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Ultramarines 2500pts Wall of Iron


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Rite of War - Pride of the Legion




Chaplain - 120pts

Artificer Armour

Refractor Field

Power Weapon





Breacher Squad (20 Men) - 425pts

20x Power Sword


Veteran Tactical Squad (10 Men) - 240pts


2x Melta Gun



Rhino - 40pts



Veteran Tactical Squad (10 Men) - 240pts


2x Melta Gun



Rhino - 40pts






Honoured Telemechrus - 255pts


Contemptor Dreadnought - 190pts

DCCW w/ Combi-Bolter

Kheres Assault Cannon



Heavy Support


Spartan Assault Tank - 295pts


Vindicator - 130pts

Laser Destroyer Array


Vindicator- 130pts

Laser Destroyer Array



Lord of War


Roboute Guilliman - 400pts





So the basic idea is to have a wall of armoured targets rolling up the field. The rhinos will keep in front of the vindicators, and Guilliman’s spartan of doom will spearhead the assault.


I decided to slap combi-bolters on the rhinos to mark up targets for Interlocking Tactics. The contemptors will try to charge enemies before the breachers to absorb overwatch and, again, let them use Interlocking Tactics.


Guilliman will give Tank Hunter to the veteran tactical squads, and probably use his cognis signum on one of them where possible. Also, Telemechrus will be able to offset some of the downsides of the breachers’ hardened armour.


Thanks in advance for feedback. :)



Edit #1 So I didn't realise that Breacher's weren't Bulky XD, so I've switched out the squishy command squad for a spartan full of swords and shields.


In addition the predators have been upgraded to vindicator laser destroyers for some dedicated anti-tank.

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My concern would be how slowly the Breachers move without transports, especially since they are equipped for CC. I love the UM breachers, but I think they need wheels.


Are you expecting the Predators to deal with possible super heavies? If so, have you tested that out? I would be worried that they don't have quite enough firepower. I am a little paranoid when it comes to facing superheavies though. You may not see any in your area I guess.

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