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Emperor's Wrath Artillery Company: feedback from the field


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I have used the Emperor's Wrath Artillery Company a few matches now, and my results have been...less than promising.




Company Command Squad:

-Volkov's Cane

-VHWT Lascannon



--Heavy Bolter


Basilisk Battery

--Basilisk x 3


Wyvern Battery

--Wyvern x 2








This clocks in at 174 Melta Bombs....pretty expensive.


In any case, the opponents I have fought have been Thousand Sons (yes...actually pretty nasty with a Screamerstar), Iron Warriors, Orkz, and Ultramarines to give you a smattering of the foes.


In summation I have found that S9 and S10 is great...but without AP2 or better they are a bit underwhelming. Partially this is because my meta features lots of transports and quite skilled players that don't give me juicy targets


Case in point, my last match against Orkz featured a ton of Trukks loaded with boyz. Even getting to go first, with much of his army bunched up, the S9 only shaved off a few HP and thats about it. The Manticore shaved off 1HP from an AV14 war trukk thingy. Even Ignoring Cover they have simply not put out as much damage as I would have liked. The Wyverns I usually send off and hold their own.


The Iron Warriors were pretty low model count but had Vindicators and a Typhon and a bunch of Rhinos. This was a true Siege match with big guns duking it out. The Manticore shaved off some HP from the Typhon, but that was with some AMAZING rolls that can't reliably counted on (a 6 on the D3, 3x Direct Hits, 3x Pens).


And the Ultramarines had 3x Thunderfire Cannons backed by Tigurius that just did absolute work not giving me much of a chance. 


Now there are a lot of variables to consider but in summary I just feel that even with Twin Linked and Ignores Cover the Formation just does not pack enough punch for what it costs.




What have your experiences been?







I've only just started trialing mine with a scion cad and AM allies

First game was subpar but went up against a BA storm raven list with no AA so that was a bit of a white wash but held out until turn 5 which was game end.


Round one 1 saw 3 pie plates from 1 basilisk and manticore do nothing to two side by aide rhinos....


Next practice is tonight hopefully some better luck

It is clear that the Formation on its own can't handle everything. Some facts about the formation:

- Can't handle Big Monsters

- Can't handle flyers

- Struggles on destroying small transports (due to lack AP2)

- Struggles against 2+ units

- Needs some defence against deep strikers


So if you build a list using this Formation, you must try to fill its flaws. I will try a list I have in the subforum myself and give some feedback afterwards.

I have tried it with a Machinzed list, including a Baneblade (because I was merciful enough to not take the Stormsword) against Daemonkin and Tau. Against Daemonkin it was utterly pointless. Against Tau it could have been a bit more useful if I would have passed more Ld checks for Ignore Cover, but it did not make up its points. I would have preferred to take less Basilisks and skip the Manticore and extra Command Squad and instead focus on more reliable tanks like the Wyvern, Russ variants and the Chimera variants.

I've had great results with it, I tend to use mostly similar loadout but only 2 Bassies and a Deathstrike instead of Manticore. 3 Bassies might be a bit too much under 2000pts.


I'd like to know more about what you're running in addition to the formation and what points level. But even without that I find:


1) It's good to have a buffer of large infantry units to shield the artillery and prevent drop pods/DS from messing with them. Also to provide transport busting, etc.

2) Aegis is good for covering arty that can't get out of LOS

3) Having some voxes on the board to make use of Target Sighted, including mobile ones.

4) Inquisitors with Servo Skulls never hurt to help accuracy and prevent enemy infiltration.


You can't expect EWAC to win every scenario for you. It's for killing infantry and light-medium vehicles. For super heavies /GCs the AM really need to look to allies like AdMech to compete IMO for Grav and Haywire.


Deathstrike doesn't get many looks but I find it really effective. It may only be one shot, but S10 AP1 ordnance ignoring cover can often erase a lot of nasty things from the board turn 2 and then go tearing around tank shocking and stuff with the hull flamer.

I've run the formation a couple of times now against the same BA spearhead list


The first time I was almost tabled the second I would probably have one had the game ended on turn 5 or 7


I like the formation, the list I run at 1500pts is 2 wyvrens 1 basilisk and 1 manticore.

