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Deathwatch Blood Angel: a Gripe and Neato-Trick to pull


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The Ugly:
Anyone else hate the blond-mop head that keeps getting pushed with BA kits as much as I do? Blech!
The Negative:
I can't help feel that the new DeathWatch stuff coming out is an example how lackluster Blood Angels currently are. It gives us little hope...almost as if big bad Games Workshop is deliberately trying to keep them lacklust. 
I mean compare each member of this DW kill team side by side and look at them as a micro version of the unique fun stuff of their chapter:
--Dark Angel: Stubborn and Plasma Pistol/Power Sword (so good at never running away and really good at killing CSM)
--Space Wolf: Counter-Attack and 2x CQWs (so 4x Attacks no matter what...nice and wolfy)
--Iron Hand: Feel No Pain (6+)....(tough)
--Ultramarine: Precision Shots and 2x Characters, more than any other Chapter in the Kill Team (sure)
--Raven Guard: 2x Lightning Claws, ability to use Jump Pack in both Movement and Assault phases, Stealth (great at striking from nowhere and carving up anything sort of TEQ)
--White Scar: Hit & Run, Power Sword, Skilled Rider (like RG, good at being a force multiplier)
--Salamander: BOTH a Heavy Flamer and Melta plus the usual fiery goodies (Salamanders gonna Salamander)
Compare that to:
--Blood Angel: Furious Charge and Hand Flamer
--Imperial Fist: cool new toy (Frag Cannon)...does not even get to re-roll 1's (the one guy in the entire unit that would benefit THE MOST from Specialist ammo...)
--Blood Raven: ??? In fact, he is worse than any other Librarian since he can ONLY use the Biomancy table. Sure Specialist Ammo in a pistol...oh wow
I mean, if you look at the DW as literal side-by-side comparison of all the strengths of each "Chapter Tactic" than some definitely stand out way more than others, both fluff and crunch wise. 
The RG VV gets the same exact Heroic Intervention trait as the BA, so there's nothing special there. 


Look, I am not trying to bring anyone done, I am just full of sound and fury how my favorite/preferred faction seems to be getting deliberately outclassed by everything in the post-decurion world. Preaching to the choir, here, I know.
The Fun: 
Commander Dante
Astorath the Grim
Antor Delassio (DeathWatch BA guy)
Death Company x 15 
--Jump Pack x 15
--Power Fist x 3
--Power Sword x 1
--Bolter x 3
And the whole unit can re-roll:
-one or both Charge die (newfangled Heroic Intervention from the DW rules)
-To Hit in CQC
-DC can also re-roll To Wound on the Turn they charge in
...can multi-charge without penalty (see Heroic Intervention above)  and gets +1S on the Charge (Furious Charge) and +1I if taken in the Baal Strike Force detachment...
...and can Hit & Run on I6.
All for 855pts. 
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