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Fiery the Angels Rose: 3k BA Day of Revelation List


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The Blood Angels Legion rules look too fun not to give knocking up a list a go. Here's my first run at a fluffy but highly competitive alpha-strike force:


Blood Angels - The Day of Revelation (3000pts)


+ HQ +


Legion Praetor: Artificer Armour, Iron Halo, Jump Pack, Paragon Blade, Power Fist, Digital Lasers, Melta Bombs - 210pts


Legion Champion: Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Blade of Perdition - 140pts




Legion Assault Squad: 14x Legion Assault Space Marines, Combat Shields, 1x Plasma Pistol, 2x Power Weapons (Axes) - 435pts
· Legion Assault Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Thunder Hammer


Legion Assault Squad: 14x Legion Assault Space Marines, Combat Shields, 3x Power Weapons (2x Mauls & 1x Axe) - 440pts
· Legion Assault Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Hand Flamer, Melta Bombs




Legion Terminator Squad: 7x Cataphractii Terminators, 1x Chainfist, 5x Power Fists, 1x Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon - 325pts
· Legion Terminator Sergeant: Chainfist


Contemptor Dreadnought: Chainfist (with Graviton Gun), Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon, Extra Armour




Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron - 265pts
· Legion Javelin Attack Speeder: Twin-Linked Lascannon, 1x Hunter-Killer Missiles
· Legion Javelin Attack Speeder: Multi-Melta, 1x Hunter-Killer Missiles
· Legion Javelin Attack Speeder: 2x Hunter-killer Missiles


Xiphon Interceptor: Armoured Cockpit, Chaff Launcher, Ground-Tracking Auguries - 225pts




Leviathan Siege Dreadnought: 1x Leviathan Siege Drill, 1x Leviathan Siege Claw, 2x Twin-Linked Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannons, Phosphex Discharger, Armoured Ceramite, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod - 385pts


Legion Kharybdis Assault Claw - 260pts


Deathstorm Drop Pod - 90pts

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I like the idea behind your list, but there are some major points I would change.


1. Take away the power fiat on the praetor. You have a paragon blade


2. Take a other consul that supports your army instead of just being a headchopper. Someone like a librarian or forgelord.


3. I'd take away the shields on the assault squads, that's just a massive points sink. Instead give the sergeant a shield, axe and melta bomb and he's happy. Also don't take any hand guns with the squad, you wanna chop heads in cc and not get killed by a failed plasma shot.


4. Take tartaros pattern armour on the termis and take three chain fist and rest axes (sergeant wants a axe because a chain fist is wasted in a challenge).

You also want to consider a plasma blaster, but that's up to you.


5. Safe some points for other toys and downgrade the contemptor to a cortus and give him another grav fist a pod to ride in (dreadclaw if possible).


6. Really like javelins but youre whole list lacks anti armour so perhaps take to squads of two or three grav speeders instead.


7. Xiphon is fun but perhaps make him a lightning with kraken missiles. The lightning is just more economic.


8. The assault cannons aren't really needed, volkite will do the same job but that's just personal preference.


9. Drop the death storm pod. If you find the points maybe take a deredeo instead. He kills more stuff and helps you with any flyers your opponent might bring.


But that's just my two pennies ;)

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Cheers for the reply, Azkaellon3! Very thoughtful and detailed - I really appreciate it. In response to your suggestions...

1. Take away the power fist on the praetor. You have a paragon blade.

I'm going to hold firm on the paragon blade/powerfist combo. I totally get your point, and most of the time you're probably totally right. However, I've seen it work, much like the classic powerfist/lightning claw combo - paragon blade for some enemies, powerfist for others. I like having options, so that being said I'm pretty set on the praetor's loadout.

2. Take a other consul that supports your army instead of just being a headchopper. Someone like a librarian or forgelord.

Makes perfect sense. I like that suggestion - I'm leaning toward a Librarian, but what are your thoughts on a dual inferno-pistols Moritat?

3. I'd take away the shields on the assault squads, that's just a massive points sink. Instead give the sergeant a shield, axe and melta bomb and he's happy. Also don't take any hand guns with the squad, you wanna chop heads in cc and not get killed by a failed plasma shot.

Again, makes a lot of sense. I'm going to keep the shields on one squad (the one the praetor is rolling with, as they will probably catch more fire as a result), but the other I'll lose them. I'll switch out the plasma pistol for another power axe.

4. Take Tartaros pattern armour on the termis and take three chain fist and rest axes (sergeant wants a axe because a chain fist is wasted in a challenge).
You also want to consider a plasma blaster, but that's up to you.

I know Tartaros recently got a significant buff in terms of benefits rules-wise, but does it offer that much more than Cataphractii? Just curious as to your opinion. I do agree with you on the loadout though, especially if I'm changing over to Tartaros.

