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Model transport

Yoyo ninja

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I am currently looking at the GW crusade case as model transport, as my current case is to small to get 3 Knights in. Does anyone use one of these and if so how much more space is there with 3 Knights in it? Ideally I would like to transport my space wolves along side my Knights.
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I wrap mine in tissue paper like Christmas ornaments, then carry them in a cardboard banker's box. Four Knights per box, not a single broken part in two years.

Good to know!  I'm looking into getting some means of transporting troops, and have been too nervous to try something cheap (but too reluctant to drop $100s on a case when I could buy more models instead).  Good to know it's not as dangerous as I have been thinking!

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I splashed out on a GW case and it works well. I got 3 Knights and my space wolves force in the same case, no pods though, they went in a separate bag. I like the idea of the magnets on the base and put them in a metal box, sounds like an easy way to keep them safe.
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I have used GW, army transport, and battlefoam cases over the years. I have a KR multicase backpack, but haven't used it for lack of trays. The GW case (mind you, this was 15 years ago, but the newer ones are visually similar) with its hard plastic shell was very good at keeping models safe, but the shell was thick and tray options were incredibly limited (tray options may be better now?), so it was very bulky without carrying much. One of the latches broke, sealing its doom.

I used a single army transport motor pool case as my only case for over a decade. The case itself feels cheap, but the zipper is still going strong after over a decade, and I only really needed to supplement it with loose models when fielding my 17-vehicle mech guard list. I have probably 10x as much foam as will fit inside, the trays are great for packing models for a move, too. I have a couple of very large models (mortarch of sacrament and elspeth von draken come to mind) that don't quite fit in the 4" deep tray, but a pair of trays facing one another with carefully sculpted cutouts cradle them very nicely in a bomb-proof manner.

Recently, I started getting Battlefoam. I started with the Pack Air because I wanted to be able to transport four valkyries in a single case, and the ability to design custom trays using their online tool sealed the deal for me. One could haul all of the vehicles to field both the air cav formation AND the taurox prime formation in a single case, but I had them cut me trays that fit everything their 2x valk tray does, plus room for the tank cutout to accomodate a vanquisher cannon and with six sentinels,heavy weapons teams cutouts instead of four...sweet! Later I got a bag and foam sized just right to haul my standard WHFB empire list...right before WHFB went away. Oh, well, I'm repurposing it for the 2000 point 30k list I'm working on. Holds the tray for a storm eagle and four oversized dreads, a termie tray, and a 32mm-based infantry tray, that's just right for my alpha legion build...all that won't end up fitting is a dreadnought drop pod. Battlefoam also has cardboard boxes (I bought two) sized for their standard trays, those make cheap substitute cases for going gaming, but they're really great for packing up your models for a move, and if you have multiple multi-thousand-point armies, they're great for keeping them organized when you're not going to game with a particular army for a while (like my tau...played a mega-battle in November, first time they'd hit the table in ten years!)

I have a KR multicase backpack, the quality might even be higher than the impressive battlefoam cases. I haven't bought any cases, but I'll probably pick some up at this year's NOVA open. That way, I can wear my stormtroopers on my back while hauling the Pack Air with their trucks and planes.

Since I move around a lot, I have to spend a lot on trays for my models...but having just the right case to transport them back and forth to games makes getting everything in and out of the car incredibly convenient, I can't recommend nice cases enough.

/edit/ Still not happy with any of the foam tray options from ANY company for transporting a knight, though...my knight just gets to lie flat on his back in a box on the front seat of the car mellow.png

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  • 2 weeks later...
Worth checking out your local tools shop too. Often sells hard plastic carrying cases with pluck foam. Built like a tank most of the time and way cheaper than custom. Think the hard cases battlefoam sells.. At less than half price
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Do you have a link or a picture to those cases? My local hardware store is a bit paradox. It's a "Hornbach" (a pretty big brand here in Germany) but they somehow don't sell a lot of stuff that one would think they would have in their inventory. For example they don't have foam board and the only types of stryrodur they have are large plates used for heat isolation (which are great for building a gaming table btw). 


Because of that I fear that they will only have some tool-boxes which are hard plastic but have no foam or smth. 

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