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Height of an assembled & based knight?


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Sorry to make a thread for this, but I can't find an answer I'm happy with after a few google searches. Some say 6, others 7, others 8... shouldn't really vary that much using established units of measurement...


Can someone please bust out a ruler and measure exactly how tall their knight is, including the base? I'd be very grateful.


This is in regards to the Knight Errant/Paladin variant.


Thank you!

Edited by Venomlust
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Normal Knight - I measure him at 16.5cm, including base to the top flat of his carapace (roughly same height as the exhaust stacks). Hope that helps!


That said - do cross-reference with someone else, just in-case build influences height...

Edited by Chaeron
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Normal Knight - I measure him at 16.5cm, including base to the top flat of his carapace (roughly same height as the exhaust stacks). Hope that helps!


That said - do cross-reference with someone else, just in-case build influences height...


Many thanks!

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I am also interested in the heights/widths/depths of the other knights as well. Plus the weapon barrel heights.


Sadly, can't help on that front! 


I've not got any of my Knights in foam yet - I will probably cut to fit though as Terminus suggests, as that's normally my preferred option to account for how I may have built things :lol:

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