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Liquid Resin Questions


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So I'm using resin to decorate bases (my trial as a swamp turned out amazing) but I noticed the "edge" of my swamp is deformed a bit (I originally used tape to hold the resin in the base while it dried). I'm hoping for a more elegant solution and have no idea what to do to proceed. Basically what I'd like is for the inside edge (Warhammer bases are beveled and the outside or bottom edge is larger) to have a vertical wall of resin.


The smaller infantry bases are he big problem as some of the larger bases I can use paper cups cut out but the small AM infantry bases are to small even for shot glass style paper cups. I'm not sure what to use here. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also if anybody has any links to really good guides for decorating with resin (swamp, water etc) I'd love a link please and thank you.

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Secret Weapon (and probably others) have lipped bases you could use: http://www.secretweaponminiatures.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=79_33_75&zenid=90ec938df3c3a2eca2d145409c927a0d


Alternately, SW has pre-made swamp bases with a depression you can put water effects into.  I've used this product and it turned out very nicely.  http://www.secretweaponminiatures.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=79_30_59&products_id=241


With regular GW beveled bases, you could also cut out the center and create a depression by putting a plasticard filler up through the bottom to create the depression.  Problem here can be leakage of the water effect resin out any cracks in the bottom (experience talking here).

I want to keep as much gw stock stuff as I can, as such I will be using their beveled edge bases on my models. I'm looking for a way to come up of the top edge in a straight line (as tape wants to curve inwards) and I'd like to find a way to avoid that concave look that happens as well. So far I'm thinking I may need to make my own mold for it but I'd rather it didn't come to this.

You could make a cast with Blu-Stuff putty? Build up some layers or card over a base to the depth you want the the resin to go and mould some Blu-Stuff around the sides. and when it's cured you can just add a new base in the bottom each time and pour your resin in. You can make more casts if you're doing lots.

Find a cylinder the right diameter to match the top of the base and glue on. Fix the base with cylinder attached to a board and build a wall around it and pour rubber into the mould not fully covering. Then it's a case of letting it cure.


Once removed it should just be a case of sitting the mould over the base and adding clear resin. You might want to make it fancy and add a channel to the top of the mould to allow you to pour from the side so the resin doesn't get onto the miniature you've sat in the mould.


Even fancier is making the moulds walls in Lego and adding a slit on one side so you can get larger models which over hang the base in and out of the mould.


If your making multiple it's worth the effort. If not just do a ring of glossy card rather than tape. ;)


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