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Adding scions


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I want to add some scions to my army.

I have a leman russ with all the options for the battle tank kit

10 vets with snipers

3 autocannons

10 vets with meltas

3 mortars

Lord commissar


Ccs with various options


I ally with BA with

5 terminators with flamer and Chainfist

5 marines with plasma pistol power fist and a melta

Captain with hand flamer and melta

Castor the damned


What should get in terms of scions to complement this list?

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Scions can add some deep striking melta or plasma for a modest price considering what you get. They can be a reactive force to drop in where they're needed most to cause the most trouble for your opponent. This is arguably one of the better ways you use them and also what would fit your collection best in my opinion smile.png

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So I could have a 10 man squad of scions with 2x plasmas and plasma pistol to run around taking out TEQ and MEQ

I'm not a fan of big Scion units, the hotshot las gun guys are overcosted IMO. I don't mind them as small 5 man teams to maximize special weapons, they can safely drop into terrain downfield and shoot. Hopefully not getting killed.

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I "third" the comments about larger Scion squads. I have done a decent amount of playtesting, and the larger squads just never pan out for me. Instead of a 10-man squad, I would try doing two 5-man squads, maybe one with plasma and one with melta.

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What about using the scions on their own?


You mean, using an all-Scion force without allies?


That would be a totally different ball of wax. In that case, small squads are still good for deep-striking, but you would also want some ground-pounders in Taurox Primes to grab some objectives and these should be 8-10 man squads for staying power IMO.

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I tend to take full up squads of Stormies, since I use them as my elite infantry. I don't really deep strike my stormies, I prefer using them as mechanized forces. That's just me though. I'm just not a fan of deep strike as much as I used to be. The min deployment Elysian list I used to play just got boring, and it was a glass cannon. That just got to be no fun, so now I'm focused more on staying power. That and I wanted to do more combined arms, so I have a little bit of air cav, a little bit of armored cav, and dragoons, with some foot slogging dudes.


I also went to the 5th ed codex, for my games at home, since I can, and it lets me play with penal legion squads.

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If they had made Hot-shot las guns S4 I think they would have been substantially more worthwhile, but clocking in at marine prices it's hard for me to justify larger squads of T3/+4 dudes.


That said I wouldn't call them competitive but they are quite fun. I run the Air Cavalry formation sometimes, the twin-linking is nice but I'd love if they could come in turn one.


Overall they're a bit one dimensional as a stand alone force, there's nothing in the codex beyond Scions, Tauroxes and Valks. So they're best allied with something.

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there's nothing in the codex beyond Scions, Tauroxes and Valks. 

Well...that's true (except you left out the commies), but I've found that a firestorm redoubt with a pair of battle cannons helps out immensely.  It's still boring in terms of model diversity, but those battle cannons go a long way towards covering some of their shortcomings, and what's not nice about filling that bunker with hot shot volley guns?

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