The biggest issue is that with this load out you only have 2-4 large blast high strength average AP shots for your ~700 pts and if they miss (al la my first game) you quickly run out of time and options to eradicate multiple threats

Compound this with the necessity of providing another ~200 pts of bubble wrap to keep them safe it gets exxy

And if you're opponent can force you to snap fire first or second turn you're also a bit buggered let alone if they explode your av10 side/rear amour from deep strike


Now when those large blast do work it pays off which was the case in my second game


I found that the twin linking ability is quite restrictive on a 6x4 table even with 3 deep striking scion squads with vox

Would help more if you could infiltrate squads to get into position sooner

But it is also nice when it does go off


I still like the formation and will be taking it to my next tournament but jury is out its in game effectiveness

I've been using a minimum size EW with 2 Bass, 1 Manticore, allied with Ad Mech Dominus + 2x3 Grav Kats, Holy Rec w/Arc, and a Knight.


Only problem I've had thus far is vs Murderpack + Thunderwolves or Skyhammer, if they get first turn. Everything else, the above combo has utterly decimated.

I've been using a minimum size EW with 2 Bass, 1 Manticore, allied with Ad Mech Dominus + 2x3 Grav Kats, Holy Rec w/Arc, and a Knight.

Only problem I've had thus far is vs Murderpack + Thunderwolves or Skyhammer, if they get first turn. Everything else, the above combo has utterly decimated.

Interesting, a little something for everything huh? I'm curious though, how do you keep your Grav Kataphrons alive? I find without a transport or fortification they die quickly to shooting.

All the boys are finally built and I've got a 1500 point game lined up on Tuesday. First time rocking the Emperors Wrath in what I've dubbed the "Riot Guard" list. It's nowhere near competetive but my game-plan is as follows.

​1. Shell the enemy with the Emperors Wrath. The prisoners are too unruly to be caught
​2. Enemy gets scared and moves in. The prisoners cannot take the bombardment and try to break free from their hold-out.
​3. Fearless (thanks priest) 50man blob takes it on the chin. Stout soldiers do their duty and rein the filth in.
​4. Bullgryns punch everyone unconscious. It's clobbering time!

​List consists of
Rampart Detachment
​5x Bullgryns, 2 mauls, 3 grenades
​5x Bullgryns, 2 mauls, 3 grenades

​Emperor's Shield Infanfantry Platoon
​50 Lads, 1 voxcaster
​3x Armoured Sentinels, plasma cannons

​Emperor's Wrath Artillery Company
​CCS, Chimera, Voxcaster, Volkovs

​Eagerly awaiting cries of 'cheese' when the Manticore drops 2-6 S10 large blast, barrage, ignores cover templates on the enemy turn 1, and the shock and awe when I do it again turn 2.

Eternal War :) of I move the artillery will just get left behind at any rate.

​Just finished the game actually! TauNecrons (Decurion W/ Riptide & Broadsides formation). A solid win for the Hammer of the Emperor. Had first turn and started with a beautiful manticore missile scoring 3 blasts and 3 hits. Melting a Necron warrior unit and 2/3 bikes for first blood and a kill point (we were playing purge the alien). Subsequent missiles weren't as great, but it was so tense rolling that D3 every time, those moments made taking it worth for me. Scything through warriors like there's no tomorrow :)

​Wyverns scored their points back for sure, but didn't have the 'omg' impact I was hoping for, especially not after the Manticore. But we all know how good they are. Took down lychguard by weight of dice, but I reckon they'd be way smexier with some Pinning action vs weaker troops (I.e. not 4+/4+++ LD10).

​Orders weren't much needed as the Wyverns don't care, but having the Ignores Cover insurance for 10 points (Volkovs) is worth I reckon, when the CCS has to be taken anyway. And they can always yell at the platoon too.

​Bullgryns did some solid work too. I only lost 2 by rotating them around to spread wounds about. One unit kicked an Overlord to death and knocked the teeth out of a C'tan :)

​MVP must've been the Sentinels. 4 wounds off a riptide (but he stole my glory by killing himself over nova charge, filthy xenos! They can't even die properly!)

My opponent brought his Necrons and I brought my Imperial Guard for week 2 with the campaign. 

