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2250 point terror assault


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Started this list from the B@C box set and then added some units from the Forge World line. The force is mainly hard hitting but it lacks some Anti-tank firepower. The main focus is for the terror squads to take out the infantry while the support aspect of the force hang back on objectives and provide some long range support. What do you think??



- Praetor, Cataphractii plate, digital lasers, paragon blade, combi-melta, trophies of judgement, teleportation transponder - 192

- Centurion, Consul: Chaplain, artificer armour, jump pack, refractor shield, plasma pistol, Nostraman chainglaive - 155



- Contemptor dreadnought, kheres assault cannon - 190

- Terminator squad X5, power fist X4, heavy flamer, chainfist, teleportation transponder - 230



- terror squad X10, Boltgun X9, Nostraman chainglaive, artificer armour - 238

- terror squad X10, Boltgun X9, Nostraman chainglaive, artificer armour - 238

- terror squad X10, Boltgun X9, Nostraman chainglaive, artificer armour - 238



- Night Raptor squad X5, Nostraman chainglaive X5, Artificer armour - 210



- Legion Predaor tank, Sponson Las-Cannons, Auxiliary drive - 125



- Kondrad Curze, Rite of War: Terror Assualt - 435


Total = 2251 points

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Would you be able to find 5pts to swap the Pred for a LasVindicator? Maybe by Swapping the Plasma Pistol for a Bolt Pistol? We all have those in spades...or should...at least. That swap would also free up another 10pts to spare which you could use to slap together a Plasma Blaster with the Box's 2 Plasma Guns.


Otherwise, as-is, looks Good enough to me.

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Boltguns on terror squads? Heresy! Really though volkite chargers are really worth the points, they are far better than bolters and because they are assault you can charge in and finish the survivors of your shooting attack. 


I think your list is really going to struggle against armored forces. Even if you swap out for the las vindi, you're probably going to have a tough time dealing with really tough targets like spartans. I'd grab a dread with double grav guns in a pod to remedy that, basically guaranteed to strip two HP turn one when it pods in. To get those pts, I'd drop all the chainglaives on the raptors-a unit that small is basically just wound counters for Curze, no point in giving them any upgrades. You certainly don't need to have the chaplain either if you still need pts. 


One last thing, I'd swap out the heavy flamer in the terminators unit and take a plasma blaster plus four combi plas. That way when you deep strike in turn 2, you're not wasting a turn by just sitting there, you get to light up a target with plasma and do some damage than charge something turn 3. 

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