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Question about my tanks being assaulted


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I have a question about my tanks being assaulted, I want to make sure my friend and I are playing this correctly.

So say I have a squadron of two Russ. They are at max vehicle unit cohesion distance lined up side by side.

One of the tanks gets assaulted from the side. The squad reaches the tank and deals say 5 hits. Each of those hits glances.

The first 3 glances kill the tank that was assaulted.

Do the remaining glances "roll over" to the second tank?

See picture below, do the extra glances from squad 'C' roll over and hit tank 'A'?


Yes, you treat vehicle squadrons like any other unit for wound, or in this case, glancing and penetrating hits. So closest first, and then work out from there till you run out of stuff to allocate, or you run out of things to allocate to.

Unseen is correct, hits keep striking the closest until it is destroyed in some way then roll on to the next closest. The squadron rules can often be a hindrance so make sure you know how they operate - this is a good example of how you can keep your more valuable models safer though ;)

You have done right but remember this rule.

When resolving assaults vs squadrons roll to hit as normal but when resolving damage roll a die at the time and resolve effects.

This because the result can change a lot (if you roll 3 glancing and an explode it is different if you allocate the 3 glancing to the first tank and the explode to the second or 2 glancing and the explode to the first and 1 glancing to the second. So the order is very important.)

Thanks Phubar, makes sense. Tank could explode and take out all the attackers before they reach the second tank right? smile.png

I think all the explosions from explodes are resolved together after all the damage is dealt by the hits. It would be:

1- Roll to hit all together

2- Roll one die at a time for every hit. If you get a wrecked result, further results are applied to the next tank. Also resolve immobilized and weapon destroyed results interactions.

3- Resolve the explosions, if any.

So if your friend charged and got 4 hits. You then roll:

1- glance

2- pen -> explode (1st tank is dead)

3- pen -> immobilize

4- pen -> immobilize -> weapon destroyed instead

Then you resolve the one explosion and then there is an immobilized tank with one weapon destroyed left.

By opposition, if you rolled:

1- pen -> explode (1st tank is dead)

2- glance

3- pen -> immobilize

4- pen -> immobilize -> weapon destroyed instead but any ways the 2nd tank is dead by hull points.

Then you resolve the one explosion and there are no tanks left.

the difference between the first two rolls is thus not trivial (1 damaged tank left vs no tank left).

Unfortunately correct however conversely if they destroy the first tank and nothing flows over and (for example) they have additional attacks after at I1 if they can't consolidate the 3" into base to base with the other tank they lose the attacks in that subsequent phase

Hence I always try to maintain 4" spacing


Also Arthnor a double immobilized result isn't a weapon destroyed result rather and additional HP lost which is why it usually only takes 2 gravs shots to wreck out tanks :-\


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