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The Pilgrym


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I'm sure some of you know already, but for the ones who don't, I thought this forum would be the most appropriate introduction.


The Pilgrym is a campaign culminating in an Inquisimunda game set on TERRA this summer, of around 10 artists. (A true legend involved!) We're pretty much updating something every day as the modeling and storyline progresses. The project has already inspired quite a lot of people in the scene, but the more the merrier! We've found really interesting hobbyists through this project, and would like to extend the conversation.

There really isn't a better inspiration than seeing other hobbyists' similar projects and different takes on the 40k universe.



Also if you've ever explored the Throne World in the form of minis of artwork, it will all feed in!
So please, join the conversation either here or on the site. B&C has given me so much when I made my truescale army (http://ironsleet.com/2015/09/11/story-of-toni/) that I felt I should bring something back, after so many years..


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