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Hey there,

it's been a while and I'm happy to be back and share my visions with you. smile.png

So, what does Tales of Domeria mean?

With the release of the HH Retribution book and furthermore with the idea of blackshields (for those of you, who are not familiar with it: http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Blackshield), I came up with an idea to create my own band of blackshields during the Heresy.

During the last days I played with their fluff and how it could progress, etc. I decided to connect an older project of mine with this new one. Long speach short, here's a short summary of what I'm currently working on.

Kaedes Nex, Moritat Prime of the XIX legion survived the Istvan atrocities. He infiltrates the Tenacious Zeal, a cruise of the XVII legion. Onboard he starts to do what he likes the most: hunting and killing. During this, he finds a couple of survivors, captured by Lorgar's sons for their new rituals and sacrifices. He decides that no marine should end like this. Therefore, he frees them, kills the remaining Word Bearers and seizes control of the cruiser.

In a following discussion, the remaining survivors (of loyal and traitor legions) decide that they can't trust anyone. If even a primarch can be corrupted, who can garantue that their parent legions aren't as well? And who is telling the truth? Horus? The Emperor?

Now on their very own, they are alone against an entire universe. After a couple of months they enter a region of the Imperium which was formerly known as the realm of Domeria. It is no accident that they came here. One of them is secretly influencing their actions, working for a different master than Horus or the Emperor. But who is he and why is he interested in them?

After arriving in Domeria and scouting the sub-sector, they make contact with another force of space marines, the forgotten remains of the II Legiones Astartes, the Sky Lords.

As the enemy of my enemy is my friend, they join forces and face a new thread: the traitor legions of Horus.

So that is what I got. For now, it es very general and needs to get outfleshed.

This thread will work similar to Lord Thorns Sector thread, including informations about the II legion and their history, the blackshields and their members and the realm of Domeria as a whole.

I will updated it time and time again. It'll maybe leed into the creation of a new space marine chapter for 40k. Maybe not. We'll see.

For now, I'll finish this first post with my first "canon" quote.

"Istvaan changed everything. Brothers became enemies. Thousands were slain. A Primarch, one of our godlike fathers, was murdered by one of his closest friends. My own Legion was crippled. Nearly extinct, our father lead the rest of us into hiding, starting a war which only mean was to survive and avenge our fallen men. I did not join them. I did not care for them. The weak and naïve died on Istvann's surface. I survived. I did never trust anyone. Even my father could only keep me at hand, because I let him. I only joined him to become a free man again. I only joined him to become stronger and better in what I always loved to do...to kill...to hunt.
Now, on this bigoted ship, filled with fanatics and traitors, I will hunt again. Freed from the restrains of Corax, I will kill them all. I will again be the Blood Crow."

Private log of Moritat-Prime Kaedes Nex, aboard the warship Tenacious Zeal, XVII Legiones Astartes, the Preachers of the truth - chapter

Kelborn smile.png

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Tales of Domeria



In Heresy it began

10.000 years later it shall end



Table of contents


  • Dramatis personae
  • Chronic of Independence
    • Istvaan
    • The Flight of the Tenacious Zeal
    • Reforming
    • The Arrival
  • The realm of Domeria
    • Rise of Metheus Sa'tal
    • The 2nd Legion
    • The Fall from Grace
    • During the Heresy
  • A new Beginning
    • The avenging Sons
    • Against all odds

Hmm. Using both an official named character and a lost legion? You're not one for dancing around the issue, are you? :P


I'll be honest, I believe these two aspects are not necessary for a good story and, personally, I'd replace them. This is just my own opinion, though.


Anywho, as the first Blackshield thread to arrive post-Retribution, I bid you welcome Kelborn.

Well. I like the premission. But as Olis said, it could work without the Sky Lords. But it is your imagination and if you tue it togheter, then i am sure you have very good reasons for doing so.


I am looking forward on more stuff. But don't forget your knightly duties ;)

Thank both of you.


