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Zone mortalis strengths of BA

Father Mapple

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Brethren, a little context, first. I'm close to finishing my new gaming area in the house. I'll have a permanent table set up, and I've assembled enough fantasy forts, walls, and towers to have a fortress monastery themed zone mortalis board set up. I like playing 1000 point games, and am wondering if I'm alone in how much I like ZM. If not, I'm also curious about other players' tactics for the game type.


My current list is all types of terminators, but in the past has also included a furioso with frag cannon, some terminators, and some sternguard, but the only evemy I had regularly were Eldar flavors.


So I'm looking for tips specific to Zone Mortalis, including versus different enemies, army composition, units I might not be thinking of that could shine, and tactics.

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If you are using the hostile environment rules (and why aren't you?), rending and template weapons are ace. Suddenly 4 frag missiles becomes a frightening prospect when they become pinning, rending, and are hitting 3-4 marines each due to bunching.


Likewise, the Flamers and heavy flamers become rending also, I believe.


Basically, the obvious stuff. 2+ saves, template and blast weapons.

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Malakim Phoros, I feel, actually becomes a pretty good character to consider in ZM since his main disadvantage, being on foot, isnt much of an issue any longer.


All blasts and template weapons gain shred for free too and if they already have the rule, +1S. Couple that with Hazardous Environments Rending (unless 2+ sv or Void-hardened), and your heavy flamer tacs are pretty scary.

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