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Ad Mech Campaign in Bonny Scotland


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Hi guys

I have been really getting down and dirty...utter filthy at the local campaign. Thought I would do short updates of my Ad Mech until I get more time for battle reports. 

Ad Mech Pre-Campaign (Attack) 

War Convocation (Ad Mech) vs Ghostkeel formation? (Tau)



Tau Turn 2




Tau conceded Tau turn 2 (would've tabled him)

Ad Mech Campaign (Attack) Turn 1:

War Convocation (Ad Mech) vs Nemesis Strike Force (Grey Knights)



Grey Knights tabled in Ad Mech Turn 1. 


Ad Mech Campaign (Defence) Turn 2:

Mean Bully formation? (Orks) vs War Convocation (Ad Mech)

Ork turn 1

Ork Turn 2


Orks tabled in Ad Mech Turn 4. 


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Hmm sadly didnt get the pictures of the Grey Knights. :S He had first turn, I castled in a corner amongst the ruins to force mishaps to his deep strikes. Just blasted what was/did land on the table. 

The game against the Orks bikers, trukks, meganobs and mek boy with custom shield was the hardest game. Grav Destroyers, Infiltrators and Ruststalkers were the star units. Imperial Knight popped taking out 5 of his meganobs and 4 vanguard. Another biker squad obscured by the buildings to the left/top of the pictures. 

For the Tau, I got first turn and just blasted anything within range, focus were on those stealth suits (super unlucky saves and shooting rolls for him), his Ghostkeel was the star in the whole game, I just could not kill it until I got the Infiltrators in CC with it. Towards the end he only had the Stormsurge which was in a wrestling match with my Knight. 


Lessons learned so far:

War Convocation is just silly good. 

Need to memorise all the rules (e.g. forgot about the 6s on taser weapons vs the orks).
Use my protocol doctrines more effectively (especially when the majority are in CC)
Infiltrators, Ruststalkers and lesser extent Dragoons are amazing brawlers. 


Upcoming Ad Mech Campaign Turns:
Advancing further into Grey Knight territory
An attempt on the Dark Eldar territory

Impending Threats:
A separate Tau force is encroaching toward me
Orks want vengeance

Dark Eldar were given me dirty winks at the club....

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