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2.5k Logos Lectora UM

Frater Cornelius

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Here is my take on a rather defensive UM Logos list:


+++ Logos Lectora (2470pts) +++

The missing 30pts are there to accommodate the cost increase for Thud Guns

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2470pts) ++

+ HQ (105pts) +

Legion Centurion (105pts) [Artificer Armour (10pts), Refractor Field (10pts)]
····Consul (35pts) [Chaplain (35pts)]

+ Troops (945pts) +

Invictarus Suzerain Squad (525pts) [7x Invictarus Suzerains (175pts)]
····Land Raider Phobos (275pts) [Armoured Ceramite (20pts), Dozer Blade (5pts)]

Legion Tactical Squad (210pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines (90pts)]
····Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier (45pts) [Dozer Blade (5pts), Twin-Linked Bolter (5pts)]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant (15pts) [Artificer Armour (10pts), Melta Bombs (5pts)]

Legion Tactical Squad (210pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines (90pts)]
····Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier (45pts) [Dozer Blade (5pts), Twin-Linked Bolter (5pts)]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant (15pts) [Artificer Armour (10pts), Melta Bombs (5pts)]

+ Elites (320pts) +

Legion Dreadnought Talon (140pts)
····Legion Dreadnought (140pts) [Melta Gun (15pts), Multi-Melta]

Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (180pts) +30
····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (60pts) [Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun') (20pts)]
····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (60pts) [Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun') (20pts)]
····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (60pts) [Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun') (20pts)]

+ Heavy Support (700pts) +

Legion Heavy Support Squad (350pts) [9x Legion Space Marines (180pts), Volkite Culverin (100pts)]
····Legion Sergeant (15pts) [Artificer Armour (10pts), Augury Scanner (5pts)]

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (175pts) [Lascannons (40pts)]

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (175pts) [Lascannons (40pts)]

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [XIII: Ultramarines]

+ Lord of War (400pts) +

Roboute Guilliman (400pts)
····Master of the Legion [The Logos Lectora]


The idea is to camp my half and shoot the enemy to bits in the first few turns. What I like about this list is that it is adaptable. Facing Armoured rush? G gives Tank Hunter to the Sicarans to support the Volkite guys and Thud Guns.

Facing massed Deep Strike? Give the Sicarans Interceptor so that entire HS section can stop pesky alpha strike units.

Facing loads of FMC or fliers? BS2 Snapshots on top of the Sicarans twin-linked. Facing assault? Counter-Attack to help kill those elements that did not get shot or got de-meched.


Oh as for the Dread? I like Dreads. No other reason. He is just there because I like to have a few Dreads for visual diversity and fun. He can be useful and is cheap enough not to interfere with the rest of the list. And who knows, maybe he blows something up or crush something in a counter-assault ;)


C&C welcome, as this would be a list I want to build towards to.

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In all honesty this is a pretty good list, which is probably why nobody has been commenting on it. I've been playing HH a while now and now that I've got a copy of Tempest I've familiarized myself with the Ultramarines enough to offer some advanced suggestions.


The free Power Weapon (of whatever variety you model) that the Chaplain has allows him to take a more specialized weapon and still claim the attack bonus when he switches back to his main one. Considering how good Legatine Axes are I'd consider giving your Chaplain one and having his PW be a Power Maul. Invictus Suzerians are pretty good with their non unwieldy AP2 axes, AA and a Boarding Shield AND boosted combat stats. The Guilliman Deathstar is going to be pretty tough to deal with directly, but apart from this unit the rest of your army seems to rely mostly on torrent fire to win.


I'm not saying this a bad strategy, but there will be occasions when you wish you had some AP2/3 to deal with enemy MEQs or TEQs out in the open (such as a Predator Executioner). I also think that since you aren't aggressively going after your enemy, your ranged anti-tank seems a bit unprepared to deal with AV13/14 at range... essentially relying on stripping hull points with 5s or 6s. This could lead to some difficulty against Questoris Knight armies and Armour heavy Solar Auxilia armies, or even a vehicle emphasizing Legion force with superior firepower (Iron Warriors come to mind, but other legions can do it too by taking a Typhon).


If this was my army, I'd keep it mostly as is but shave some Culverin Troopers and a Quad Rapier to buy a Primaris Lightning with Kraken Missiles. This reduces your overkill and gives you an answer to high AV targets that must die quickly.

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I have indeed noticed the lack of AP2. I have also noticed that I did a mistake. Logos Lectora demands a second HQ that is either a Damoncles or a Master of Signal. With that in mind I decided to remodel the list a bit.


- 1 Dreadnought

- 1 Sicaran

- 3 Dozer Blades (2x Rhino, 1x Land Raider)

+ 1 Master of Signar with AA

+ 2 Predator Executioners (Squadron)


The MoS will most likely sit with the Thud Guns for boost their BS. With the two Predators I will have 6 solid AP2 blasts, which can also be given Interceptor by Guilliman. Though it gives me less hard-core ranged AT, I will have 1 Sicaran, 1 Land Raider and Thud Guns to deal with regular AV14, the Preds can even help with AV13. I have simply abandoned the notion of being able to kill Spartans with Flare Shields in a timely manner. However, this is where Big G and his unit come unit, being able to punch the Spartan and whatever drops out of there, so I think that will be a solid trade-off, right?


As for the Culv guys, I mainly included them to make more use of the LA rule of UM. I seem to have a compulsion to make maximum use of the LA rule, regardless of faction. Don't ask :D


Either way, I will probably need to do some further restructuring. I am actually considering some Grav as a hard-counter to AV, seeing as there is plenty of ways of dealing with infantry and 30k seems to be dominated by vehicles anyway. On the other hand, never underestimate Shatter Shells. It is not uncommon to cause 3 glances with 12 shots. We are talking 1 guaranteed dead Land Raider per turn, sometimes even 1. The re-rolls make it pretty good.


Either way, there is plenty of room left to play around ;)

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