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What to expect fighting Necron-Tyranid combo


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Fellow Guardsmen,


As part of an ongoing campaign my club is holding I will be facing off against a player who has both Necrons and Tyranids in his "box." The setup of the campaign is that each player has a pool of 6000pts that s/he must use to assemble an 1850pt army each week. Casualties carry over week-to-week (so if you only brought one Leman Russ squadron and that got destroyed week 1...well, no more tanks for you*).


In any case, my scheduled match this weekend sees me going up a player who has built his 6000pt pool out of both Tyranids and Necrons. I have never faced either Faction with IG before and have only ever faced 'Crons once with my BA.


What I am asking for is your thoughts on what kinds of units he is most likely to bring.


What I mean by that is I have poured over information on the different units in both codices and have an idea of how they work, but I have no Situational Awareness on what units/formations those Factions actually tend to bring. In comparison, someone who has never fought IG before will probably mentally picture fighting hordes of guardsmen and be caught off guard when they go up against legions of tanks and vendettas. I am not looking for too much effort but rather just cursory anecdotes and experiences to give me an idea of what to expect.


My initial thoughts are to actually focus on infantry platoons with priests...with all the Gauss a Necron force can bring, I am reluctant to expose my Emperor's Blade Assault Company.


Thanks for the tips.



*there are nuances and rules involving "Resupply points" but that's not important right now.

In both cases, if you take out the commanders, the rest of the army gets substantially weaker. With the 'crons, taking out the Overlord will remove the re-rolls for the reanimation protocols, and with the 'nids, killing the synapse creatures will make the rest of the army harder to control. 


Numbers are a good way to go, although you'll definitely need some high strength shooting to deal with the tougher necron units or the nid monstrous creatures. 


Look out for the tomblades and wraiths from the Necrons, they're both an absolute pain to put down - especially if the wraiths have been given reanimation protocols - and can put out a decent amount of hurt.

Presumably your opponent has to choose an army to use? Seems a bit unfair if you don't have that same advantage.


I'm not fully up to date on the nuances of both armies but the old stalwarts of numbers and fire power will see you best. This will help both in causing wounds and absorbing them which will be essential for victory against such armies. Armour is still usable against the toasters, just don't take heavy/expensive units. For example a couple of Wyverns hidden in your lines could greatly aid the war effort :)

What i noticed in games vs Necrons but also Tyrannids is that air superriority and or defense helps out a lot.


The Necron players in saw tend to drop in squad behind your lines or near high value target with thier Doom Scythes prepare for that possiblity.

In case of the Tyrannid a flying hive tyrant is imo also a quite frequently played thing. A vendetta for example comes also quite handy. 3 twinlinked lascannons deal nicely with big Tyrannids and heavy armor.

Presumably your opponent has to choose an army to use? Seems a bit unfair if you don't have that same advantage.

I'm not fully up to date on the nuances of both armies but the old stalwarts of numbers and fire power will see you best. This will help both in causing wounds and absorbing them which will be essential for victory against such armies. Armour is still usable against the toasters, just don't take heavy/expensive units. For example a couple of Wyverns hidden in your lines could greatly aid the war effort smile.png

Both of us have to choose 1850pts out of the 6000pts still standing (I took heavy casualties last week) in whatever combination we see fit. You can go unbound or build any Formations of any sort...but you have to have the Formation's required units alive in your pool to get that Formation's benefits. So for example, if I lose another Manticore in this upcoming match, I will be unable to field the Emperor's Wrath Artillery Company again since a Manticore is required for that detachment.

So in that light, my opponent can take either 1850pts of Necrons, 1850pts of Tyranids, or any split thereof.

One saving grace that favors me, I think, is that for campaign fluff reasons, each player is limited to 2x Flyers max in your entire pool (Warp Storms, weird weather, etc... ). So normally I would be concerned about Flyrant or Doom Scythe spam but I think everyone save the Chaos Space Marine player left their Flyers at home.

