pts)
  • Lord of War (1070pts)
    • Vulkan


      • Firedrake Terminator Squad (645pts)

        4x Dragonscale Storm Shield, 4x Firedrakes, 4x Thunder Hammer

        • Firedrake Master

          Dragonscale Storm Shield, Master-crafted Thunder Hammer

        • Legion Spartan Assault Tank (295pts)

          Twin-linked Heavy Flamer

      • Master of the Legion

        The Covenant of Fire

Librarian will be deployed with the firedrakes and Vulkan and later detached depending on my allies' positions, Nomus will be deployed with the Pyrochlasts.

Tell me what you all think smile.png

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In the Future, avoid listing any and all: Individual Points costs, Unit Summaries (Profiles, rules pertaining to the unit and the like) and Rule Summaries due to those additions being against board rules.



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The list is... well it's pretty weak. Sorry to say.


What are your objectives, look at each unit and assign it a theoretical objective. I'll provide feedback along these lines.


1) Nomus Rhy'tan - Why? 215pts is exessively huge in 2k for such an IC where a regular Chaplain can contribute just as well for less, when you have a Librarian and Vulkan. Drop him to a regular Centurion with some goodies.

2) 20x tacticals - Why? Do you intend to footslog them? They will get wiped by a plethora of AP3 pieplates. They will just get wiped from the board. Split them  2x 10 in Rhinos and objective camp them

3) Pyros need a transport. They will eat gobbets of plasma and artillery and be wiped from the board otherwise.

4) Spartan with no AC or Flare shield will get wrecked turn 1.


It's just too ineffective. Your troops have no way to get anywhere and will be wiped from the board. Your Spartan won't make it to the enemy without AC or FS.


Also a minor note but CoF makes Pyros non-compulsory troops. You still need one more compulsory troop so the list is invalid anyway. As a rework, you just can't fit in Vulkan/Firedrakes AND Pyros, while remaining effective at 2k points. I'd suggest dropping Vulkan, at 2k points he's excessive. You can then upgrade your Spartan and put the Pyros in a Phobos (while making them a full squad, or -1 to to accomodate the Librarian (who has Artificer Armour now).


You say you know what the other Legions throw at you from experience? What kind of lists do you face? Lots of tanks, lots of alpa strike/drop pods? Lots of sneaky sneaky stab stab Raven Guard?


You then have 2 Land Raider sized vehicles for threat dissipation, filled both with hefty dank units. Rhinotacs can secure objectives to taste. You're really going eggs in one basket though.

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You've committed a huge part of your army into one unit, and left very little for support, board control and objectives.


Yes, Vulkan's unit will be hard as nails, and the Spartan will be hard to crack, but not impossible.

I run a Primarch in a 2k list, but I was very efficient with my army composition and I support him and his unit unit with Tacs in Rhinos, 2 Sicarans, a Deredeo and multiple Rapier batteries.


The Pyroclasts are awesome, imo, but they need a safe ride. Their weapons are effective but short range, and you can't afford to have them walk across the board for 2/3/4 turns, to possibly be destroyed.

You can run the Primarch, drakes and Spartan, but they'd work better in a 2.5k - 3k list. Consider dropping the Drakes, and perhaps running Vulkan with the Pyroclasts in a standard Landraider, and thus allowing you additional points to bolster the rest of your force.

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