Sorry, Olis but I didn't get the joke. ^^'


I see your point and I agree that it sounds a bit over the top. Kaedes will likely be a prelude towards the main charakters. I needed a person who frees the prisoners. He will leave them shortly after as he is a loner and not a teamplayer. He wants to hund on his own. Therefore I won't use him so long.


About the II. Good thing is that I'm only brainstorming. I will decide if I'll use them, when I reached the point of no return. ;)

But to be honest, I think that I can make it work. Not quite sure if the II will be represented by only a single marine or a small force from a few dozens up to one or two hundred.


Besides that, this project features the history of the domerian realm, including it' shared past with the II. :)


I won't say the true allegiance of the mysterious marine for now. Let's see if one of you gets it, when I'm releasing more stuff. ;)

Dramatis Personae

During the Horus Heresy

  • Kaedes Nex; Deliverance born Moritat-Prime of the XIX Legion
    • A dark figure of gruesome repute amongst the tightly knit survivors of Deliverance, Kaedes was seen as an ill-omen by his brothers. When the Raven Guard came to Istvaan V, Kaedes came with them, vanishing into the wastes to stalk the Traitors on his own terms. In doing so, he infiltrates the cruiser Tenacious Zeal of the Word Bearers Legion. Onboard he began with doing what he can do best, hunting and killing challenging prey. In doing so, he discovered several other survivors of both Istvaan massacres. Those survivors where doomed to be sacrificed in unholy rituals, the Word Bearers recently enacted. He freed them, so that they can die in a fight. Together, they seized control of the Tenacious Zeal. As he had no more prey to hunt upon, Kaedes Nex left the survivors immediately, taking a shuttle towards another cruiser of Horus forces.
  • Thorim Herrekson; terran born Captain of the XVI Legion
    • Thorim was one of the few remaining terran born legionnaires of the now called Sons of Horus. A steadfast and serious man, he fought alongside his father as the captain of the 14th company for numerous times and he charged unto the surface of Istvaan III without any doubt. During the following months, his faith in his father and the Imperium as a whole was shattered, seeing thousands of his battle brothers perished while fighting their own kin. While Garviel Loken fought against Abaddon and his elite, Thorim and some other survivors seized a couple of landing crafts of the XII Legion, as their former masters nearly abandoned them in their blood lust. The remaining loyalists charged at a small frigate of the III Legion but were stopped before they could inflict any damaged. Picked up from the cold void above Istvaan III, Thorim was given over to the Tenacious Zeal with destiny unknown. Now, freed by an unlikely ally, a small spark of hope for vengeance was enlighten in Thorim, seizing the opportunity to gather more Marines under his command and take the fight back to those who betrayed him.
  • Leachim Atheis; terran born Sergeant of the XVII Legion
    • It is an open secret that the sons of Lorgar changed, when they were reunited with their father. Before that, they XVII Legion was well known as Iconoclast, hunting and destroying any hint of blasphemous religions. When Lorgar was discovered on the dry wastes of Colchis, his utter believe in divinity influenced nearly all of his sons. While his brothers became obsessed in spreading the word of their father, Leachim Atheis, sergeant of the now called Preachers of the Truth chapter, felt uncomfortable with this new course, his brothers willingly accepted. Because of his doubts, he became more and more isolated. When he heard of other legionnaires, who shared his doubts, disappearing, he feared to get "lost" as well. For his own sake, he gave in the new determination of his legion. That all changed on Istvaan V. Refusing to attack the members of the Salamanders, Iron Hands and Raven Guard Legion, he was imprisoned by his own squad and brought back on the Tenacious Zeal, his home since his induction into the Legiones Astartes.
  • Cas Giaco; Chemos born Apothecary of the III Legion
    • Cas was well known as the good guy within the III Legion. A man everyone trusted, he forever was amongst the first to risk his own life to safe that of his brothers. Always seeming as an easy member of the Apothecary, he hided his fears and the horrors he had faced inside of him, never sharing his really thoughts. Those horrors had their peak on the surface of Istvaan III. Although he risked his life for countless times, he was not able to save all of his brothers who fought on the loyalist side. He joined forces with Thorim Herrekson and was at his side during their attack on the Doombringer and was as well captured by Horus forces. Now aboard the Tenacious Zeal he cares for the imprisoned, especially for those who survived the atrocities of the XVII's new rituals as their mental and physical condition worsened dramatically.
  • Bav Ragor; Nocturne born Techmarine of the XVIII Legion
    • One of those who were captured at last, Bav is a battle hardened member of the XVIII Legion who survived the betrayal of Istvaan V. Having been witness to both, the death of Ferrus Manus and the disappearance of Vulkan, his belief in the Primarchs and the loyalty of all of the Legions has been extinguished. Now, a cynic and moody character, Bav only fights for the sake of avenging his fallen comrades.
  • Van Ryddek; terran born scout of the VIII Legion
    • Even in a Legion of murders and maniacs, there is sometimes an excpetion. Since his induction into the VIII Legion, Van Ryddek was a loner. He perfectly fitted the profile of a Legion Seeker, hunting in the shadows, lurking for the right opportunity to strike. Although some would call him a creature of the night, he indeed has his own kind of code of honor. A very rare sight within the ranks of Curze's sons, it should not amaze someone when Ryddek was betrayed by his own brothers. During the Dop Site Massacre, Ryddek tried to warn the loyalist Legions, as he did not see any honor in backstabbing their own comrades. His attempt was detected and his own brothers charged on him. Broken and defenseless, he was no adversary when the sons of Lorgar came to pick him up. Aboard the Tenacious Zeal he recovered and waited until he gets the chance to receive his power daggers. When the time has come, the shadows will not be safe anymore.
  • The Secret Voice; unknown
    • Among the survivors of the Tenacious Zeal, there is one legionnaire who is not what he seems. Secretly influencing the others, he directs the Zeal towards an unknown destiny. Even his fealty is ambiguous. Does he work for Horus and tries to lead them unto a road of damnation? Is he still loyal to the throne and wants to gather other loyal forces to strike back at Horus and his followers? Or is there another being out there who tries to take the advantage out of the coming war? Only the Voice knows what is coming next for the survivors of the Istvaan atrocities and what destiny awaits.


