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A 2000pt GT battle rep


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So I had posted this in the warseer forums for fellow guardsmen to learn from. But I don't think many ended up reading it.

I rescued it from there and decided to post it here as a resource.

The tournament was Nov 2015, but is still current as the new tau codex had been released and none of the other armies I faced have received an update yet either.


Now I know some might yell heresy because my list contains two knights. But I honestly think at that point level its hard to stay competitive without one or two handy. Unless you want to spend 2/3 of your turn moving and removing bodies.

Having said that my next tournament is a team event 1500pts w/LoWs and Super heavies / GMCs allowed and I will not be fielding a Knight or baneblade. So I will see how I go (an update on that tournament to come in my mordian thread)


Anyways here it is for those who are interested:

So I guess I'm posting this up more as a guide for other players looking at putting together a competitive AM list more than for a list for review.

Having said that I am interested in hearing any feedback.


I took this list to a tournament last weekend, the basic rules were

* 2 days, 6 games

* Australian FAQ

* players were ranked and placed against other players with similar community comp (http://www.communitycomp.org/)

* Forgeworld was not allowed

* There was a 1 LOW maximum (with the exception of the Oath sworn Knight detachment)

* There was a 3 detachment limit with "complex formations" counting as 2 and same with the oath sworn knight detachment



I ended up finishing 23rd of 66 on 3-3 with 70/120 points.


1st game 20-0 vs AM Steel legion

2 knights against an AM tank line just leaves carnage when they can't take them out in time


2nd game 0-20 vs Tau with storm surge,

My opponent knew what they were doing deep striking and outflanking tau shenanigans guaranteed he made it into my tank line by 2nd turn destroying everything, with the feint and ambushes he was able to get around my knights shields and in melta range and obliterate them. This kind of army and style was always going to be my weakness



3rd game 20-0 vs SM black Templars


A small elite build with 3 land raiders, a knight, 1 squad of terminators and a couple of tac marines. Knights made short work of 2 land raiders and squashed the terminators the Knights succumbed to sustained lascannon fire and power fists, but by that point i still had plenty of armour and troops around to deal with any other threats


4th game 20-0 forfeit

Was meant to be against another SM player, but the now show meant I was given the win automatically and pushed up the rankings for a more challenging 5th and 6th game


5th game 8-12 vs Ultramarine pinion demi company with Knight Gallant.

I should have won this game by 1 point, but my excitement in the final round saw me run off the 2nd end of game objective and lost on secondary and tertiary scores. The outflanking ignore covers hurt me here with 2nd turn again seeing reserves coming into my deployment zone and getting in the to the rear of my Armour giving up plenty of kill points. Although I had destroyed a lot of his units to a point where they were not a threat they weren't removed from play, denying me the kill points.


6th game 2-18 vs Necrons.

This actually felt a lot closer than the final scores showed and my opponent agreed. I had the first few turns of the game destroying 2x 5 wraith units and 3 of his annihilation barges early. However not realising how close to time we were I didnt go for end of game objectives soon enough which left me in no mans lands with my 2 knights and his lynch guard coming on turn 4 and managing to assault into Pask and a chimera saw him win out on kill points and claim my deployment objectives while I had none.



So with all that my list was:


Codex 1: Astra Militarum

Detachment 1: CAD (Primary)



Tank Commander (Warlord)

1x Knight Commander Pask

Leman Russ Punisher

Turret Mounted Punisher Gatling Cannon

Hull Mounted Heavy Bolter

Sponson Heavy Bolters

1x Leman Russ Executioner

Turret Mounted Executioner Plasma Cannon

Hull Mounted Lascannon

Sponson Plasma Cannons



2x Veteran Squad

1x Veteran Sergeant

6x Veterans

3x Melta Gun Veterans


Turret Mounted Multi-Laser

Hull Mounted Heavy Bolter



Militarum Tempestus Scions

1x Militarum Tempestor

2x Militarum Tempestus Scionz

2x Melta Gun Militarum Tempestus Scions


Fast Attack

Hellhound Squadron

1x Hellhound

Turret Mounted Inferno Cannon

Hull Mounted Heavy Bolter

Dozer Blade

Vendetta Squadron

1x Vendetta


Heavy Support

2x Wyvren Battery

1x Wyvren


Codex 2: Imperial Knights

Detachment 2: Oathsworn Detachment


1x Knight Errant

1x Knight Warden


Army List Totals: 2000pts


All in all I was pretty happy with how my list went. It has the same issue as my guard lists which is doesnt like stuff in its back line. If I knew that was would be an issue I would try and hold my Knights back but that wasn't always an option.

The hellhound was an under performer it either wasnt useful against the list, got blown up early as a threat or immobilised itself in the middle of the board even with a dozer blade. Although I still want to use it in future, possible with the new Cadian formation.

The vendetta did alright and was good for grabbing line breaker and end of game objectives and was a good perceived threat.

Cant fault the knights, pask and his buddy were good.

The effective range of this is quite short for a guard list with most things having a 36" range. Given that most games are played on the short edge I didnt mind this.

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