Necrons offer a significant infantry threat to whatever armor you have, so I'd suggest eliminating that threat. Let your infantry deal with the tyranids infantry, while your tanks and flyers concentrate on the crons infantry and 'nid creatures. Nids are weak against fire, so give those big 'ol nope roaches a taste of Flamer and kill them with fire. Templates will be your friend against nids, and use S8+ templates on Necron infantry, and drop that reanimation down a notch (instant death rules, strength equal to double toughness will turn that 4+RP into a 5+, or a 5+ to a 6+, depending). Reanimation works just like FNP, so use that to your advantage.


An ABG vanquisher CCT, with beasthunter shells is a death knell for big creatures, put a coax stubber for twin-linking shenanigans at 36" and it's great. I will attest, mine one-shotted a riptide at 72".


It's not perfect, but I hope this helps.



I’ve fought against necrons and Tyranids a lot in 7th edition.  Nids are an army I beat some of the time.  I always lose to necrons.  Here are some comments on Nids



Nids are an army I can beat maybe half the time.  Players’ views of nids range from seeing them as a sub-par list to a mid-range list.  Few will argue that nids are a top tier army in competitiveness these days.  Although, of course, a good player taking a “competitive” list can still do very well.  However, she or he will just have to work harder than say, a SM, Eldar, or Tau player to earn the win.  



In 7th the nids have quite a bit more versatility than in 6th edition tervigon spam hayday.  There are still a few sub-par nid units but not many, as opposed to previous editions.  As a result, Tyranid builds I see in my meta vary greatly.  Here are some builds I’ve gone up against:

-Lots of little gribblies

-an army emphasizing monstrous creatures

-something in between the two (this is what most players run)

-an army with an emphasis on infiltration

-an army with an emphasis on flying—it sounds like you will not be facing this sort of army



The nids have a huge Achilles heel these days:  synapse.  Tyranids have always been susceptible to the enemy blowing away most or all of their synapse creatures.  But this edition’s emphasis on shooting, especially ignore cover shooting, combined with the fact that hive tyrants lost access to biomancy spells have reduced hive node creatures’ durability a bit more than previous editions.  So the adage of “shoot the big ones” (e.g. the creatures that grant synapse) has been around since before I started playing back in 3rd edition, it is more true then ever.  Syapse creatures include:

-hive tyrants on foot (these will be guarded by a T6 tyrant guard).  Since bugs no longer have the biomancy buffs, its not too hard for most IG lists to take out a squad of 2 tyrant guards with tyrant. 

-Flyrant (these are, arguably, the best unit in the nid codex and an excellent source of synapse).  Watch to see if your opponent is wise or foolish with his or her flyrant.  An experienced nid player will keep their flyrants in a sweet spot outside of your double tap range but inside their synapse range.  An inexperienced player might get within double tap range of your units and, if this happens, I encourage you to snapshoot at them with a blob or rapid firing plasma vet squad.  This will probably force them to take a grounding test.

-Zoanthropes—cheap, reliable source of synapse. 

-Warriors—these 2W T4 critters have long been too easy to instakill with 1 krak missile or lascannon shot.  They are sort of the Tyranid equivalent of an IG heavy weapons squad.  GW really should give them eternal warrior. I feel bad when I shoot these guys (but I still shoot them).

-Shrikes—winged warriors.  I have to admit that most bug players who I’ve seen use them are too aggressive with them.  It’s ridiculously easy to kill this unit when it comes straight at you.  Smarter opponents have kept them back behind cover, bouncing to wherever synapse is needed.  

-Tyranid Prime—a wise bug player will have this IC join large groups of 30 gaunts

-malanthropes—I’ve never gone up against these critters so I can’t say anything about them

-Trygon Prime—an excellent and tough big bug that’s hard to kill and can deep strike

-Tervigon—a big creature that can make termagaunts.  This was the 6th edition main source of synapse.  Now the unit is a bit debuffed but still good (and a troop monstrous creature!).



