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Blackshields - Orbital Assault 2.5K

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Been thinking about something different for my Ex-Iron Warrior Blackshields. I love Drop Pod armies, but Blackshields aren't allowed normal Drop Pods. So I looked to the versatile Anvillus and Kharybdis Drop Pods. So in the spirit of all or nothing, I begun writing the list with 3 Kharybdis Pods!

Primary Detachment: Legiones Astartes Blackshield (Orphans of War) - 2500 Points


Reaver Lord

  • Cataphractii Terminator Armour
  • Halo Blade


Cataphractii Legion Terminators (6)

  • Power Axes


Legion Breachers (20)

  • 4 Graviton Guns
  • Legion Vexilla
  • Artificer Armour
  • Power Fist

Legion Breachers (20)

  • 4 Graviton Guns
  • Legion Vexilla
  • Artificer Armour
  • Power Fist

Blackshield Marauders (5)

  • Shotguns
  • Single Lightning Claw
  • Anvillus Drop Pod

Blackshield Marauders (5)

  • Shotguns
  • Single Lightning Claw
  • Anvillus Drop Pod


Kharybdis Assault Claw

Kharybdis Assault Claw

Kharybdis Assault Claw

The Reaver Lord and Terminators form a unit. The Terminators and the Breachers go into a Kharybdis each. Kharybdis drop turn one and should do a lot of damage between the mass bolters, graviton guns and Kharybdis Missiles. The Marauders drop in later to sit on Objectives or clean up back line units. Orphans of War makes Breachers much better with LD 10 and Re-rolling 1's to hit. Terminators are the main counter-assault unit but marauders can also counter assault unto the Breacher Anvils.

Maybe I'm Crazy tongue.png Please let me know what you think about the list, thanks in advance!

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Crazy list, yes, but awesome! The hard part wil be keeping the units within 6" of each other for the Ld and re-roll.


Note that graviton guns are a Heavy Blast weapon, so no Snap Firing them. Those Breachers won't get to shoot with them until the turn AFTER they disembark the Kharybdis, and only if they stay still.


Why a single lightning claw on the Marauder Chiefs? Power fists would be better. :)

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I'm glad you like it :)


I realised the Heavy Blast part about Graviton Guns later, thanks for pointing it out. However they are the only good way I have for dealing with Armoured Ceramite AV14 in this list so I'll just have to play accordingly. 


I decided to go for Lightning Claws because the Chieftains can't take Artificer Armour and so I reasoned they would die to Power Swords before being able to swing. Are they so rare in 30k that the Power Fist is almost always better? Also, I have to admit that I think a barbaric Marauder with a Bloodied Lightning Claw looks great and that skewed my decision somewhat ;)

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Actually, your justification of a lightning claw is quite solid. They might be able to hit something before dying that way. :)


Why not look at some Contrmptor-Cortus Dreadnoughts, each with a chainfist and dual graviton guns? They can ride in Dreadclaws, which are cheaper than Kharybdis Claws... Here's something I adapted from your idea:



Reaver Lord in Terminator Armour: Cataphractii terminator armour; Halo blade; combi-bolter; digital lasers; grenade harness 215



9 Blackshield Marauders: chainaxes; 9× Astartes shotgun; + 1 Blackshield Marauder Chief (lightning claw; Astartes shotgun; melta bombs) 215

• Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod

9 Blackshield Marauders: chainaxes; 9× Astartes shotgun; + 1 Blackshield Marauder Chief (lightning claw; Astartes shotgun; melta bombs) 215

• Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod

9 Blackshield Marauders: chainaxes; 9× Astartes shotgun; + 1 Blackshield Marauder Chief (lightning claw; Astartes shotgun; melta bombs) 215

• Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod



6 Terminators: Cataphractii Terminator armour; 6× combi-bolter; 4× power weapon; 2× chainfist; + 1 Terminator Sergeant (combi-bolter; power weapon) 255

