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First UM list - 2k

Frater Cornelius

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Here is my first stab at the UM, including Big G. Enjoy.

+++ Big G 2000 (2000pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2000pts) ++

+ HQ (95pts) +

Legion Centurion (95pts) [Artificer Armour (10pts)]
····Consul (35pts) [Chaplain (35pts)]

+ Troops (675pts) +

Invictarus Suzerain Squad (475pts) [5x Invictarus Suzerains (125pts)]
····Land Raider Phobos (255pts) Dozer Blade (5pts)]

Legion Tactical Squad (200pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines (90pts)]
····Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier (40pts) [Dozer Blade (5pts)]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant (10pts) [Artificer Armour (10pts)]

+ Elites (480pts) +

Legion Destroyer Squad (360pts) [9x Legion Destroyer Space Marine (180pts), 2x Missile Launcher with Suspensor Web and Rad Missiles Only (50pts)]
····Legion Destroyer Sergeant (20pts) [Artificer Armour (10pts), Phosphex Bombs (10pts)]
····Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier (40pts) [Dozer Blade (5pts)]

Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (60pts)
····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (60pts) [Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun') (20pts)]

Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (60pts)
····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (60pts) [Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun') (20pts)]

(I added the Shattershells afterwards, so it all checks out. I have not updated Battlescribe yet)

+ Heavy Support (350pts) +

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (175pts) [Lascannons (40pts)]

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (175pts) [Lascannons (40pts)]

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [XIII: Ultramarines]

+ Lord of War (400pts) +

Roboute Guilliman (400pts)

At 2.5k I was looking at either a full Seeker Squad in a Dreadclaw or a Leviathan in Pod. Possibly both at 3k.

Tell me what you think msn-wink.gif

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Just looking at some of the point costs, why are your Invectarus costing you so much? Have you added an extra man? Also, definitely add a power fist to the Tac Sgt :-)


I'd drop the Destroyers, unless you're dead set on taking them and really like the models and fluff. In their place, possibly a Deredeo, or another Sicaran, or a Heavy Support squad with Volkytes and further troops?


Generally a good list, however. Just to make you aware the Quad Mortars have gone up by 10 points if you want the Str8 Sunder shells (they are mandatory).

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Ah, forgot to edit. I added 20pts to the Suzie squad to adjust for the increased Quad Mortar costs. They would cost 20pts less. 200+255 for the Phobos.


As for the Destroyers, ye I agree. But I wanted something to make use of the UM RoW. I suppose a full Volkite Support Squad would not go amiss. Any other suggestions? Maybe Seekers or even a Leviathan?

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Leviathan would actually work well with this list as a distraction, and should pull fire away from the Primarch and your Sicarans in the initial turns.


You'd need to find points for him and a Drop Pod, however...


You could also include a large unit of Locutarus, or Fulmentarus?

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Okay, I have 360pts + a few more when I drop some minor upgrades. I can replace it with:


5 Fulmentarii with Cyclones cost 375 and with Reapers 325

10 Heavies with Volkites, AA and Scanner on Sarge for 350

10 Locutarus with a MB for the Sarge for 290 and a third Quad Mortal with Shatter Shells for 70.

Leviathan with Grav Flux, Phosphor, Claw and Volkite in a Dreadnought Pod for 375 if I am not mistaken.


Things will become easier at 2.5k, but I want to start with 2k and then work from there.

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The list you've put together has some pretty great Dakka.

I do think that dropping a Leviathan turn 1, behind enemy lines would create quite the distraction and allows your Landraider to advance with less resistance.


People will shoot me but I'd probably take the Storm Cannon over the Grav flux, just so I can pop a transport and then charge the following turn. Of course, if you know infantry will be on the table in number then the Grav Flux is the optimal choice.



Probably take the Grav Flux as it's more Heresy themed!

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I feel like I want to add more bodies though and reserve the Leviathan in Pod for when I move up to 2500pts. I will add a Leviathan and the third Quad Mortar when I do so.


Personally, I am gravitating towards the Fulmentarii or the Volkite guys. More bodies, more dakka and more use of the LA re-rolls. When I add those and then move to 2.5k with the third Mortar and the Leviathan, it feels like a very balanced list with some deadly dakka.

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Yeah, more bodies will be good as you only have a single Tac squad. For some reason I thought you had 2, just re-read the list.


Fulmentarus are too pricey, imo. Jud uses them, ask him what he thinks.

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