In addition to shooting synapse creatures you need to prioritize how to shoot at non-synapse units.  Of course, what unit to shoot at will vary turn by turn and it will also vary based on mission, terrain, your army composition, and the nid army composition.  But I’d have to say that these days my army is usually threatened the most by the following 3 non-synapse units: 

-biovores—these suckers just take huge chunks out of IG blobs

-tyrannofex—these things remind my of IG punishers, and I think they have a 2+ save (I might be wrong though)

-Venomthropes—these aren’t a threat per se, but they are a great buffing unit and your job of killing bugs will be made much easier if you take out the venomthrope.  These are a support critter that make other nid units shrouded.  I usually kill it turn 1 or turn 2 with an ignores cover lascannon shot or an eradicator shot.



When fighting against nids, be sure that your army can do the following:

-screen your valuable units with cheap units like conscripts or sentinels.  Ironically, nid players also view their cheap screening units of gaunts in the same way.  So if a 150 point conscript blob holds up a 150-point termagaunt squad for the entire game, who is tarpitting who?

-move into the middle of the board during objectives missions—surviving conscripts with priest, platoons with priests, mechvets, etc.

-kill light infantry with massed lasgun and multiple shot heavy weapons

-kill heavy infantry and monstrous creatures with AP3 or AP2 weaponry

-ground or kill flyrants with vendettas or other anti-aircraft.  It sounds like this won’t be an issue in your opponent’s list.  For future reference:  While a single vendetta will do wonders at forcing an enemy flyrant to jink, ignoring flyrants (unless they come within rapid fire range) and concentrating on other units is also a perfectly valid option.  A flyrant will only kill about a dozen or so troopers or 1 vehicle a turn.  If you do go the route of “ignoring the flyrant” then be sure to keep your russes’ rear against your rear board edge).  It’s str 6 (?) twin-linked 12 (?)-shot machine guns won’t do much to your AV13 side armor. 



I’d suggest you just take an all-rounder list since units that do well against, say SM or chaos, will fill the same role in your army against Tyranids.  There is one exception to this though:  ratlings.  Ratlings are actually a very good unit to take against bugs because their sniper rifles really come into their own when you are facing all those T6 critters with 3+ saves.  


Also, your suggestion of platoons with priests is an excellent one.  They can serve as a static base of fire, an advancing unit that you use to control midfield objectives, or both.  At any rate, they are durable as heck. 


Necrons, in contrast, are my achilles heel.  I’ve played them many times since their Decurion formation came out (last year?) and I’ve lost every game.  I don’t think I’m really qualified to comment.  I have no suggestions as to what sort of list you can bring.  I’ve lost with infantry heavy lists with over 150 troopers and only 3 or 4 tanks.  I’ve lost with tank heavy lists with 10 or more tanks.  Although I can say that if your opponent takes a less competitive list (e.g. the less over-powered formations, no wraiths, etc.), then you might stand a chance.  


I hope this helps!


Good luck

I know a lot of the articles are humour, but I'd suggest having a look over 1d4chan's articles on Tyranid tactics and Necron tactics particularly the sections on unit analysis are pretty in-depth. I'll also note there are probably a good deal of swearing or ridiculously dark metaphors abound.


From what I've seen in the batreps I watch, things to be mindful of on the 'Nid side are:

  • The Zoanthropes for their S10 AP2 Lance destroying your LRBTs
  • Mawloc's can destory entire units coming onto the field when they do S6 AP2 hits x2 to every model that falls under their template when they come on from reserves (hitting side armor of vechicles). If he runs any Lictors, the Mawloc is probably coming in Lictor unit because they prevent scattering on deepstrikers. I think the best defense might be trying to spread out your own high value targets before your enemies reserve rolls? Perhaps an Officer of the Fleet?
  • And Tervigons as they spawn 2d6(?) gaunts every shooting phase which can quickly get out of control, luckily though your opponent has to take 30 gaunts to bring a Tervigon as a troop choice instead of a HQ, which might not be viable with his list. 