Contemptor-Cortus Dreadnought: Dreadnought close combat weapon (graviton gun); chainfist (graviton gun) 175

Contemptor-Cortus Dreadnought: Dreadnought close combat weapon (graviton gun); chainfist (graviton gun) 175

Contemptor-Cortus Dreadnought: Dreadnought close combat weapon (graviton gun); chainfist (graviton gun) 175



Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod

Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod

Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod



Kharybdis Assault Claw


Force Organisation Chart: Age of Darkness

Wrought by War: Orphans of War


2,500 points


That's 7 pods, 4 in Turn 1, with plenty of Relentless graviton in there!

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Interesting, I don't think it's legal though. Can the Contemptor-Cortus take the Dreadclaws as Dedicated Transports? If not, the list has too many Vehicles. 7 Vehicles (excluding the Dedicated Marauder Dreadclaws) vs. 4 Infantry units. 


I like the idea of adding Graviton on Dreads though, why take Contemptor-Cortus over normal Dreadnoughts? Normal Dreadnoughts are 50 points cheaper and fullfill basically the same role, is the durability trade-off that bad?

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Ah, yes. The vehicle issue. Completely forgot about that. No, Dreadclaws are not DT's unless using Orbital Assault, which you can't use.


I guess normal Dreadnoughts have the bonus WS, but lack the AV13 Front Armour. Either way, you'll need more Infantry to make it work.


Maybe with you original list look at meltaguns instead of graviton guns?

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Hmm, I would prefer to swap out the Gravitons for Volkites and go full on Anti-Infantry. I could swap out the Marauders for Legion Support Teams equipped with Melta Guns. That would deal with most Vehicles.


I'm just concerned about the Flare-shielded, Armoured Ceramite Spartan. The only thing I could do to it is ram it with the Claws. Amusing enough I suppose :)

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I think I may have found a solution to the Graviton problem. I'm not happy adding a bunch of Melta Guns since I feel Armoured Ceramite is on most things in 30k. I can however take a Mechanicum Taghmata Allied Detachment. These can bring the Relentless Myrmidon Secutors with Graviton Guns onto the field.


Allied Detachment Mechanicum Taghmata - 615 Points



Magos Prime

  • Archmagos Upgrade
  • Lachrimallus Order of High Techno-Arcana
  • Power Axe


Myrmidon Secutors (3)

  • Double Graviton Guns


Adsecularis Covenant (20)

  • Rite of Pure Thought
  • Heavy Chainswords
  • Revenant Alchemistry


Vorax Battle Automata (1)

  • Frag Grenades
  • Irad Cleanser
  • Paragon of Metal


6 Relentless Graviton Guns should worry even a Spartan Assault Tank. The Archmagos Prime joins the Myrmidons and acts as their bulletsponge. Between 3 Wounds, a Toughness of 5, a 2+/4++ and FnP (5+) this is a tough character. The Adsecularis are to prevent the Myrmidon getting caught up in Close Combat and to hold an Objective with Fearless bodies. The Vorax is a personal toy, I want a solo killer bot jumping around. 


This would then be added to the following Primary Detachment:


Primary Detachment: Legiones Astartes Blackshield (Orphans of War) - 1885 Points



Reaver Lord

  • Cataphractii Terminator Armour
  • Halo Blade


Cataphractii Legion Terminators (5)

  • Power Axes


Legion Breachers (20)

  • 4 Volkite Chargers
  • Artificer Armour
  • Power Fist

Legion Breachers (20)

  • 4 Volkite Chargers
  • Artificer Armour
  • Power Fist


Kharybdis Assault Claw


Kharybdis Assault Claw


Kharybdis Assault Claw


Now, this list is far from optimal, I'm probably better off with more Anvillus and smaller units. I might do that later but for now I feel this list ticks the boxes. Any more suggestions, alterations to the Allied Detachment?

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