As soon as I saw that my opponent had brought 2x units of Necron Wraiths I knew I was done. It really has gotten to that point...retreat, and nuke 'em from orbit (it's the only way to be sure). I knew that those wraiths would absolutely merc me the second they touched anything and I had to kill them at all costs. I thought I could bring one down by concentrating fire...but alas it was not to be. 

My army:
Detachment One:
Imperial Guard Emperor's Wrath Artillery Company

Company Command Squad
--Volkov's Cane
--Turret: Multi-Laser
--Hull: Heavy Bolter
--Dozer Blade

Basilisk Battery
--Basilisk x 3


Wyvern Battery
--Wyvern x 2


Detachment Two:
Imperial Guard Emperor's Shield Infantry Platoon

Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad
--Vox Caster

Infantry Squad x 5 (Combined)
--Vox Caster
--Lascannon x 5
--Grenade Launcher x 5
--Sgt. w/ Power Axe x 1

Sentinel Squadron
--Scout Sentinel w/ Multi-Laser x 1

Detachment Three:
Imperial Guard Allied Detachment


Ministorum Priest

Primaris Psyker 

Company Command Squad
----Company Commander
----Per Campaign rules: BS5, T4, Permanent Warlord Trait: Orders at 18" instead of 12"
----Carapace Armor
----Wrath of Cadia
--Carapace Armor for Veterans
--Vox Caster
--Plasma gun x 3
--Krak grenades for Veterans
--Turret: Multi-Laser
--Hull: Heavy Bolter
--Dozer Blade

Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad
--Vox Caster
--Heavy Flamer
--Flamer x 2

Infantry Squad
--Vox Caster

Infantry Squad
--Vox Caster

Opponent's army (approximation): 
  • Necron Overlord in a squad of 9x Immortals
  • Necron Lord in a squad of 10x Necron warriors in a flying C
  • 3x Wraiths backed by scarabs and a Spyder for Reanimation
  • 3x Wraiths backed by scarabs and a Spyder for Reanimation
  • 10x Warriors in a Transport (Ghost Ark?) 
  • Transport that is converted into one giant-*** gun w/ S10 AP1 Large Blast
  • A bunch more stuff in reserve that never came in but never needed to

Mission was Maestrom 1 (I forget what it's called). Deployment was Corners (I forget what it's called). My opponent brought some amazing terrain from home that became the centerpiece: ziggurat with a throne on top, two Necrony-Sphinxes, and some epic dead Marvel robot thingies. 

T1 A: 
Opponent went first and moved his Wraiths up as well as his flying Egyptian longboat transport. His gigantic Egyptian longboat gun fired it's S10 AP1 Large Blast at the closest gaurdsmen in ruins blocking my Wyverns and Warlord's Chimera. Thankfully Nightfighting gave everything 3+ Cover and *only* 3x Guardsmen died. 

T1 B: 
I had really castled up because of the big S10 AP1 gun he had. I wanted to kill that thing right away, especially with Ignores Cover orders, but it was a choice between the frying pan and the fire: with his Wraiths, backed by scarabs and spyders, 12" away from my lines, I had no choice really and had to [attempt to] kill them. I killed 2/3 wraiths in one squad and a unit of scarabs. What did it take to kill them? Everything. I am not joking:

3x S10 AP4 Large Blasts (Rolled 5 on the D3; with Twin Link)
3x S9 AP3 Large Blasts (with Twin Link)
8x Wounds caused by the Wyverns
6x Multi-Laser shots from a Chimera and a Sentinel
5x Lascannons (with Prescience)
5x Grenade Launchers (with Prescience)
78 Lasguns (with Prescience)

So all of the above combined took caused 4 unsaved Wounds to the unit of 3x Wraiths (6 Wounds total). 

Please note that my opponent was NOT using a Decurion. 

The scarabs died due to oversplash from the Manticore, giving me First Blood. Which was awesome, since it took the strongest weapon in my entire arsenal to kill the weakest link in his entire army that was "free" because the spyder **** it out on the battlefield. 

T2 A:
Opponent takes out a Wyvern and ~5 more guardsmen with the super gun. 

Flying transport comes in and deposits Necron Warriors with a Lord right next to my basilisks and blows one up between them and the flyer. Lone Wraith from the damaged unit charges my far right flank and kills 3/10 Gaurdsmen. Other Wraiths charge my other Wyvern and wreck it. 