Don't watch many Necron batreps unfortunately so I can't add much on that front.

Best of luck

I'm pretty familiar with the Necron Codex, having a 'Cron army of reasonable size. I don't really use the Decurion, since I think it's ridiculous and way too much work. I can tell you that the almost army wide Reanimation Protocols (It's really just a 5+ FNP that gets boosted by a Cryptek, or by the Decurion). Hit the Infantry with high strength weapons, S8+, that will drop their reanimation down a notch. Watch out for ghost arks, if you let them get close, they'll fire their broadsides at you, and 10 shots can strip a few hull points off of your Tanks quickly. Not to mention the fact that they can reinforce warrior squads.


Now, I play silver tide necrons, with a few vehicles and special units. Watch out for wraiths, as 1 they can be nasty in CC, and 2, they have a native 3++, so they just save against everything. They also have some decent options in terms of the particle caster, which gives them some potent light vehicle popping ability, or the transdimensional beamer, which gives them significant power against tanks and multi wound models. Scarabs, are also a threat to your vehicles, so if at all possible, kill them with fire, a heavy flamer will just outright kill scarabs. The Canoptek Spider is another one to watch out for, given that it can make more scarabs for a unit within 3 inches, and it can shoot if properly equipped. I doubt you'll see more than one monolith, and you might not see any. But if he knows how to use that monolith, be careful. Having a pyramid of doom sitting in your back field because it deep striked is no fun, especially when it can pull a unit from reserves directly onto the field in font of it, or pull one from across the board. Having a blob of warriors behind you is cause for alarm.


Now, if he only has 1850 to work with and must take Crons and Nids, I doubt very much you'll be seeing much of the big, nasty, killy, stuff. Also, try to force his units together, as they are come the apocalypse allies, meaning they can't deploy w/in 12" of each other, or come within 6 inches of each other or risk being locked in place. Which if you can force him to do that, and get his units locked down, you can use your next turn to do what you will with impunity.


Another thing to watch out for with Necrons, most of their vehicles are AV13 F/S until you pen their armor. So either get around behind, or pen that armor. The F/S armor are linked, so pen the side and the front drops too. That's due to the quantum shielding rule, which get really damn annoying. Now, if you pen the rear armor, the quantum shield stays in place, so just be aware of that.


I hope this has been helpful.

Awesome feedback and run down on the 'Nids!


And yes, I have read through the 1d4chan tactics for both Tyranids and Necrons (and almost every Faction in the game, at that). I have also perused codices for both Nids and Crons as well. I have a 2nd hand copy of the Nids codex since I am considering making them my 3rd faction (since I have models from the Shield of Baal starter kit already and plan on getting Deathwatch, there's a start right there). I stopped by the store and poured through the Necron codex to try to absorb some info about them. The issue with both the 4chan and codex-perusing methods is that knowing raw stats is useful but quite limited. Imagine an opponent looking through the Guard codex: they might be like "holy cow! I gotta prepare for some Bullgryns!" when in reality, how often is an IG player actually going to bring those big lovable lunks? Like in real life, experience tops everything.


I only fought Necrons one other time, and that was with my Blood Angels. The Necron list I faced is concerned one of the top 3, if not the toughest, lists in the club. The player is a good guy and goes to tournaments with it so it's NASTY on the field but enjoyable (at least, as enjoyable as getting tabled can be) to play with. His list featured a DeathStar made up of like every named character in the book and milking every stackable bonus. He also had 2x maxed out Wraith units supported with the spyders, just enough Warriors to pay the tax man, and the rest was Destroyers. Long Story Short, half his army was T5 2+/3+ with a 4+ "FNP" re-rolling the 1s even for Instant death.


