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Solar auxilia 3000 pts


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lord marshall  displacer matrix

command squad  2 grenade launchers

tank command 


5 ogryn 

3 rapiers  thud guns

6 servitors  engisser with cortex controler and grav gun the servitors got grenade launchers.

househlod retinue   volkites


tecio 1

lassrifle section 

flamer section 

aegis line 

tercio 2

storm section  Volkites

dracosan  demolisher  cannon


 leman russ  battletank

leman russ battletank

leman russ anhilator extra  lasscanon


1 castellax 

3 thallax  with plasma fusil

1 castellax 

 low     stormlord extra sponsons

total 3000


This army is a quite flexible army. The initial idea is to just wait for the oponent to get close to you while you just destroy his infantery beetween rapiers, Commanded stormlord with prefered enemy, and the russes. I use the flamers on dracosan to harass a litle bit one flank with the anhilator . and int he other flank the thallax with a normal battletank. The center is well guarded by the stormlord with "gifts" ( ogryns/household) to counterassualt, or use it more agressively. Also the command squad lasrifle and the thudd guns. 

Knights and spartans i would just ignore, but the rest of thank beetween thuds and my tanks could be dealt with.

What do you think of this list, any change? So far i own everything except 2 rapiers , the dracosan and the command squad.

Edit:took out points

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Could you put that list in a more readable format? I don't think you'll get many replies with it laid out like that.

From what I can make out, it looks alright. I'll take a proper look at it once you fix the formatting. smile.png


Yep i saw i changed it now, it was from excell it looked like clean but then it got all together, now is better no?

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Yeah, that's much better looking. It looks like an interesting list to play. I like that you're including the mechanicum units, but how do you plan on getting them into combat? They're not especially fast. 


I've never played them so take this with a pinch of salt, but I doubt I could ignore a couple of spartans, which no doubt have flareshields and something nasty inside. Perhaps consider taking vanquishers on the russes and/or giving the thallax meltabombs? I hear a lightning with krakens will do nasty things to armour as well.


Hope this is helpful.



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Yeah, that's much better looking. It looks like an interesting list to play. I like that you're including the mechanicum units, but how do you plan on getting them into combat? They're not especially fast. 


I've never played them so take this with a pinch of salt, but I doubt I could ignore a couple of spartans, which no doubt have flareshields and something nasty inside. Perhaps consider taking vanquishers on the russes and/or giving the thallax meltabombs? I hear a lightning with krakens will do nasty things to armour as well.


Hope this is helpful.



The meltabombs i think it is a great idea.

I like the lighting idea but saw the model in FW and do not like it at all... maybe using a hellblade as proxy could be an option, i ll se with my group

Vanquishers is because of my luck with one shot models.. So far out of 5 games with dark eldar not one dark lance of a raider ever impacted ( use normaly 4) same with hammerheads etc...


The mechanicum creatures would be an assurance close to the line, a counterchage measure, also their shooting are quite ok. In case my ennemy would be more defensive they could ride in the stormlord and throw them to the charge, with the ogryns, and the engiseer with the haywire shots could wreck some armor. 

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I'm not sure if monstrous creatures can ride in transports, but if they can, that sounds like a plan. I get you on the vanquishers. A single dice of destiny lets you down more times than not, which is one reason I like the Stormlord.



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Couple of pointers - check the forum rules before posting army lists. You have all the points listed for your units, which you can't do exactly. If they have purchased an upgrade, i.e: your Dracosan, you can state the points. If not, you can't post it.


Infantry are the only models that can ride in transports, so no Castellax. And I'm pretty sure having a Cortex Controller only alows 1 unit of either Thallax or Castellax, so you'll have a few points free.


You said you would just ignore Knights and Spartans? O_o Sorry to say it, but that's crazy-talk. Firedrakes in a Spartan will roll right up to your gunline and murderate everything. And Knights cannot be ignored...


I'd be keen to get Armoured Ceramite on that Stormlord - melta will strip a lot of HP from it. The Ogryns could use it as an assault transport too, as it counts as Open-topped for embarking and disembarking.


You could also tool up the Lord Marshall for combat and give his Household Retinue power axes & shroud bombs. Lord Marshalls with the works are actually really good in combat - WS5, 2+/3++, Eternal Warrior, Paragon blade. The Household Retinue will also have WS5 with S4 AP2 attacks...

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the axes in the retinue is a nice idea. 

The cortex controller open you the possiblity to have them in heavy support i did not read any limitation in the book, like the ones the legions get.

The knights/spartan still i do not know what to put to counter, the engiseer unit got 7 shots haywire at 24 inch and the shells of the rapier, maybe change the rapier to laser destroyers?

Also got the option to use a cerastus knight archeron instead of the stormlord, so more antiarmor.

Did not saw the ceramite entry in the stormlord, nice point.

I do not like a combat marshal my army would loose the ld 10 while he is in combat, he is a coward, he ll be sitiing wiht the riflle guys.

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The Engineseer only allows you to select Battle Automata, Thallax are not Battle Automata and don't have a Cybernetica Cortex.


You also don't seem to be limited to one unit of Castellax per Enginseer. It says if one or more cortex controllers then additional battle automata units become available. Not for each Cortex controller an additional Battle Automata unit becomes available.


You should also be able to take Domitar, and Vorax Battle Automata if you want instead/as well.

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