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Prot's Bloodthirster(s) And Daemonkin (More Pics Added)


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In case you missed it... my first Bloodthirster: LINK

My second thirster is the D thirster of course. I have to admit these are super time consuming so I may have to give it a rest and will have to reconsider the value of doing the Wrath Thirster.




I know you guys like bigger pictures which obviously expose my issues, but these seem pretty big, and still unfortunately my camera doesn't seem to pick up the reds as rich as I think they are in real life... oh well. Also there are some nice subtle greens from the Nihilak oxide paint I often use on my beaten up Brass stuff... but it's almost non-existent in the pictures (it's easy to over do it but I have a technique I like.)

The challenge with this D-thirster was doing a scheme that looked different enough from my Fury Thirster without looking like it didn't belong in the same 'family' as the other bloodthirster.

Please see my KDK thread linked in my signature for other KDK pics.


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What crap...


I mean, it's not fair that people get all this skill and everything I paint, after 24 years in the hobby looks like my 3-yr old did it blindfolded.


That is a truly inspiring and frightening 'Thirster.

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Also, Prot, sorry for cluttering the thread - but was it you that wrote out a really long and awesome post about what you were hoping for in The Master of Mankind? I can't find it anywhere, perhaps because of inherent useless, perhaps because I imagined it. But if it was you, I'd appreciate a link, dude!

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What crap...

I mean, it's not fair that people get all this skill and everything I paint, after 24 years in the hobby looks like my 3-yr old did it blindfolded.

That is a truly inspiring and frightening 'Thirster.

Thank you very much.... at first I was a little confused by your opening comment. ;)

Um, why is that streetlight on his base still going? there is enough rage there to darken the sun!

Great job mate thumbsup.gif Love the glowey wings and classic red flesh tones.

Errm, this Bloodthirster was an electrician in another life. He untwisted his axe handle and got out his multimeter, then started soldering the..... ah forget it. It's space magic lights, okay!?!?! :P

Also, Prot, sorry for cluttering the thread - but was it you that wrote out a really long and awesome post about what you were hoping for in The Master of Mankind? I can't find it anywhere, perhaps because of inherent useless, perhaps because I imagined it. But if it was you, I'd appreciate a link, dude!

ADB! Thank you for the like.

I have to be honest I have written so much drivel about Master of Mankind that it took forever for me to find this. It is a project I actually think a lot about and am looking very forward to it.... like I said, you never know this is THE book that one day a screenplay writer is looking at for reference! Patient zero of 40K is no small role!

I *THINK* this is the post you are referring to but I can't be sure, but you did like this one. (If not I apologize but again I've written tons of MoM posts.)

Prot's latest MoM drivel post: LINK

Let me know if that's it.

Fantastic work Prot! This is totally awesome! Funnily enough it was the horns that got my attention the most! ohmy.pngthumbsup.gif

The horns eh? I'm not touching that with a 10 foot pole. ;P


So for comparison here is the first Bloodthirster I did a few weeks ago which is the vanilla one (Unfettered Fury). I wanted to keep a similar scheme for the new one, but still make him unique to this one:


^ I posted this pic and people said, "It's too small! You're hiding something!" So I re-did a few pics:

And so here are my Grey Knights facing off against him:



And then I got him in an action shot in a game last week:


^ There he is about to tee it up on 8 Orks. Literally... 8 Orks took a dirt nap. The squad ran, and he chased them down. (We won't talk about how the next turn he takes 10 loota shots in the groin and waddles back into the warp.)

And here he is with his new buddy.... Vurkoze! Vurkoze is my newly completed Daemonkin Juggernaut Lord.... he's got this ridiculous temper.... even when the nails aren't biting!


Thank you for the great compliments. Most appreciated!

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These models (all Bloodthirsters) are tremendous fun to paint... time consuming but very fun.


It's really too bad the rules aren't better, because after painting 2, I'd love to do the final Wraith Thirster but really there's no reason to take on the extra expense. I'm pretty sure it would see no actual play time. But still.... amazing models.

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These models (all Bloodthirsters) are tremendous fun to paint... time consuming but very fun.




Yes, it because of the new Bloodthister model, which I've already added two to my own Iron Warriors force & recent Wulfen book that made me think about starting my Daemon army again.  Sold my first one, pretty much trying to get ride of the metal models that the time & then got put off a little bit because of the Screamer Council list that was kicking about.


The Bloodthister looking really cool Prot, did you use a air brush on the model?


Same with the Possessed & Juggernaut Lord, there looking really cool.  Really like the use of the Khorne Age of Sigmar models toward the Lord conversion, remind me a lot of the World Eater from the Bloodquest comic that use to be in Warhammer Monthly.


What models have you still got left to paint for your Daemonkin force & what do you currently have?  Would be great to see a army photo like you'd done for the Grey Knight, Dark Angels & Ultramarine force in the past.


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These models (all Bloodthirsters) are tremendous fun to paint... time consuming but very fun.




Yes, it because of the new Bloodthister model, which I've already added two to my own Iron Warriors force & recent Wulfen book that made me think about starting my Daemon army again. 


The Bloodthister looking really cool Prot, did you use a air brush on the model?


Same with the Possessed & Juggernaut Lord, there looking really cool.  Really like the use of the Khorne Age of Sigmar models toward the Lord conversion, remind me a lot of the World Eater from the Bloodquest comic that use to be in Warhammer Monthly.


What models have you still got left to paint for your Daemonkin force & what do you currently have?  Would be great to see a army photo like you'd done for the Grey Knight, Dark Angels & Ultramarine force in the past.



- First off thanks a ton IP. Means a lot coming from you.


- The Bloodthirster is a gorgeous model. I truly want to do the third one but even these two would never see table time if I were playing on any level of competitiveness. The rules and point cost just really make them big, fat, expensive targets with a small payback. Just my experience of course. Certainly a 'fun' unit. The only one I haven't done is the Wrath of Khorne now but he is probably the least field-able unit of the three.


- They are airbrushed, dry brushed, ink washed, and painted traditionally, and then I do that whole process all over again. Literally, no joke. They are a huge undertaking for me and I'm very... OCD and often can't put them down when I start so I may finish one in 2 weeks but it probably has about 40 hours (I'm guessing) in it, and it only gets put down because inks, or airbrushing, or whatever has to dry. :)


- I have so much to do.... I don't know how far to go with it. The army has some serious setbacks but it is one of the funnest I own. Just has some really bad match ups... but nothing in 40K plays in the spirit of 'The Butcher's Nails' like these guys. ;)


- Still want to do: 10 more Hounds / 6 Bikers / 16 more Bloodletters / 2 Maulerfiends / 2 Soulgrinders / Termies / Bloodcrushers. Wow... that's too much. lol



Wonderful work Prot! It is a shame you have turned your considerable talents to darker exploits. We will welcome you back to Macragge whenever you feel its call. 

But splendid work! 


- Thank you for the compliment, but trust me on the side I'm nearly done: 2 Ultra Thunderfire Cannos, 6 Ultra Bikes including Shield Captain, 6 Ultra Honour Guard, and juggling in Calgar every couple of days because while I want him done, I can never see using him.

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