Fortunately, my upcoming Nid/Cron opponent is NOT the above opponent and has to work within the structure of the campaign.


NOTE on wonkiness for this campaign list building:

For the campaign, we had to submit ahead of time the 6000pt list of all the units we would be bringing organized by FOC slot. So where it gets particularly tricky is that normally, if you are building a 1850pt list, and you're at 1835, you could buy a few melta bombs or krak grenades or such to make up the difference. In this campaign setting, however each FOC slot is built, you can not change them in any way. You can mix and match units however you want in each 1850pt list so that you can go CAD, double CAD, triple CAD or any special Formations you want but the units themselves can not be adjusted. That's why my Basilisk Batteries are all 3x models as opposed to 3x 1 model each.




Here are the two “templates” I am considering using for this upcoming match. Bear in mind the above mentioned wonky rules of the campaign, so I can not snap out weaponry on any of the units. My next post after this one will also show what I have left standing in my 6000pt pool (more like 4000pts at this point).


The overall idea is that artillery will be my friend against both Necrons and 'Nids so I am leaning towards using the big guns. My concern, however, is that the Emperor's Wrath costs so much (870pts). And with each Platoon (which were originally built w/ Emperor's Shield in mind) being so expensive, it limits my options. Emperor's Wrath gives me Ignores Cover on the Basilisk and Manticores, but it also means I am committing both of my 2 remaining HQ slots to this battle. If they both go down, I will be forced to go Unbound in my 3rd match. (Unit pool in next post).


I have plenty of Melta-Mech Vets left, as well as 2x Hellhounds, but I need to be careful how I use them as I am planning on running Emperor's Blade Assault Company in my 3rd match. That is why I am especially cautious to commit the "Big Game Hunter" CCS to this matchup.


These two lists are each about 1700pts so I have room to fill things in, but I am not entirely sure how to fill out the rest of the points...


Option A template:

Detachment One: 

Imperial Guard Emperor's Wrath Artillery Company




Company Command Squad

--Volkov's Cane

--VHWT Lascannon



Basilisk Battery

--Basilisk x 3


Wyvern Battery

--Wyvern x 2

Detachment Two:


Company Command Squad ("Big Game Hunters")

--Cmdr Carapace Armor
--Veteran Carapace Armor

--Wrath of Cadia 

--Vox Caster

--Plasma Gun x 3



--Turret: Multi-Laser

--Hull: Heavy Bolter

--Dozer Blade


Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad
--Vox Caster

Infantry Squad x 5 (Combined)
--Vox Caster x 1
--Sgt Power Axe x 1
--Grenade Launcher x 5
--Lascannon x 5

Infantry Platoon ("Spotters")

Platoon Command Squad

--Vox Caster

--Heavy Flamer

--Flamer x 2

Infantry Squad 

--Vox Caster

Infantry Squad
--Vox Caster


Option B template:

Combined Arms Detachment:


Ministorum Priest

Primaris Psyker


Primaris Psyker


Company Command Squad
--Volkov's Cane
--VHWT Lascannon


Infantry Platoon

Platoon Command Squad

--Vox Caster

Infantry Squad x 5 (Combined)

--Vox Caster x 1

--Sgt Power Axe x 1

--Grenade Launcher x 5

--Lascannon x 5

Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad
--Vox Caster

Infantry Squad x 5 (Combined)
--Vox Caster x 1
--Sgt Power Axe x 1
--Grenade Launcher x 5
--Lascannon x 5


Basilisk Battery

--Basilisk x 3


Wyvern Battery

--Wyvern x 2



Option C template:


Detachment One: 

Imperial Guard Emperor's Wrath Artillery Company




Company Command Squad

--Volkov's Cane

--VHWT Lascannon



Basilisk Battery

--Basilisk x 3


Wyvern Battery

--Wyvern x 2


Detachment Two:

