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2500 Themed Lists for Soft Events

Lord Blackwood

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So I probably just made my last big purchase before June which is when the Facebook group im in is planning to start setting up events. They are encouraging painted armies and are trying to keep the idea of just hard as nails lists to a minimum. I am making it a point to leave all 8 knights at home , half because I want to keep the theme of it being a legion event and half because I dont want to deal with transporting them , I have a few lists ive been tinkering with and I could really use some help , I should be able to travel with everything as it all fits in two crates in my truck.

Some Criticism and help tweaking , suggestions , nitpicks , all would be both welcome and appreciated.
Also if yer in the North Western Area Washington Oregon and so forth you can check out the group at


Pride List , Terminator City Bird Gang , 50 Floating points

+++ PRIDE OF THE MOTHER censored.gif: ING LEGION (2450pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2450pts) ++

+ HQ (230pts) +

Sigismund (230pts)
Master of the Legion [Pride of the Legion]

+ Troops (1100pts) +

Legion Terminator Squad (645pts) [4x Legion Terminators, Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 4x Thunderhammer, 4x Vigil Pattern Storm Shield]
Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blade, Flare Shield]
Legion Terminator Sergeant [Thunderhammer, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield]

Legion Terminator Squad (230pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Chainfist, Legion Terminator Sergeant, 4x Legion Terminators, 3x Power Fist, Reaper Autocannon, Teleportation Transponder]

Legion Terminator Squad (225pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Chainfist, Heavy Flamer, Legion Terminator Sergeant, 4x Legion Terminators, 3x Lightning Claw, Teleportation Transponder]

+ Heavy Support (555pts) +

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (180pts) [Dozer Blade, Lascannons]

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (180pts) [Dozer Blade, Lascannons]

Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer (195pts) [Dozer Blade]

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [VII: Imperial Fists]

+ Lord of War (565pts) +

Legion Fellblade (565pts) [Armoured Ceramite, Space Marine Legion Crew]

The Next List has a few more bodies in it and some rapiers tho with only 5 floating points i reckon it would be difficult to make room for the shatter shells.

+++ More Bodies (2495pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2495pts) ++

+ HQ (230pts) +

Sigismund (230pts) [Master of the Legion]

+ Troops (965pts) +

Legion Tactical Squad (210pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Combi-Weapon, Melta Bombs]

Legion Tactical Squad (210pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Combi-Weapon, Melta Bombs]

Templar Brethren (545pts) [6x Combat Shield, 6x Templar Brethren]
Chapter Champion [Combat Shield, Solarite Power Gauntlet]
Land Raider Phobos [Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blade]

+ Elites (180pts) +

Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (180pts)
Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun')]
Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun')]
Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun')]

+ Heavy Support (555pts) +

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (180pts) [Dozer Blade, Lascannons]

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (180pts) [Dozer Blade, Lascannons]

Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer (195pts) [Dozer Blade]

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [VII: Imperial Fists]

+ Lord of War (565pts) +

Legion Fellblade (565pts) [Armoured Ceramite, Space Marine Legion Crew]

This one is more of a mini Armored Company using the Onslaught Chart

+++ The 775th Armored (2500pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Onslaught) (2500pts) ++

+ HQ (195pts) +

Legion Centurion (195pts) [Artificer Armour, Cyber-familiar, Rad Grenades, Refractor Field, Solarite Power Gauntlet]
Consul [Forge Lord]
Relics of the Dark Age of Technology [indomitan Mantle]

+ Troops (210pts) +

Legion Tactical Squad (210pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Combi-Weapon, Melta Bombs]

+ Elites (540pts) +

Legion Terminator Squad (540pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Chainfist, Legion Terminator Sergeant, 4x Legion Terminators, 3x Power Fist, Reaper Autocannon]
Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Dozer Blade, Flare Shield]

+ Heavy Support (930pts) +

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (180pts) [Dozer Blade, Lascannons]

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (180pts) [Dozer Blade, Lascannons]

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (375pts)
Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Armoured Ceramite, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger]

Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer (195pts) [Dozer Blade]

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [VII: Imperial Fists]

+ Lord of War (625pts) +

Legion Glaive Special Weapons Tank (625pts)

Im kinda aware that ill likely be outnumbered by other legion forces , the hope is that the firepower of the vehicles can give me some breathing room.

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I  sorta put together a more body heavy list with a cheaper LoW and more bodies ( 35 )  

This would require me buying 3 more jetbikes and a typhon  but I dunno , if its better than the other lists  I may be willing to spend that money

+++ Buying More Stuff (2500pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2500pts) ++

+ HQ (230pts) +

Sigismund (230pts)

+ Troops (390pts) +

Legion Tactical Squad (195pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour]

Legion Tactical Squad (195pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour]

+ Elites (665pts) +

Legion Terminator Squad (665pts) [2x Chainfist, Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon, 7x Legion Terminators, 2x Lightning Claw, 2x Power Fist, Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon]
Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blade, Flare Shield]

+ Fast Attack (290pts) +

Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron (290pts) [Melta Bombs, 6x Space Marine Sky Hunters, 2x Volkite Culverin]

+ Heavy Support (555pts) +

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (180pts) [Dozer Blade, Lascannons]

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (180pts) [Dozer Blade, Lascannons]

Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer (195pts) [Dozer Blade]

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [VII: Imperial Fists]

+ Lord of War (370pts) +

War Machine Detachment (370pts)
Legion Typhon Heavy Siege Tank [Armoured Ceramite]

As always suggestions are really appreciated 

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