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Un-official FAN Errata brainstorm...

Chaplain Gunzhard

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Antodeniel's Flesh Tearer supplement got me all fired up and feeling creative again. My gaming group is fantastic and I know a 'reasonable' fan-based supplement/errata would be accepted, so I'm starting to put together ideas before I do any of the graphics etc.


The goal is to bring the BA codex in line with current armies - without breaking it!


Ideas so far, some my own some collected/stolen form other sources:




Units of Blood Angels may not go to ground.

A Frag Cannon only generates 1D3 hits when firing in overwatch.



A Blood Angels unit wearing a jump pack or terminator armour can re-roll failed reserve rolls if arriving by Deep Strike. Also, due to the precision of their descent, it scatters D6” less (normally D6” rather than 2D6”). On the turn the unit arrives from Deep Strike it has a 5++ cover save.


Units that include Commander Dante never scatter.

Notes: This is almost the same as the 5th edition codex BA rule; the cover save comes from FW pre-heresy BA.


Dreadnought fixes:

Standard Dread: now has 3 attacks base.

DC Dread: now has Fleet, now has WS5 and 4 attacks base.

Furioso Dread: now has WS5, BS5 and 3 attacks base.

Notes: Dreadnoughts in codex SM all have 4 attacks and the Venerable has WS5 and BS5.


Scout fixes:

Scouts and Scout bikers: now have WS4 and BS4.

Notes: The same as codex SM.


Death Company:

For every 5 DC models, you may subtract 20pts from a single DC dread in the same detachment.

Notes: The deduction is the cost equivalent of a single DC model - yes, fielding 35 DC models would make the DC dreadnought free! ...it just feels like a 3rd edition rule to me so I like it!


Assault Squads:

Assault Squads may be taken as FAST ATTACK and/or 0-1 TROOP selections.

Notes: Many of us would like ASM to just be Troops again but I think this helps without going too far.


Land Raiders:

Any variant of Land Raider can purchase an overcharged engine upgrade for 15pts.

Notes: Can we please use LR's again?



**Fear of Darkness - becomes the Primaris.

1) Quickening...

2) Unleash Rage...

3) Shield of Sanguinius - is a blessing that targets a single friendly unit within 18"...

4) Blood Lance - now 1wc

5) Aura of Sanguinius - is a malediction that targets D3 enemy units within 12". The target

unit(s) must immediately take a Pinning check with a -2 Leadership modifier - 2wc.

6) Wings of Sanguinius – units can now assault after using this power.

Notes: The original powers were almost there but needed some addition love. The Aura of Sanguinius is to provide cover fire for assault units (preventing overwatch etc).



Need 'reasonable' ideas here... I'm thinking along the lines of a Formation for taking lots of ASM as troops, or one allowing ASM in drop pods that count as Assault Vehicles all arriving on turn-2.

Also one with lots of Sanguinary Guard and possibly Honour/Command Squad because I love those!



Fire away guys... what do you think? ...what would you add/subtract?

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I'm working on something similar that when finished I'll post a like to. My only criticism here is that I'm ok with the changes to bring units that are shared between us and the vanilla codex in line but not with changing things like the assault squad bit or the psychic powers. The changes you propose to DC, Land Raiders, Assault Squads, psychic powers and Decent of Angels are simply not warrented.
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Is this men't to be a simple errata/faq to bring us in line with other marine codacies or is it intended to buf some of your units that to bring them up to speed with the current power levels of other marine chapters?

e.g.s if its an errata then things like increasing scouts to ws/bs 4 if its a overhaul to our codex then new detachment etc...

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Da Boss is coming.... =)

Well, i'm happy that my work have emulate and stimulate creativity. Recent HH stuff also provided new regards on the Blood Angels modus operanti and wargear.

I think that their are still plenty of things that could be reworked and bettered looking at the Codex:Blood Angels

About this topic, i think the propositions are reasonable. (You appear to have understand that reasonable is the key word =). )


I'm would glad to show much attention, yet i lack of time. (Daily life, Painting miniature, and foremost the Big Flesh Tearers campaign/novel that i will start soon when my global script concept will be clearly formed (acually 35/50% done^^)...so much work....and all in english...woot.gif )

But, from time to time i try to look at others ideas/project.


Advices :

For my realisation i use : Word (For the document itself, that in the end save as both a Word and a PDF file), Paint & The gimp for the Copy/paste and adjustement on printscreen images, Inkscape to import PDF document to .png, and imgur to upload the later .png .

And finally, first look at little thing, do not thing too big, step by step i will grow. Also, allow yourself some freedom about such project, allow yourself to be either 200% on, 100% or 10% on, do not burn out^^.

