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Washes and Vehicles


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Hello All,


So I have begun painting up some Iron Warriors and really like their armor with a wash of Agrax Earthshade. I have done several Mk III marines covering them in the wash. Now the washing is going great, but I am staring at my next project, a Legion Basilisk. I am starting to get concerned because I have never used a wash on a full vehicle. The infantry guys have all those recesses and depth and tanks are often covered in huge flat panels with nowhere for the wash to go hide.


What advice can you guys give me so that my vehicles match my marines in tone but don't have streaks and splotches? 


Do I thin the wash? And if so, with what? Is there a great brush out there that helps with this? A whole other technique that I know nothing of?


Any pointers would be most helpful.



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It's been a long time since I painted a vehicle, but I'm about to run into a similar problem painting Raven Guard vehicles and trying to get a bit of blue tone in. Perhaps you might try undercoating parts of the tank in brown, then going over with thinned down layers of whichever black you're using on your Marines?


Although it's an airbrush technique, this might help a bit:




Good luck, I'll be interested to see how you get on.

Something you might look into is using - they're really good for this sort of thing on vehicles because of ease of blending and if you make any mistakes, you can simply wet the brush or a rag with turpentine and remove the mistake. It takes a little more prep in that you will want to gloss coat the model first to protect the previous paint layers from the turpentine, but also to fill in any tiny little imperfections in the paint to make for a smoother application of the wash - not unlike the same process for applying decals to prevent tiny air bubbles from forming underneath the film.

I may experiment on a piece of spare sprue with mixing some Agrax into some leadbelcher and dry brushing that directly onto the model? Maybe that will give close to the correct hue and then I could really work the Agrax into the crevasses the old fashioned way. 


NiceGuyAdi, that airbrushing technique is damn tempting. Though, I don't own an airbrush.





I have always used washes on my vehicles, I like the pooling effect [ not to big a pool tho ], blend it in with dry brushing to give a good...imo....weathered effect.


These two were coated in Gryph Sepia over the yellow with no problem, also same with my larger vehicles.



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