5. Safe some points for other toys and downgrade the contemptor to a cortus and give him another grav fist a pod to ride in (dreadclaw if possible).

I'm keeping the classic Contemptor because I like it and for me it's tried and true - once I hear a little more on the Cortus, I may change that. Also, I've given him a pod to make my numbers odd again (after removing the deathstorm drop pod).

6. Really like javelins but youre whole list lacks anti armour so perhaps take to squads of two or three grav speeders instead.

My new list tried to take your advice and have a mix of both.

7. Xiphon is fun but perhaps make him a lightning with kraken missiles. The lightning is just more economic.

Thinking about swapping it out for a Fire Raptor. Thoughts?

8. The assault cannons aren't really needed, volkite will do the same job but that's just personal preference.

Totally agree - assault cannons are there purely because I love them biggrin.png​,

9. Drop the death storm pod. If you find the points maybe take a deredeo instead. He kills more stuff and helps you with any flyers your opponent might bring.

I love the Deredeo, but I was trying to avoid stationary units - wanted to keep the entire force fast and forward-moving. Doesn't mean I won't add one down the line, but right now I'm leaning toward adding a Fire Raptor to compensate.

Taking your feedback into account, here's the updated list...

Blood Angels - The Day of Revelation (3000pts)

+ HQ +

Praetor: Artificer Armour, Iron Halo, Jump Pack, Paragon Blade, Power Fist, Digital Lasers - 205pts

Librarian: Psychic Mastery Level 2, Tartaros Terminator Armour, Blade of Perdition - 170pts


Legion Assault Squad: 14x Legion Assault Space Marines, Combat Shields, 3x Power Axes - 435pts
· Legion Assault Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Thunder Hammer, Melta Bombs

Legion Assault Squad: 14x Legion Assault Space Marines, 3x Power Weapons (2x Mauls & 1x Axe) - 390pts
· Legion Assault Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Axe, Hand Flamer, Melta Bombs


Legion Terminator Squad: 7x Tartaros Terminators, 3x Chainfists, 4x Power Axes, 1x Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon - 325pts
· Legion Terminator Sergeant: Pair of Lightning Claws

Contemptor Dreadnought: Chainfist (with Graviton Gun), DCCW (with Graviton Gun), Extra Armour, Dreadnought Drop Pod - 290pts


Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron - 180pts
· Legion Javelin Attack Speeder: Twin-Linked Lascannon, 1x Hunter-Killer Missiles
· Legion Javelin Attack Speeder: Multi-Melta, 1x Hunter-Killer Missiles

Legion Land Speeder Squadron - 170pts

· Legion Land Speeder: Graviton Gun, Volkite Culverin, 1x Hunter-Killer Missiles

· Legion Land Speeder: Graviton Gun, Volkite Culverin, 1x Hunter-Killer Missiles


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought: 1x Leviathan Siege Drill, 1x Leviathan Siege Claw, 2x Twin-Linked Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannons, Phosphex Discharger, Armoured Ceramite, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod - 385pts

Legion Kharybdis Assault Claw - 260pts

Legion Fire Raptor Gunship: Reaper Autocannon Battery - 210pts

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Always happy to help carnivore.


On to the new list I'd say ;)



He's fine that way if you want the powerfist combi and you'll get an extra attack so that's good for you.


2. Librarian

I really like the librarian, give him either telekinesis, telepathy or divination. Dont know if he can take a blade of perdition though, as the rules state that a librarian exchanges his power weapon for the terminator armour for a force weapon and to take a bop you need to replace a power weapon with a fist.


3. Assault squads

I like them except maybe the hand guns on the sergeant as the hand flamer doesn't do anything most of the time. But if you like him keep him.


4. Tartaros

I'd say that most of the times you won't wipe out your enemy in combat but win through combat resolution instead, so sweeping is a huge advantage!

And if you want the lightning claws give them to a normal termi, cuss the sergeant needs ap2 so make it an axe instead that wounds on a 2+.


5. Contemptor

Well the model would be the same, only the rules are a bit different. And you want him to rip any spartan/typhoon or any other superheavy that your opponent brings so the bonus attacks could be quite useful.


6. Speeders

Well if you want to keep the javelins give them the same loadout and run the normal speeders without anything but the graviton gun. This shoul same some points for other toys.


7. I'm a fan of the raptor but he'll be better off in a list that lacks anti infantry and you have enough of that already.

So the extra bonus to your anti tank defence that you'll get through the lightning is better for you.


8. Other additions

Well I understand your point with the deredeo. But you could move him forwards like the rest of the army and shoot at ground targets and stay still to protect your back against any flyers. I'd give him the plasma gun and the missile launcher if you take him.


Hope that helps you

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Thanks for the additional feedback mate, it's much appreciated. Everything you said totally makes sense, too, which is always nice. Here's my continued refinement of said list, taking your feedback and trying a few other things as well...




