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2750 point B@C Terror assault


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Started this list from the B@C box set and then added some units from the Forge World line as well as stuff from eBay (cause most GW products s in Australia are expensive). The force is mainly hard hitting but it lacks some Anti-tank firepower. The main focus is for the terror squads and the Vorax maniple to take out the infantry while the support aspect of the force hang back on objectives and provide some long range support. What do you think??



- Praetor, Cataphractii plate, digital lasers, Void Shield Harness, paragon blade, combi-bolter, trophies of judgement, teleportation transponder - 225

- Centurion, Consul: Praevian, artificer armour, Refractor Shield, Nostraman chainglaive, Bolter, melta bombs - 127

- Vorax Maniple X3, enhanced targeting array, Bio-corrosive Ammunition - 270



- Contemptor dreadnought, kheres assault cannon - 190

- Terminator squad X5, power fist X4, Plasma Blaster, Combi-plasma X4 chainfist, teleportation transponder - 263



- terror squad X10, Volkite Charger X9, Nostraman chainglaive, artificer armour - 265

- terror squad X10, Volkite Charger X9, Nostraman chainglaive, artificer armour - 265

- terror squad X10, Volkite Charger X9, Nostraman chainglaive, artificer armour - 265



- Night Raptor squad X5, Nostraman chainglaive X5, Artificer armour, Melta Bombs - 215



- Legion Predaor tank X2, Sponson Las-Cannons X2 - 230



- Kondrad Curze, Rite of War: Terror Assualt - 435


Total = 2750 points

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It's not bad, but there's plenty to address


Praetor - What's the reason for his inclusion? You don't need him for Master of the Legion as you have Konrad and if you want to add some punch to the terminators you can take a Legion champion consul for a hundred points cheaper. Oh and Void Shield Harness, along with all the relics of the dark age, are now opponents permission only, they can't be taken as a matter of course in a list.


Contemptor - drop the Kheres, I understand it's a decent gun against infantry and light vehicles but as you say your weakness is anti tank and you're not popping many tanks with that without rending. Personally I run mine with a Lascannon and a chainfist to guarantee some hard hitting anti tank. I'd also put it in a pod, mainly to get it into action quicker, it'll have some protection with the night fighting benefits but you want it wrecking face sooner rather than later.


Terminators - I'd get some extra bodies. And drop a couple of combi plas you're only getting 2 shots out of them


Terror squads - perfectly fine


Night Raptors - Get rid of the chainglaives. They're fluffy and look cool but you want to bang as many attacks out as you can with them to benefit more from Talent for Murder. That's why I'd bulk them out to at least 10 if possible. They're going to be acting as a meatshield for Konrad so pad them out. I'd still give the raptor master a glaive though just for any challenges.


Predators - good call opting for a squadron to get some heavy firepower in. Personally I'd have tried to get vindicators with laser destroyers but can see points are a little tight.



Hope all that helps :)

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Praetor - What's the reason for his inclusion? You don't need him for Master of the Legion as you have Konrad and if you want to add some punch to the terminators you can take a Legion champion consul for a hundred points cheaper. Oh and Void Shield Harness, along with all the relics of the dark age, are now opponents permission only, they can't be taken as a matter of course in a list.


I know what you mean about the Praetor, the reason for this to be included is because it's the model from the B@C box set, I could include it as the terminator sergeant and increase the squad to 6.


Contemptor - drop the Kheres, I understand it's a decent gun against infantry and light vehicles but as you say your weakness is anti tank and you're not popping many tanks with that without rending. Personally I run mine with a Lascannon and a chainfist to guarantee some hard hitting anti tank. I'd also put it in a pod, mainly to get it into action quicker, it'll have some protection with the night fighting benefits but you want it wrecking face sooner rather than later.


The comptemptor is also from the B@C set, I could convert it from some old spare pieces I have, the chain-fist and the drop pod is a different story (I just don't have the funds for the dreadnought drop pod)


Terminators - I'd get some extra bodies. And drop a couple of combi plas you're only getting 2 shots out of them


The terminators job was to deep strike in close to some heavy infantry and demolish them with mass plasma fire. I could switch them out for combi melta's and keep the dreadnought as is with the kheres to pop heavy infantry.


Night Raptors - Get rid of the chainglaives. They're fluffy and look cool but you want to bang as many attacks out as you can with them to benefit more from Talent for Murder. That's why I'd bulk them out to at least 10 if possible. They're going to be acting as a meatshield for Konrad so pad them out. I'd still give the raptor master a glaive though just for any challenges.


Buffing them out to 10 men isn't what I want from the night raptors, the squad was meant to charge in, Conrad takes out a bunch and the night raptors are there to mop things up, plus if it's a small unit then they have a slightly lower profile (even if there is a primarch in it.)

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Made some changes: what do you think??



- Centurion, Consul: Praevian, artificer armour, Refractor Shield, Nostraman chainglaive, Bolter, melta bombs - 127

- Vorax Maniple X3, enhanced targeting array, Bio-corrosive Ammunition, Irad-cleanser - 280



- Contemptor dreadnought, Twin-linked lascannon, Melta gun - 215

- Terminator squad X6, power fist X5, Plasma Blaster, Combi-melta X6 chainfist, teleportation transponder - 292



- terror squad X10, Volkite Charger X9, Nostraman chainglaive, artificer armour, melta-bombs, plasma pistol - 285

- terror squad X10, Volkite Charger X9, Nostraman chainglaive, artificer armour, melta-bombs, plasma pistol - 285

- terror squad X10, Volkite Charger X9, Nostraman chainglaive, artificer armour, melta-bombs, plasma pistol - 285



- Night Raptor squad X5, Pair of Lightning Claws X5, Artificer armour, Melta Bombs - 265



- Legion Predaor tank X2, Sponson Las-Cannons X2, twin-linked Bolter X2, armoured ceramite X2 - 280



- Kondrad Curze, Rite of War: Terror Assualt - 435


Total = 2749 points

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Make the praetor a chaplain and maybe give the raptors twin claws so they will reroll to hit and to wounds. Or make him a forgelord to wound most things on a 2+. Oh and also bulk them out a bit, say like 7 or 8 in total.


