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New to HH- 1500 Alpha Legion Recon Team


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Although I am still working my way through my B@C boxes (as in building...haven't even had the time to consider painting yet! New job and other life silliness getting in the way), I am hoping to construct a list that will help guide my painting efforts in the right direction to getting a playable force on the field.


Having seen Skorr's new rules as well as the Recon team RoW, I made the following, thinging it could be good fun, and also play to the way I imagine the AL as operating.


Without further ado:


Autilon Skorr- 125




Legion recon team-185

Artificer armour

sniper x5

Cameleoline x5


Legion recon team-185

Artificer armour

sniper x5

Cameleoline x5

Breachers- 265
Artificer armour
Combi weapon
meltabomb for sarge
Artificer armour
combi weapon
power sword
augury scanner
Storm Eagle-250
Hellstrike missiles
Contemptor Mortis-180
Dual Kheres
Whirlwind Scorpius-115
The idea here is that I choose infiltrate, and have Skorr give everyone stealth in ruins and move through cover via conqueror of cities.
Setup would see the Recon teams, Exodus and the Mortis on the board, in nice firing positions to plink any AA/nasties as a matter of priority. Due to the RoW limitation, I would hope for the whirlwind to show up on turn 2-3 to start raining AP:3 death on the enemy footsloggers/occupants of any vehicles I manage to pop.
Skorr, the apothercary and the breachers all ride in the storm eagle to show up and crack a vehicle before landing and "repossessing" an objective from the enemy and generally being hard to shift.
I feel I may be light on anti-armor, but the next additions would be a Sicarian and some outrider squads with meltabombs for 3+ jinks and move through cover to go tag enemy tanks, as well as some seekers with combi weapons.
Thoughts? Am I right in thinking the stealth bonus will stack with the cameleoline, or do I actually have 50 more points to play around with?
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Hi Theradrussian and welcome to the Heresy! :)


Cameleoline grants Stealth, which stacks with the "Legion Recon Company" Turn 1 Shrouded bonus for a 2+ cover save in any terrain. Choosing "Conqueror of Cities" as Skorr's WT won't boost the Recon Squad's cover save in Ruins after Turn 1, as they'll have Stealth already, giving them a 3+ in Ruins from Turn 2 onwards no matter what. So you could drop the Camo cloaks.


Alpha Legion are amazingly customisable, especially with Skorr (and Veterans). What you could do instead is choose Move Through Cover as your Mutable Tactic and "Master of Ambush" as Skorr's WT, giving you:

- 2 Recon Squads with Move Through Cover, Infiltrate, Stealth (Cameleoline) & Scout.

- Skorr & a Breacher Squad with Move Through Cover & Infiltrate.


You could probably drop the (rather expensive) Storm Eagle then. If you still want it though, don't take Hellstrike missiles - they're a trap - Ordnance weapons will make everything else Snap Fire. Tempest missiles will do a good enough job against light vehicles.


Apothecaries aren't designed to be combat monsters, but rather buffers. Artificer armour and augury scanner is a great setup, but with only A1, the power sword (or even better, a power axe/fist) is best used on the A2 Breacher Sergeant. Same goes for the combi-weapon - it ups his cost a lot. If he and the Breacher Sergeant have a combi-melta each though, then you may as well give a second meltagun to a normal Breacher - 4 meltagun shots before a charge is decent.


Kheres Mortis is solid. Scorpius is too, but losing at least TWO turns of D3+1 shots is not cool. I'd take something like a Fire Raptor instead (as it will be in Reserves anyway).


Exodus is crap. Pretty sure he hasn't been improved in the new Red Book, so I'd leave him at home. However, if they make a model of him, I'll buy it immediately, as they do a great job on the Special Characters. :)

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Agree with everything Cailum mentioned, plus a few more pointers.


As it stands, you need to run three Legion Recon Squads, until Forge World would tell us otherwise, and no, it's not 'open to interpretation' as some of the people who try to bend rules all the time would make you believe.


Tanks don't generally synergize well with the 'Recon Company' Row since they would always come in from reserves, but would not be able to outflank.

The Storm Eagle does for sure, but it's expensive for what it does, really. A Dreadclaw pod can deliver you non-scouting / non-infiltrating hard-hitting unit much more reliably.

Take the time to look at a Lightning Strike Fighter and / or the Fire Raptor as well.

Contemptors / Cortus-Contemptors / regular Dreadnought would all start on the board, so would give you a better presence that tanks arriving late to the party.

Of course there's always the possibility of reserve manipulation with Skorr, but that's wasted potential IMHO, since your tanks still don't get outflank.


Also, take a look at Armillus Dynat's abilities. Both 'Hammerstrike Assault' as well as  'The Harrowing' are quite stackable with a 'Recon Company' list if you build accordingly around those traits.

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