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Units of Blood Angels may not go to ground.

Why? BA aren't fearless or too stupid to keep their heads down on occasion. Maybe require a leadership roll.


A Frag Cannon only generates 1D3 hits when firing in overwatch.

Why? Any other weapon with two shots gets to shoot twice as often as a weapon with on shot during overwatch.



A Blood Angels unit wearing a jump pack or terminator armour can re-roll failed reserve rolls if arriving by Deep Strike. Also, due to the precision of their descent, it scatters D6” less (normally D6” rather than 2D6”). On the turn the unit arrives from Deep Strike it has a 5++ cover save.

Why less scatter on the terminators? Terminators do not descend, they are teleported.


Dreadnought fixes:

Standard Dread: now has 3 attacks base.

Why fewer attacks than the SM dreadnought?


DC Dread: can be taken without DC, now has Fleet, now has WS5 and 4 attacks base.

DC dread can be taken without DC already.


Furioso Dread: now has WS5, BS5 and 3 attacks base.

Again, why the different treatment?


Death Company:

For every 5 DC models, you may subtract 20pts from a single DC dread in the same detachment.

Notes: The deduction is the cost equivalent of a single DC model - yes, fielding 35 DC models would make the DC dreadnought free! ...it just feels like a 3rd edition rule to me so I like it!

I don't see that as warranted.


Assault Squads:

Assault Squads may be taken as FAST ATTACK and/or 0-1 TROOP selections.

Notes: Many of us would like ASM to just be Troops again but I think this helps without going too far.

I don't think one more ASM that does not even necessarily have ObSec does not help much. Shooty objective campers are better anyways. Giving the ASM with Jump packs ObSec natively might be an interesting change.


Land Raiders: Any variant of Land Raider can purchase an overcharged engine upgrade for 15pts.

Notes: Can we please use LR's again?

This would certainly improve the overpriced Land Raiders, but I see no reason to give that particular buff. I can't remember reading anywhere that BA Land Raiders are faster than others.

I would prefer bringing back deep striking Land Raiders, but this time with a Mawloc style attack. A huge tank should not disintegrate when it falls on the nose of a grot.



**Fear of Darkness - becomes the Primaris.

Why I don't think BA in general or their psykers are portrayed as exceptionally scary among marines.


3) Shield of Sanguinius - is a blessing that targets a single friendly unit within 18"...

I don't think that power needs changing. In 5th it was a unit within 6" and only a cover save.


5) Aura of Sanguinius - is a malediction that targets D3 enemy units within 12". The target unit(s) must immediately take a Pinning check with a -2 Leadership modifier - 2wc.



6) Wings of Sanguinius – units can now assault after using this power.

Nice. 5th ed WoS would be nice too. I like jumping Libby dreads. If that change was adopted, clarifying that that an immobilized Libby Dread can still move with this power would also be nice.



Need 'reasonable' ideas here... I'm thinking along the lines of a Formation for taking lots of ASM as troops, or one allowing ASM in drop pods that count as Assault Vehicles all arriving on turn-2.

Also one with lots of Sanguinary Guard and possibly Honour/Command Squad because I love those!

Let me think. Would copying the Gladius Strike Force be reasonable? BA are codex adherent after all.


Scions of Azkhaellon

2-4 Units of Sanguinary Guard



All squads must number 10 Sanguinary Guard

One unit must take the Chapter Banner


Special Rules:

Timely Arrival: All units of the formation must start the game in deep strike reserves. You can start rolling for reserves from turn 1 onward (turn 1 requires a 4+, subject to reserve manipulation abilities). Roll only once per turn for all units, if the roll is successful, the all arrive at the same time. Don't place the units separately but place the first model of each unit before rolling for scatter and placing the rest. If you place each first model of the units within 6" of at least one other first model, reduce the scatter by 1d6.

Note: ICs can be attached to the units in the deployment phase and arrive with them.


Noble Sacrifice: When an IC makes a successful LO,S! roll and a Sanguinary Guard is  wounded instead, roll a d6. On a 4+ that wound does not for combat resolution.


For the Glory of the Angel: The +1 attack of the Chapter Banner applies to all units in the formation as long a s the standard bearer is on the table. Instead of the normal range for the reroll of the banner, any unit within 6" of any model of the formation gets the reroll.




Just for convenience on all Sanguinary Guard:

Legendary Craftsmanship: Replace the mastercrafted rule on the Glaives Encarmine with this rule. The unit may reroll one failed to hit roll per model equipped with a Galive Encarmine that can attack.

