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Iron Warriors w/Kyr Vhalen - 1,500 points

Commander Dawnstar

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While he wasn't what drew me to the Legion in the first place I've developed something of a soft spot for Vhalen and his loyalist 77th. This list is likely to be less than optimal and poorly suited for the points level, but this was what I came up with when I tried to fit Vhalen, a fortification and some bots into a list at my standard game size:



Kyr Vhalen (No Rite of War)



Legion Tactical Squad (10 Marines) w/Rhino

Legion Tactical Squad (10 Marines) w/Rhino



Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (Quad Mortar)


Heavy Support

5 Tyrant Siege Terminators

5 Iron Havoks w/Missile Launchers

2 Castellax w/Enhanced Targeting Arrays and Darkfire Cannons



Imperial Bunker w/Ammo Store


That leaves me with 20 points to spare, probably for Chainfists on the Tyrants unless there's anything more pertinent.

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Pretty much the above.


never give up 2+ saves on my Sergeants. They've always tanked 15+ Non-Ap2 Wounds for me on a consistent basis (thus making magnitudes in their points cost back).


Like that one time a Sergeant Tanked an entire 20 man Tac Blobs Fury Of The Legion when coupled with an Apothecaries FNP.


Or my Librarian tanking 40 Volkite Culverin Shots.

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Hi Brightstar


I ran a similar list last week at 1250 with larger tactical squads with Apothecary and no Tyrant Siege, but a Vindicator, im pretty certain with Kyr there is no need for the ammo dump, as he allows re-rolls of 1's in deployment zone,


I would agree with the above comments the AA is such a steal for its point costs, that and Apothecary are an auto included if you take those Tactical s out of Rhinos, I dont have my books to hand but if you dropped the Rhinos (I think they are 35apc) plus you remaining points you could fit one in each squad, 


Just food for thought,


Iron Within, Iron Without ! 

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