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Balancing codexes - Helsinki Grand Tournament version


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I played gladius in my last tournament, anything more than 8 transports starts to get clunky and difficult to move. I do love assault marines in Rhinos, it's definitely one of the top 5 BA units. 2 FT detachments nets 12 fast slots that should be plenty for the theme. Maybe more scouts running behind the rhinos, for counter charges or outflanks? smile.png

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That FT strike force list is.... Pretty bad. Your essentially playing a gladius, minus obsec, doctrines, razors, and grav cannons on the tacs. Meaning, pretty much everything that makes the gladius good. I don't see it doing well. Against an obsec spam list, you just lose, cause you don't have the firepower to kill much, and neither do they, and you lose the objective game. Against a super killy death star list, you have the units to avoid being tabled, but you'll bleed kill points all game, and you still lack obsec, so the enemy can deny objectives with his units, and take them fairly easily. The list doesn't DO anything.


I can attest to having to many vehicles becoming a giant hassle to move around.

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That FT strike force list is.... Pretty bad. Your essentially playing a gladius, minus obsec, doctrines, razors, and grav cannons on the tacs. Meaning, pretty much everything that makes the gladius good. I don't see it doing well. Against an obsec spam list, you just lose, cause you don't have the firepower to kill much, and neither do they, and you lose the objective game. Against a super killy death star list, you have the units to avoid being tabled, but you'll bleed kill points all game, and you still lack obsec, so the enemy can deny objectives with his units, and take them fairly easily. The list doesn't DO anything.


I can attest to having to many vehicles becoming a giant hassle to move around.


Not at all, but I put it forward as a way of exacerbating the points difference built into this Helsinki system.

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  This, brothers, is a highly productive discussion. I have made my thoughts clear on the FTSF asm/rhino rush V FTSF tac/razor rush clear previously, better weapons and obj sec on the 2nd choice imho is just better.


  The 450 pts question, is I guess, how do you spend said points. Do you just max out bodies, get a swag of HQs or spend it on a sicarian and a SR e.g big dakka toys? Deep down inside I'd love to go the HQ route but I think either of the extremes, depending on your lists vulnerabilities, would be better.


  R.e Tournaments and C:BA competitiveness, our codex is very good at obj sec, I think we should try to write our lists around this fact in a tournament setting. The HF is a really good weapons platform and I believe combined with fast movement via rhinos it can be devastating. I am struggeling to write a list without 3 tac squads atm. In more than 1 list I have a 5 man tac with melta & combi melta on sarge in a pod to free up a FA slot from the meltacide duties.


  In the C:BA resources section there is an article on C:BA in tournament play. It was written pre the new codex but I believe the theories still stack up.


Also I find it funny that people don't think we have a death star per see. I thought Dante, a sang priest AND Astorath in a squad of 10 SG or 15 DC is pretty dope. I'd love to see DBM chart that deeps :) Sure you could shoot at it, but in a BSF with the +1 you wouldn't want to CQC it.

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Tournament updated point brackets:

Codex: Eldar Craftworlds

Codex: Space Marines

Codex: Tau Empire
Codex: Chaos Daemons
Codex: Dark Angels
Codex: Necrons
Codex: Imperial Knights
Codex: Tyranids
Codex: Space Wolves

Codex: Astra Militarum
Codex: Cult Mechanicus
Codex: Dark Eldar
Codex: Grey Knights
Codex: Inquisition
Codex: Khorne Daemonkin
Codex: Orks
Codex: Skitarii

Codex: Adepta Sororitas
Codex: Harlequins
Codex: Chaos Space Marines
Codex: Blood Angels
Codex: Legion of the Damned
Codex: Militarum Tempestus

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hmm, 1750 points of war convocation looks mighty strong, have you decided weather or not your going yet ceril? 

It's either this or then a big party with lots of friends (that I very rarely have a chance to see). So if the party is this same weekend I'll have to go with the party. The other tournament I was thinking about attending probably conflicts with working hours. Such if life, next time maybe.


I'll still try to follow up on how tournamnet went if they publish results and have my eyes on the local forums to see how it all turned out.

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