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Black Shields Raid Force 2k points (changes with new book)

Brother Aiwass

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Nemean Reaver - 180 (with Marauder Squad Alpha)


Cortus dreadnought (Plasma cannon, Kheres assault cannon) - 160


Marauder Squad Alpha x10 (shotgun x8, PW x2, c-melta, MB, LC) - 256 (in Stormeagle)
Marauder Squad x10 (shotgun x8, deathlock x2, c-melta, MB) - 224 (Deepstrike)
Reccon squad x5 (scout armor, camaleonine, sniper rifle x5) - 175 (Infiltrate)
Support squad x5 (pariah flamer x5) - 100 (Deepstrike)


Stormeagle - 210
Primaris lightling (4 Kraken Missiles, Phosphex bombs, Ground-tracking Auguries) - 220
Jetbike Skyhunter Squad x6 (Plasma cannon x2) - 270


Fireraptor - 200




Trying to represent a light raiding force without any ground vehicles. If I did well, that's 1995 points. Thoughts?

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You're missing out on the Cortus' full melee capabilities without taking a DCCW. But at the same time that huge discount helps for upgrades.


I would definitely get reaper ACs on that fire raptor.  They're so worth it.


Perhaps a vox on the recons so help bring down your deepstrikers.

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Yeah, I know I'm missing the whole capabilities about the Cortus, and as you say, I thought that would be nice to field a cheap dakka contemptor. However I made some changes as you suggested.



Nemean Reaver - 180


Dreadnought (Volkite Culverin x2) - 145


Marauder Squad x10 (shotgun x8, PW x2, c-melta, MB, LC) - 256
Marauder Squad x10 (shotgun x8, deathlock x2, c-melta, MB) - 224
Reccon squad x5 (scout armor, camaleonine, sniper rifle x5, nuncio-vox) - 185
Support squad x5 (pariah flamer x5) - 100


Stormeagle - 210
Primaris lightling (4 Kraken Missiles, Phosphex bombs, Ground-tracking Auguries) - 220
Jetbike Skyhunter Squad x6 (Plasma cannon x2) - 270


Fireraptor (RAC battery) - 210


If I did right, it's 2k flat.

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Yeah the Cortus is in a strange spot, it's better than a regular dread for only a few points more, great in CC, but at the same time the discount helps if you want to make it a mortis.


As for the Lightning I would suggest Tank Hunters over the phosphex bombs. With Strafing Run and TH those 4 krakens are going do do massive damage on what is likely your only optimal attack run. Then it's going to be shot at, forced to jink, and wont be able to bomb anything. It's not a bad bomber, but its a fantastic tank hunter.


You may struggle against mechanized lists that have lots of troops mounted in rhinos though. Not a whole lot if you can get that Raptor on early. My suggestion is if you're not committed to the volkite on the Cortus to switch to autocannons.

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Agreed about the lightning, a shame that is my only phosphex source, but not crucial. And yes, I'm fond of the volkites, however, the dread (this one is a regular one, not a Cortus) will be magnetized, so no problem (at least list wise, modelling however it may be, as I want to take this project as a modeling challenge and try to avoid as much as astartes/human tech as possible (raiding xenos FTW). Meaning that every vehicle would be either heavily converted or scrap builded. Regular dread will be the old one from Space Crusade (I have two! ^_^ ) and may be difficult to make it a rifleman, and for the Cortus I was planning on mounting a 1/35 Korean K1A1 main battle tank turrent on a pair of sentinel legs, but I'm getting off topic.

Anyway, I will consider making a rifleman :)

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This is another list I'm considering, maybe not that powerful as the previous one (no Fire Raptor or plasma cannons) but I like the feeling of it. Do you think it might work or I'll be doomed? My main opponents will be Necrons (with monoliths), Nids (swarmzilla) and Blood Angels (one DP with a Furioso, a Baal pred and little armor, maybe a Landraider).

Gaurav Rudra (Nemean Reaver) - 180

Terminator Squad Dhraav x5 (Chainfist, RAC, Deathlock x2, c-melta x2, Grenade Harness, Rad Grenades) - 240

Marauder Squad Svar x10 (chainaxes x9, Pariah bolter x10, lightning claw, melta bombs, vox, Rad Grenades) 345
• Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod
Marauder Squad Gaut x10 (chainaxes x9, Pariah bolter x10, lightning claw, melta bombs, Rad Grenades) - 235
Marauder Squad Senthil x10 (chainaxes x9, Pariah bolter x10, lightning claw, melta bombs, Rad Grenades) - 235
Reccon squad Imra x5 (scout armor, camaleonine, sniper rifle x5, nuncio-vox) - 185
Support squad Ghoras x5 (plasma gun x5) - 175

Stormeagle Vár - 210
Primaris lightling - Rukh (4 Kraken Missiles, Ground-tracking Auguries) - 195


2000 sharp.

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  • 4 months later...

New list with the new book!


Nemean Reaver (joins Marauder Sqd 1)


Apothecary (joins Marauder Sqd 1)


Legion veteran 10 man, 2x HB (in dreadclaw)


Marauder Sqd 1 10 man, 10 extra bolt pistols, 2 PW, MB, rad grenades (in Stormeagle)

Marauder Sqd 2 10 man, 10 extra bolt pistols, 2 pariah-flamer, MB, rad grenades (in dreadclaw)


Seeker Sqd 10 man, rad grenades (in dreadclaw)


Stormeagle 4x Hellstrike missiles

Primaris Lightning 4x Kraken missiles, 2x Sunfury missiles, Ground-tracking auguries


Dreadclaw x3 (LoW - Sub-orbital strike wing)


How does it look?

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