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Thanks for the speedy feedback dudes. A lot of these are what I saw other people asking for in regards to what our codex supposedly "needs" - but I do personally believe Descent of Angels and the Psychic Powers definitely need an update/buff. As well as a few other things, like Scouts and Dreads coming closer to Codex:SM versions. Again this isn't intended for any official use, and while I absolutely plan to share any final treatment this is just to use with my group hah.


Frankly I've rarely seen any BA players use the codex Psychic Powers because the rulebook powers are just much better; they're better, period.


Quixus thanks for the breakdown!


A few things - the 'no going to ground' rule, comes from the pre-heresy (FW book 6) Blood Angels; and as EVERY Blood Angel in the book gets Furious Charge, I thought it to be appropriate; but if the general consensus is that it's 'unreasonable' it's out!


I think you guys are right about the LR's; though I'd love to use LR's again... and Terminator armour was included in the DoA rule for the same reason, I'd love to use termies again, but point taken - it's not a descent, it's a teleport, so that's out!


The Frag cannon - addressed already, thanks Jolemai.


Scouts - should be the same as codex:SM imo.


The Dreadnoughts - even standard SM dreads get 4 attacks, but most of ours have base 2, which is why I only bumped them up to 3 except the DC. Still all of our current dreads are currently treated differently already, and the DC dread had Fleet in the previous codex when it was almost worth taking.


I can also live without ASM as troops but whenever I see people wish-listing for codex:BA fixes, that is usually on top.


OK --- so the changes that I'd personally really like to see:


Descent of Angels: more like 5th edition version which was far from broken, (ok no terminators lol), and adding the pre-heresy (FW book 6) BA rule of a 5++ cover save on the turn they arrive from DS.


Psychic Powers: Which I really think need a buff. Quixus buddy I do really disagree about this hah:

Quixus wrote:


Why I don't think BA in general or their psykers are portrayed as exceptionally scary among marines.


Anyway, I agree with the guys from FTN about one thing; that "Fear of Darkness" should be the Primaris, and that is a great power.

Also as an assault army we need to be able to PIN units, most of the old mechanics for pinning are taken from us - thus the "Aura of Sanguinius - power".

The "Shield of Sanguinius" I really think should have a range, even if it's 6" rather than 18" - as an assault army we don't often have the benefit of turtling behind cover, seems a given to me unless folks just find it too unreasonable.

I think Blood Lance is so mediocre and 2wc is just too much, should be 1.

And Wings - yeah, why the heck can they not assault after??!? - should be able to.


On the Formation stuff - Quixus love where you are going, and the SG re-roll rule is nice.

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Quixus, a frag cannon is governed by the wall of death rule found under templates, and this states 1D3 per weapon, not per shot.

I know, but AFAIK the frag cannon is the only template weapon that fires more than one shot. So they might have forgotten to add a per shot metric to that rule. I'd think that running through two shot gun blasts would be more deadly than running through one.


@Psychic Powers: My concern was mainly about the switched primaris power.  Making Fear the Darkness available to all ML 1 psykers that roll on the Sanguinary list and all other psykers that roll only on that list implies a predilection for scare tactics that sound more like the Sons of Curze than the Sons of Sanguinius.


Range on the shield is indeed good. The question is should it be an invulnerable or a cover save. As for the range I  thought you meant it affected any and all units within 18" with only one unit being affected the range seem OK.


BTW what's FTN?

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Quixus, a frag cannon is governed by the wall of death rule found under templates, and this states 1D3 per weapon, not per shot.

I know, but AFAIK the frag cannon is the only template weapon that fires more than one shot. So they might have forgotten to add a per shot metric to that rule. I'd think that running through two shot gun blasts would be more deadly than running through one.

@Psychic Powers: My concern was mainly about the switched primaris power. Making Fear the Darkness available to all ML 1 psykers that roll on the Sanguinary list and all other psykers that roll only on that list implies a predilection for scare tactics that sound more like the Sons of Curze than the Sons of Sanguinius.

Range on the shield is indeed good. The question is should it be an invulnerable or a cover save. As for the range I thought you meant it affected any and all units within 18" with only one unit being affected the range seem OK.

BTW what's FTN?

Ahh Sons of Curze hah, now I see what you mean. Yeah I mean, honestly I think strictly in terms of power level it's not any more powerful than any of the Rulebook Primarus powers - but yeah fluff wise perhaps you are right - dang, cuz I don't think Quickening is a proper choice; for my own version perhaps 'Aura of Sanguinius' will be primarus. msn-wink.gif

For Shield - yeah a single unit within XX" range for a cover save, definitely not a bubble affect.

FTN - is the Forge the Narrative podcast, and for the record I can't say I'm a huge fan of theirs, but when they decided to talk about Blood Angels (which they still barely did despite the show title) I tuned in.

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