Imperial Guard Emperor's Shield Infantry Platoon



Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad
--Vox Caster

Infantry Squad x 5 (Combined)
--Vox Caster x 1
--Sgt Power Axe x 1
--Grenade Launcher x 5
--Lascannon x 5


Sentinel Squadron

--Sentinel x 1


Detachment Three:

Imperial Guard Emperor's Shield Infantry Platoon



Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad
--Vox Caster

Infantry Squad x 5 (Combined)
--Vox Caster x 1
--Sgt Power Axe x 1
--Grenade Launcher x 5
--Lascannon x 5


Sentinel Squadron

--Sentinel x 1



Units I have left in my campaign pool. Note that the Aegis is my only source of AA at all.

NO FORCE ORG [up to 6x of each]
Ministorum Priest x 4

Primaris Psyker x 2

Enginseer x 2

HQ [4 FOC slots max]
Company Command Squad

--Volkov's Cane

--VHWT Lascannon


Company Command Squad ("Big Game Hunters")

--Cmdr Carapace Armor
--Veteran Carapace Armor

--Wrath of Cadia 

--Vox Caster

--Plasma Gun x 3



--Turret: Multi-Laser

--Hull: Heavy Bolter

--Dozer Blade

Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor
—Servo Skulls x 3
—Null Rod
—Inferno Pistol

TROOPS [12x FOC slots max]
Infantry Platoon  (2x of these left in pool)
Platoon Command Squad
--Vox Caster

Infantry Squad x 5 (Combined)
--Vox Caster x 1
--Sgt Power Axe x 1
--Grenade Launcher x 5
--Lascannon x 5

Infantry Platoon ("Spotters") (1x of these left in pool)

Platoon Command Squad

--Vox Caster

--Heavy Flamer

--Flamer x 2

Veteran Squad (5 of these in pool)
—Carapace Armor
—Melta gun x 3
—Vox Caster
—Turret: Multi-Laser
—Hull: Heavy Bolter
—Dozer Blade

Veteran Squad (1x of these left in pool)
—Flak Armor
—Heavy Flamer
—Melta gun x 2
—Vox Caster
—Turret: Multi-Laser
—Hull: Heavy Flamer
—Dozer Blade

ELITES: [6x FOC slots max)
Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband (“Crusader squad”)
—Crusader x 4 (Power Axe and Storm Shield)
—Death Cult Assassin x 4 (2x Power Swords)
—Ministorum Priest x 2
Land Raider Crusader (InQuisition version)
—Dozer Blade (IQ LR’s can take Dozer blades!)
—Psybolt Ammunition

Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband (“Inquisitorial Stormtrooper squad”)
—Acolyte x 4 (Hot-Shot lasgun, Carapace Armor)
—Acolyte w/ Special Weapon x 3 (Plasma gun, Carapace Armor)
—Jokaero Weaponsmith x 2
—Psyker x 1
Chimera (IQ version)
—Turret: Heavy bolster
—Hull: Heavy Bolter
—Pintle: Storm bolter
—Dozer blade
—Psybolt ammunition

Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband (“Warp Charge Battery”)
—Acolyte x 2 (Laspistol/CCW, Flak armor)
—Psyker x 1

Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband (“Warp Charge Battery”)
—Acolyte x 2 (Laspistol/CCW, Flak armor)
—Psyker x 1

Culexus Assassin

FAST ATTACK [6 FOC slots max]
Hellhound (2x left in pool)
—Turret: Inerno Cannon
—Hull: Heavy Flamer
—Dozer Blade

Sentinel Squadron (2x left in pool)
—Sentinel x 1

HEAVY SUPPORT [6 FOC slots max]
Basilisk Battery (1x left in pool)
—Basilisk x 3

Manticore (1x left in pool)

Wyvern Battery (1x left in pool)
—Wyvern x 2



Aegis Defense Line (1x left in pool)
—Quad Gun



LORD OF WAR [2x FOC slots max]


Ok, sorry for all the posts but this is the last one.