Hey there,

first update introducing some of the main characters. Those bias will be added when I got more stuff done.

Hope you enjoy it. As always C&C is welcome. smile.png


  • Cas Anova; Chemos born Apothecary of the III Legion


Just a personal aside - my opinion on naming characters leans towards making the reference pretty obscure. Like making it an anagram. Or 'mutating' it through several iterations. I'm guilty of doing this, too (something I need to sort out, actually) but I really do think you can do better than "Cas Anova". :wink:

Well...yeah, you're right. tongue.png

Renaming in 3...2...1...

Cas Giaco instead of Cas Anova

Funny thing is that I wanted to change his name before posting. Forgot it. Thanks, Olis.

What would I do without you? <3

I also edited the table of contents to give you a short glimpse of what will come.

Would call him the Voice of Istvaan. ;)


Guys, next week will be good for Domeria. As I'm off partcipating at an academy in Warsaw, I'll likely find enough time to work on this and write something down. Right now, my head is full of plots, possible ends, etc. And I really need that free space to get something done.


And I will likely need your help as well as there are some thing I'm not sure about.


See ya. :)


What do you think of this color scheme?

It shall represent the fallen Astartes of Istvaan:

- black, overall color of the dead

- red, the shed blood of the betrayed Astartes

- bone-white, the broken bodies of those left for dead


Although these are the main colors, every member is allowed to vary them. Therefore one Angel could have red gloves or a white faceplate, etc.

Hey there,


I revised my initial ideas and came to the conclusion of cutting the 2nd Legion. Domeria will remain as their former realm but all memories were eradicated and now one remembers them.


Instead of them, I will make use of a forgotten outpost of the Ist Legion. With that I have a better background concerning Color scheme, name, etc.


I'm missing a reason why they would join the blackshields. It should have to do with the Lion but I can't figure out what could happen to lead loyal DAs into independence (and Caliban haven't occur by then). Any ideas?


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