Praetor: Artificer Armour, Iron Halo, Jump Pack, Paragon Blade, Power Fist, Digital Lasers, Mastercraft a Single Weapon


Moritat: Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, 2x Inferno Pistols




Legion Assault Squad: 14x Legion Assault Space Marines, Combat Shields, 3x Power Weapons (Axes)

- Legion Assault Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Thunder Hammer, Melta Bombs


Legion Assault Squad: 14x Legion Assault Space Marines, 3x Power Weapons (Axes & Mauls)

- Legion Assault Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Axe, Hand Flamer, Melta Bombs




Legion Terminator Squad: 4x Tartaros Terminators, 2x Chainfists, Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon, Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod

Legion Terminator Sergeant: Power Axe


Contemptor Dreadnought: Chainfist, DCCW, 2x Graviton Guns, Carapace Mounted Havoc Launcher, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod


Legion Destroyer Squad: 7x Destroyers, Jump Packs, Melta Bombs, Missile Launcher with Suspensor Web and Rad Missiles Only

Legion Destroyer Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Thunder Hammer, 3x Phosphex Bombs


Fast Attack


Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter: Battle Servitor Control, Ground-tracking Auguries, 2x Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles, Two Sunfury heavy missiles


Heavy Support


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought: Siege Drill, Siege Claw, 2x Twin-Linked Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannons, Armoured Ceramite, Phosphex Discharger, Dreadnought Drop Pod


Legion Sicaran Battle Tank: Heavy Bolters, Armoured Ceramite, Auxiliary Drive, Dozer Blade

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Like the list but you don't need sunfurf missiles, make them kraken instead. And also the moritat could be useless if you can't position him right, which will be the case in the majority of games as 6" range won't get you far.

Maybe think about a Damocles command rhino, helps you deepstrike all those units and has a nice (not one-use) bombardment.

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Maybe think about a Damocles command rhino, helps you deepstrike all those units and has a nice (not one-use) bombardment.

It actually is a once per game shot. It doesn't say so under weapon type, but in the explanation of the focused bombardement.

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Cheers Slipstreams, Morl0ck, and Azkaellon3 for the feedback.


You're probably right about the Moritat - I was just hoping that the abundance of threats in my opponent's face right off the bat might distract them from him long enough to close the distance. That, and I was excited to have a Moritat that could do the same kind of damage the old dual plasma Moritat was capable of before the nerf. Would the list be better served with another type of Consul?


The Damocles Command Rhino definitely has potential. Do I need to consider adding/switching anything else?

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If you have something to give the moriat accurate deep strike, he can still work. I think it's worth a shot to try him out, the amount of pain he could potentially output is incredible. I mean he could take out a super heavy if it doesn't have armored ceramite all by himself. 

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 Yeah the Moritat stays lol. You are absolutely correct, Lord Asvaldir - he's downed a Falchion and Angron by himself in my last two games. Granted, I'm not a powergamer, nor is anyone in my immediate gaming circle, this list truly has overwhelmed almost everyone I've gone up against with it. I've never been a big alpha-strike success story, but this list has been a refreshing change of pace for me. It also covers itself well - most games at least one unit or vehicle has been shot off of the board before it got to do much, but focusing on them has left 2 or 3 other CC monsters to get close and do the damage. Thus far the Leviathan, the Moritat, and the Praetor-led Assault Squad have been the MVPs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So after playing this list a more frequently, and seeing firsthand how ridiculous the inferno pistols are in the hands of the Moritat, I pose this question to my more enlightened brothers and sisters here - would my assault squads be better served with some inferno pistols, either in the hands of the Sergeants or in place of some of the squads' power weapons? Just curious as I've no previous experience with them but I'm extremely impressed with what they're capable of.

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I mean I've never used them, but I'm not impressed with their extremely short range. Unless you want to drop a whole unit of assault marines right in front of a target when they deep strike in, you can't even use the pistols on the turn you show up. After that, you'll want to assault things, and I'd rather have the extra power weapons for more assault power than a few extra shots before charging. The moriat of course is a different story, chain shot with inferno pistols is just ridiculous. 


I could see one use for inferno pistols on assault marines-popping transports so you can assault the unit. Given how popular armored ceramite is the pistols won't always help, but against units like a rhino you'll have a decent chance of exploding it. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

So would it be a mistake to drop the Sicaran and the Assault Cannons on the Leviathan for a 5-man Heavy Weapons Squad with Assault Cannons? With Artificer Armour and an Augury Scanner on the Sergeant the cost is exactly the same, and though mathhammer has never been my strong suit I was blown away by the sheer amount of firepower they'd be able to put out.

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Unless you plop em in a Rhino, Infiltrate/Scout them into range or get them some form of Relentless or S&P, you're likely to find them pretty limited.


That said, for 10 men, thats 40 Rending Shots.

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