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Requesting help on planning buys


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Hello I stopped collecting many years ago and have recently started collecting again from fresh, to start with it was solely for the fun of painting but with the local GW manager being so helpful and offering to help out with learning the game again I figured I would give the gaming side a go too.


So after that long intro here is my request, I plan on putting together a 750pts and 1000pts detatchment and dont want to blindly buy boxes based on what looks pretty (Already grabbed a sanguine guard to go with the initial tac squad because well they looked cool as hell to paint!)


I`ve always loved death company and dreadnaughts so my personal ideas have been roughly based around this.



HQ - Chaplain 110pts

                        Jump Pack, Melta Bombs, Veritas Vitae


Troops - Tactical Squad 150pts

                        4 Marines, Sargeant w chainsword/bolt pistol, Heavy Flamer, Razorback (Heavy Bolter)

              Tactical Squad 145pts

                        4 Marines, Sargeant w chainsword/bolt pistol, Heavy Flamer, Razorback (Heavy Bolter, Storm Bolter)


Elites -  Death Company 163pts

                        6 Marines, Jump Packs, 1 Power Fist (With bolter? May have misread that in another post)

             Furioso Dreadnaught 165pts

                        Frag Cannon, Meltagun, Drop Pod


The 1000pts variation is pretty much the same with 2 5man DC squads and a vindicator too.


Please any thoughts or advice is greatly appreciated, especially after fighting through all that text!



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So after that long intro here is my request, I plan on putting together a 750pts and 1000pts detatchment and dont want to blindly buy boxes based on what looks pretty


Sees like it's too late for that!


I've been collecting BA for over a decade, and my purchases are still based on what is pretty, and my armies made up of what I like and is painted.


At such a low points level, I'd generally avoid our expensive razorbacks, but if you like the models, go for it! But I think you could easily drop both and take that unit of sanguinary guard.


Your army is really lacking in anti tank, so I'd suggest: TL Lascannons on the razorbacks, multi melta attack bikes, a lascannon devastator squad, fast lascannon predator.


There is a BA death Co Dread that can be used as a troops choice if you want to fit more DC into the army :)

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There is also a squad of Death Company that can be troops!


Or, if you really want DC and dreads, you could make your army from the Strike Force Mortalis Formation:


3 Squads of Death Company

1 Chaplain

1 Stormraven

2 DC Dreads


By fielding this they all get the Crusader rule and an extra attack in combat if they are out numbered :)

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You sir`s have made my day! I`ve tried sifting through the codex`s and this forum to hunt for these formations that have appeared since i last played but this death company formation sounds like alot of fun!


For the razorbacks I got hungup on the mindset that the tact squad would be so much more potent with the increased movability and adding a weapons platform that can move independantly of them seemed like a really useful tool too, Anti tank weapons was my main concern, I catered for infantry mainly due to the low points as i guessed most armies would field a large infantry focus too.


Would swapping out the heavy flamers for meltaguns level out the focus on the tact squads? then each unit/squad would have an anti tank option.


I`ll have a read through the books again for how your anti tank suggestions will balance things out but personally i`d like to stay clear of bikes and dev squads (Cant stand the bike models and a although the dev squad would provide great heavy cover fire I couldnt imagine "my guys" sitting tight when theres a charge to be had, the "fluff" in mind demands mobility)

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The Death company formation rules can be found in "Shield of Baal: Exterminatus" available from your local GW. Maybe.


As with anything, there are multiple solutions to the same problem, so at 750 you will probably only really be facing av11 - 12, but might run into that odd person that brings the leman russ.


What will always have a place is a 5 man assault squad with 3 meltas in a drop pod - 100pts for a good chance of incapacitating a tank T1.


You might be able to drop a razorback and 1dc to get the points for it.

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A meltacide squad would be hard to go without even at low points 1 squad can potentially win you the game. Its a ASM squad with 2x melta guns (as our dex grants x2 specs per squad) in a pod but I see you have a melta on the furioso so that might be enough of an alpha armour strike but maybe swapping out a HF for a melta gun. Or you could drop the HB's and SB from the rhinos, 1 dc and increase a tac squad to 10 men and take a HF AND a melta gun? Or combi melta the sgts for use out of the rhino's firing ports even cheaper?


Other than that it looks a pretty good choice at both 750 and 1,000 points to be straight. Almost exactly the same as my 750 pts list! Just stick to a gentleman's agreement not to field flyers :) 

Lolz. Charlo, Xenith and I all answer the same. At almost the same time!

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If you're insane, like me, you can also use what I feel would be a devastating set up at this points level.


Full ten man Tac Squad. Heavy flamer, Flamer, twin Hand Flamers on the Sergeant. Pop them in a drop pod with a Deathwind launcher. I like it because no other Marines can do it :D


You pod in next to thier infantry and just cover them in hits and dice. It's super fun to play and unique to BA. The next turn you then have however many Marines in thier deployment zone ready to furiously charge in, and if they get charged the enemy has to eat 4 D3 hits from each flame weapon plus other overwatch.


Had these drop down next to a full 20 man blood letter unit and simply delete them as they arrived.


Don't forget to throw a frag grenade too ;)

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