Personally I'd swap the vorax with castellax with darkfire canons as they make short work with most tank. That would give you the chance to drop the predators and take a deredeo for anti tank and anti air.


The contemptor id make a cortus and give him two grav fists. Sadly grav is the best anti tank weapon available to them rn and slapping on one chainfist will be quite good.


And for the termis, if you want to take them add some men or drop them entirely and give your terror squads dreadclaws.

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From my experience, both playing and observing, there's no such thing as a small profile unit where a Primarch is concerned. He is going to draw the fire over any weapon S6+ for the majority of the game because any sensible opponent will know that having him hit their lines and squads will die every combat. You've got a pretty reliable 2 turns of the bonus cover save from night fighting plus he confers stealth and shrouded but any ignore cover weaponry is going to laugh at you.


Giving the raptors claws is fine but keep it to a few, you're far better served with the extra bodies than AP3.


Which is the main thing with any assault units in a Night Lord army, Talent for Murder. It's the best rule we have, it's so good it puts us on par with the best Legions in terms of effectiveness. If you're going to take any assault based units, give them plenty of numbers to take advantage of it or don't bother and put the points elsewhere. 10 Raptors and Konrad will outnumber most units (in terms for ToM at least) even terminator blobs. So Raptors are hitting on 2s and wounding on 3s, at least against WS4 opposition.


I appreciate wanting to maximize from BaC due to cost constraints etc but you'll be handicapping yourself significantly by sticking to it

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I think your list is a bit light on reliable anti tank, especially vs heavier vehicles like spartans and super heavies, something terror assault often has trouble with given the one heavy slot. One simple change I think you could make is replace the predators with two vindicators with laser destroyers. Give one machine spirit so you can fire at two targets. That gives you some reliable long range anti tank, 6 laser destroyer shots a turn is pretty solid. To supplement that I'd strongly encourage swapping your dreadnought's weapons out for dual fists/grav guns, almost guaranteed chance to strip 2 HPs every turn of any vehicle. A pod for the dreadnought would be great, but finding the pts might be tough. 


In the armored ceramite world of 30k, I find meltas pretty lackluster, I think they are especially bad for terminators because you can't rely on deep striking within 6" of your target. Take combi plasma instead-far more useful against a wide range of targets. 


Lastly given the preavian can't be used as your hq , it will be really tough to keep him in there along with another hq. I'd swap him out for a chaplain, and take some more more raptors. 5 really isn't enough, I think you want to take ten minimum, and if you still need pts you can drop all those lightning claws, don't need that many. I like to keep a two to one ratio of non upgraded raptors to upgraded raptors, since some will definetly die to shooting before an assault. 

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Alright, I've made changes for this list, and it looks ok


Here it is:



- Centurion, Consul: Forge Lord, Cataphractii plate, combi-melta, chainfist, teleportation transponder, cyber-familiar - 162

- Centurion, Consul: Praevian, artificer armour, Refractor Shield, Nostraman chainglaive, Bolter, melta bombs - 127

- Vorax Maniple X3, enhanced targeting array, Bio-corrosive Ammunition, Irad-cleanser - 280



- Contemptor dreadnought, Twin-linked lascannon, Heavy flamer - 210

- Terminator squad X5, power fist X4, Combi-plasma X3, combi-melta X2, chainfist, teleportation transponder - 250



- terror squad X10, Volkite Charger X9, Nostraman chainglaive, artificer armour - 265

- terror squad X10, Volkite Charger X9, Nostraman chainglaive, artificer armour - 265

- terror squad X10, Volkite Charger X9, Nostraman chainglaive, artificer armour - 265



- Night Raptor squad X10, Nostraman chainglaive - 260



- Legion Predaor tank X2, Sponson Las-Cannons X2 - 230



- Kondrad Curze, Rite of War: Terror Assualt - 435


Total = 2749 points

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Alright, I've made changes for this list, and it looks ok



- Centurion, cataphractii plate, combi-melta, chainfist, teleportation transponder - 117

- Centurion, Consul: Praevian, artificer armour, Refractor Shield, Nostraman chainglaive, Bolter, melta bombs - 122

- Vorax Maniple X3, enhanced targeting array, Bio-corrosive Ammunition, Irad-cleanser - 280



- Contemptor dreadnought, Twin-linked lascannon, Heavy flamer - 210

- Terminator squad X5, power fist X4, Combi-plasma X3, combi-melta X2, teleportation transponder - 250



- terror squad X10, Volkite Charger X9, Nostraman chainglaive, artificer armour - 265

- terror squad X10, Volkite Charger X9, Nostraman chainglaive, artificer armour - 265

- terror squad X10, Volkite Charger X9, Nostraman chainglaive, artificer armour - 265



- Night Raptor squad X10, Nostraman chainglaive X5, artificer armour - 310



- Legion Predaor tank X2, Sponson Las-Cannons X2 - 230



- Kondrad Curze, Rite of War: Terror Assualt - 435


Total = 2749 points

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