To give some perspective, I plan on using the list below for week 3 (03/06) against a Chaos Space Marine player. The CSM list can be summed up as "Nurgle on Bikes"...so fast, tough, hard-hitting...everything a commander could want. A kitted-out Chaos Lord on a bike with Power Fist/Lightning Claw combo, lots of Chaos Spawn ("rat spawn"...converted models that are some of THE best looking miniatures I have played in-person), couple of mauler-fiends, a bunch of Nurgle Marines with melta guns in rhinos, and a Daemon Prince psyker with wings. Add cultists, Renegades and Heretics, and CSM codex support units to flavor.  I have played with/against this opponent a few times so I am far more familiar with its capabilities than against the Nid/Necron list mentioned above.


Below is what I plan on taking against him, so if you are wondering why I am not using any of the sweet Inquisition units listed in my pool, that's why:




Detachment One:

Imperial Guard Emperor's Blade Assault Company



Company Command Squad ("Big Game Hunters")

--Commander Carapace Armor

--Veteran Carapace Armor

--Wrath of Cadia

--Vox Caster

--Plasma gun x 3



--Turret: Multi-Laser

--Hull: Heavy Bolter

--Dozer Blade



Veteran Squad (3x of these)

--Carapace Armor

--Vox Caster

--Melta gun x 3


--Turret: Multi-Laser

--Hull: Heavy Bolter

--Dozer Blade



Hellhound Squadron

--Hellhound x 1

--Turret: Inferno Cannon

--Hull: Heavy Flamer--

--Dozer Blade



Detachment Two:

Inquisitorial Detachment



Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor

--Carapace Armor

--Servo Skulls x 3


--Null Rod

--Inferno Pistol




Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband ("Crusader Squad")

--Crusader x 4 (Power Axe and Storm Shield)

--Death Cult Assassin x 4 (2x Power Swords)

--Ministorum Priest x 2

Land Raider Crusader (IQ Version)


--Dozer Blade

--Psybolt Ammunition


Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband

--Acolyte x 4 (Hot-shot lasgun, Carapace Armor)

--Acolyte x 3 (Plasma gun, Carapace Armor)

--Jokaero Weaponsmith x 2


Chimera (IQ Version)

--Turret: Heavy Bolter

--Hull: Heavy Bolter

--Pintle: Storm bolter

--Dozer Blade

--Psybolt ammunition


Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband ("Warp Charge battery")

--Acolyte x 2 (Laspistol/CCW, Flak Armor)




Detachment Three:

Officio Assassinorum Detachment



Culexus Assassin




I feel good about this matchup (2 weeks out) overall, so long as I can keep the forces I need for above list alive this week. The Emperor's Blade formation is pretty sweet on its own, especially considering they get Preferred Enemy against any enemy within 6" of an objective. Preferred Enemy + the Ignores Cover order for 3x Rapid-Fire Plasma guns? Yes please! My guess is that he may forget about the usually-priority mech vets capping objectives when he has the Land Raider Crusader bearing down on him, with S5 bolters and S7 Assault cannon (Psybolt ammunition FTW) clearing the way, ready to unleash the S5 I6 AP3 Death Cultists and 3++ AP2 Cruaders, re-rolling To Hit and To Wound and all Saves with the 2x Priests. And while he is concentrating on that melee doom squad, the Inquisitor can make the IQ Stormtrooper squad BS10 against Psykers with the Psyocculum while preventing them from being hit by any return psychic attacks at all with the Null Rod (Null Rod = Culexus assassin-lite). And those crazy Space Monkeys just might make the whole unit get +12" to shooting range...36" Plasma guns? Sweet! 18" Inferno Pistol? Yes please!


Oh yea...and as if that's not enough to fill his threat priorities...almost like an afterthought...there's a Culexus Assassin!


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