His Warlord with Immortals use a teleport thingy to warp into shooting range and wipe another 10 man Infantry squad from existence. 

With Obj Cards, he is winning 5-2 at this point at the end of the top of Turn 2.

T2 B: 
I know when I am beaten. Using the rules of the campaign, I get my Warmaster/Warlord out of there , running him off the board with a successful Leadership check to preserve him for a future fight. 

I then use every single shooting asset I have left, including 2x Basilisks, Manticore, Sentinel, and blob squad, to try to kill his Warlord. I kill 9x Immortals but the Overlord coasts by with 2x Wounds left. 

I call it at this point having failed to achieve any of the objectives I set out to claim. 

I want to thank my opponent for the enlightening game and especially for his patience. I was the one with the hard stop and took a really long time not only deploying but choosing what to do in both of my Turns. So for that, I definitely want to thank him.




Above was written the next day after the weekend match, and I was feeling pretty gloomy, to say the least. Not to gripe or be all sad panda but I am really struggling with IG on a lot of fronts. Small games I do ok with them (1000pts and under, and by ok I still lose but at least its fun). As soon as the opponent actually brings anything even remotely decent I collapse. Just look at what it took to kill 2x ******* Wraiths. 


It is always a hard day when you face Wraiths with Protocols, but think about this, they don't kill that much infantry. Their wounds output is not that high, when they are not charging they get almost 2 wounds for each Wraith. If you can drown them in numbers, it will take a lot of time to disengage.


Keep this in mind, you must protect your artillery. With that in mind and a bunch of Conscripts leaded by a Commissar, or an Inquisitor, or a Priest, it can save you a lot of time meanwhile you murder the rest of the non assault units.


I've learned that the Conscripts are a great tarpit unit, and for this kind of artillery lists, they are really valuable.


To the Victory!!! For the Emperor!!!

It is always a hard day when you face Wraiths with Protocols, but think about this, they don't kill that much infantry. Their wounds output is not that high, when they are not charging they get almost 2 wounds for each Wraith. If you can drown them in numbers, it will take a lot of time to disengage.


Keep this in mind, you must protect your artillery. With that in mind and a bunch of Conscripts leaded by a Commissar, or an Inquisitor, or a Priest, it can save you a lot of time meanwhile you murder the rest of the non assault units.


I've learned that the Conscripts are a great tarpit unit, and for this kind of artillery lists, they are really valuable.


To the Victory!!! For the Emperor!!!


My list was kind of wonky due to the setup of the home-grown Campaign we are going through at my FLGS. Basically, we had to predetermine the make-up of each FOC slot (12x Troops, 4x HQ, 6x FA/HS) ahead of time, and units that take so many casualties are "lost" and that specific unit in the FOC slot can not be taken again. Hence why the big Emperor's Shield blob was so wonky. 


My concern was that the Wraiths would tarpit my blob, since that would have removed such a significant portion of my army from play. That's why I went "all in" on that one unit of Wraiths. I am pretty resilient but my optimism took a serious hit seeing the amount of dakka it took to make a dent in those Wraiths (who cost less than Terminators with TH/SS...what gives?).

Indefragable how many pts were you playing? Your list is massive!


I played another game with my emperors wrath Tuesday night

It was against an eldar bike / DE bike and harlequin list which wasn't super competitive

Again its similar experience to my previous two games

When things go your way the output is devastating however one bad turn against a highly mobile or deep striking opponent and your artillery wont be around long


We called it end of turn 4 because of time

It was looking pretty grim for me with just a taurox or two remaining ccs in chimera and a handful of my 30 man blob squad remaining


My formation comes to 600 on the nose

But then I'm spending another 150-200pts on guard to stay static and bubble wrap it which a good 50% of my 1500pt list and its damage output can generally only hit 3 units a turn


I find the biggest issue so far is durability especially come turn 4/5

I think my list would really benefit from some relatively cheap high toughness and mobile marines on bikes

Unfortunately that's one of the few things I don't have right now

I wish I could plug the hole with my GKs but they're just so expensive even using the NSF 1 libby and 5 GKTs is ~400pts alone


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