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2k Day of Revelation


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Liking the new BA rules and really want to get into the heresy. I'm going to proxy an army this coming Monday and I'm trying to hammer out a list to use. How does this sound to folks.



Praetor - Jump Pack, Iron Halo, Blade of Perdition, Meltabombs, Digital Lasers, and RoW (Day of Revelation)


Primus Medicae - Artificer Armor, Refractor Field, Jump Pack, Meltabombs, and Power Sword


Damocles Command Rhino - Printle Heavy Bolter



Legion Assault Marine Squad x15 - Power Axe x3 and Sergeant w/ Artificer Armor, Meltabombs, and Power Sword


Legion Assault Marine Squad x15 - Power Axe x3 and Sergeant w/ Artificer Armor, Meltabombs, and Power Sword



Legion Cataphractii Terminator Squad x5 - Combi-melta x5 and Chainfist x2


Fast Attack-

Anvillus Drop Pod


Legion Attack Bike Squadron x5 - Assault Cannons


Heavy Support-

Predator Tank - TL Assault Cannon and Sponson Assault Cannons


Predator Tank - TL Assault Cannon and Sponson Assault Cannons

Battle Plan:
Tanks and bikes deploy on the field and start shooting things up. On turn 1, the reserves come in where they can most help, with the terminators riding the pod and using it for a good setup. Each assault squad gets a character. I'm thinking about swapping the medicae for a chaplain.
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Damocles- good move. Not sure about the hb though.


Praetor needs paragon blade instead really, up to you.


Primus could maybe be a Libby? And get a blade of perdition.


'By honour bound' means you must accept challenges. Ideally you will have a character in there, but safe bet is fist or axe. I like a combat shield too, but that's optional.


You don't have much anti tank in there?


Remember bikes only have a 3+ save, so aren't mega good. Maybe split it 2/3 stick some melta in there? One big group is a nice demolisher or typhon shell.


Preds can also have another cannon on the pintle btw.

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