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3000 points Emperor's Children - need to fill last 250


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I've been bouncing between the Sons and the Children for my next Legion project, and since I want to go heavily for melee, I think Children are where it's at. I've put together a list that uses all the models I like (that relic contemptor is very EC with all of its aquilas, so goes well with the EC contemptor) and just need to fill the last heavy support choice.


Warlord: Fulgrim

Trait: Night Attacker

Rite of War: Kakophoni


HQ: Delegatus - artificer armor, master-crafted phoenix spear, boarding shield, sonic shrieker, melta-bombs - 112

Elites: 7x Phoenix Terminators - grenade harness, sonic shriekers - 370

Elites: 9x Veterans - Sgt w/artificer armor & phoenix spear, 4 power swords, sonic shriekers, melta-bombs, tactic: Furious Charge - 293

Elites: Contemptor Cortus in DDP - chainfist/powerfist, two grav guns - 240

Elites: Contemptor Cortus in DDP - chainfist/powerfist, two grav guns - 240

Troops: 10x Kakophoni in Rhino - Sgt with artificer armor & power sword - 300

Troops: 10x Kakophoni in Rhino - Sgt with artificer armor & power sword - 300

Fast Attack: Dreadclaw - 100

Heavy Support: Kharybdis Assault Craft - 260

Heavy Support: Deathstorm Pod - drop assault, krak launchers - 145

Heavy Support: ???

Lord of War: Fulgrim


So we're at 2740 so far. Fulgrim and phoenix terminators go into Kharybdis, delegatus and veterans go into dreadclaw. What I drop first will depend on the opponent, but it will usually be Kharybdis and both dreadnoughts, followed by dreadclaw and deathstorm pod.  With Night Attacker (would pick something different vs. night lords!), the Kharybdis can jink for a 3+ cover save and the dreadnoughts/pods will have a 4+ cover save.


My weakness as I see it so far are flyers and massed armor.  Here are the options as I see them for those last 260 points.


Option A: Fire Raptor Gunship with reaper batteries and an 8th phoenix terminator.  Gives me anti-flyer and anti-transport and anti-personnel capability, but it's yet another part of the army that starts in reserve and I have no reserve manipulation ability for vehicles.


Option B: Deredeo Dreadnought with Aiolos Launcher and an 8th phoenix terminator.  Similar roles as above, plus provides a bit of interceptor cover for my Kakophoni rhinos, while starting on the table.


Option C: Venator Tank Destroyer with lascannon sponsons and an 8th phoenix terminator (shave 10 points somewhere).  Leaves me wide open to flyers, but gives me more juice against Typhons.


Option D: drop kakophoni swords and metabombs from delegatus, add squadron of two Vindicator Laser Destroyers (one with machine spirit for split fire).  This is a very solid choice that gives me strong ground anti-transport or even anti-monstrous creatures and terminator capability.  Again, though, I'm left wide open in the sky.


Option E: Drop one of the Cortus Contemptors for a Leviathan, and use the extra points for a Javelin speeder and an apothecary for the Veterans.



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Personally I'd drop the deathstorm and go for a las vindi and deredeo.


You'll always struggle to get much in with a primarch at 3k, I usually play at 3500+


But looking at your list, with that many pods, take a Damocles. It will give you reserve manipulation along with fulgrim. And the 24" no scatter is nice. And orbital bombardment.


A delegatus I have found is weak at above 2k, for a few extra points you can make him a chaplain or forge Lord with rad grenades. Better buffs than a delegatus. And fulgrim has rite of command anyway.


Fulgrim is pretty nifty on combat, so def worth taking something that can cover him as you have done.


I haven't managed to try out ec with the new rules yet. How annoying!!

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Deathstorm cannot be dropped with the current set-up, as that throws off the balance on pods.  The list as is also doesn't need reserve manipulation since 3 pods come in turn 1 and 2 come on the second turn.  The kharybdis and dreadclaw can land at a distance and the rest have inertial guidance systems.


The 40 points or so that I have floating around could certainly go towards a stronger combat character, thanks for that suggestion.  The Chaplain is a bit awkward due to having to pay points for a power weapon he won't use, but the Forge Lord with rad grenades so that the phoenix lances are hitting at S7 and all the power swords at S6 sounds pretty nice actually.


I could do something like this, I could also take Master of Ambush for the trait, in which case I could infiltrate the Kakophoni and the Assault Marines with Fulgrim. In a perfect world, the Assault Marines will get like 50 points cheaper so I can squeeze an apothecary in there somewhere.


HQ: Forge Lord - artificer armor, phoenix spear, boarding shield, sonic shriekers, rad grenades - 127

Elites: 5x Palatine Blades - phoenix spears, sonic shriekers - 190

Elites: 5x Phoenix Terminators - grenade harness, sonic shriekers - 290

Elites: Contemptor Cortus in DDP - chainfist/powerfist, two grav guns - 240

Elites: Contemptor Cortus in DDP - chainfist/powerfist, two grav guns - 240

Troops: 8x Kakophoni in Rhino - Sgt with artificer armor, power sword - 260

Troops: 8x Kakophoni in Rhino - Sgt with artificer armor, power sword - 260

Troops: 10x Assault Marines - Sgt with artificer armor, phoenix spear, combat shield, 2x power swords, sonic shriekers - 318

FA: Dreadclaw - 100

FA: Dreadclaw - 100

Heavy Support: Deredeo Dreadnought with Aiolos - 220

Heavy Support: Vindicator Laser Destroyer - 130

Heavy Support: Krak Pod - 145

Lord of War: Fulgrim - 380

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Yes so you give him a spear,for the i6/7 challenge on round one.

If you don't kill the opponent, you have ap2 available for the next round to go through arty armour (axe)

If you do, you can either use ap3 for marine killing with spear at i5, or ap2 at i1 for others.

Pretty simple really!

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I like that in theory, I would model some kind of suitably bad-ass glaive to represent all his "combat styles". For this particular list, though, I do really like the forge lord so that I am S6 AP2 on the charge, and S5 AP3 in ensuing rounds with all those spears and swords.

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