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Night Lords List 2k with Feet


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So, I am one of the insufferable nerds that has fluff and backstory for my entire army. Please forgive the addition of names and titles I just love it. There will also be the actual unit name beneath it. I'd like some c&c as I haven't played 30k ever or 40k in year so I'm back being a novice. Fluffy but not incompetent is my aim.


XXVII Company, VIII Legion Astartes 




Flayer Lord Shyssak Aceradon, The Returned, Master of the 27th

Legion Praetor

- Cataphractii Terminator Armour

- Master of The Legion (Terror Assault)

- Iron Halo

- Teleportation Transponder

- Trophies of Judgement

- Digital Lasers

- Mastercrafted Lighting Claw

- Volkite Charger



The Blood Scryer

Legion Centurion

- Consul (Librarian)
- Artificer Armour

- Refractor Field

- Mastery Level 2

- Trophies of Judgement

- Plasma Pistol

- Nostraman Chainglaive





1st Claw

Terror Squad

- Headsman, 9 Executioners

- Artificer Armour, Plasma Pistol, Powerfist Melta Bombs for Headsman

- 9 x Volkite Chargers

- Drop Pod


2nd Claw

Terror Squad

- Headsman, 9 Executioners

- Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon

- 8 Bolters

- 1 Flamer

- Drop Pod


3rd Claw

Terror Squad

- Headsman, 4 Executioners

- Melta Bombs, Powerfist

- Flamer 

- 3 Bolters

- Drop Pod


4th Claw

Tactical Support Squad

- 5 Volkite Calivers

- Rhino




Apothecarion Detachment

-Apothecary Draku Arterion

  - Augury Scanner


Night Master Orlan

Contemptor Dreadnaught

- Multi Melta

- Close Combat Weapon with Combi Bolter


The Atramentar

Legion Terminator Squad

- Cataphractii Terminator armour

- 1 Twin Lightning Claws (SGT)
- 1 Chainfist

- Heavy Flamer

- Power Fist x3

- Teleportation Transponder




Legion Jetbike Skyhunter Squadron

- Three Legion jet bikes 

- Power Fist sgt

- Melta Bombs

-Multi Melta



Thanks for reading through

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For your kind consideration, my general plan for each unit is as follows:

- Ten man Terror squads drop in and start drawing fire and kicking bum in general. Prioritising targets based on susceptibility to fear, if they will die to a quick charge and if they are likely to become a threat to anything later on. 


- Support squad start in rhino and do what they say on the tin; move up to a nice covered firing position and soften the targets that are about to get Terror Squaded with some Volkite goodness


- Contemptor is my slower moving anti armour threat which hopefully gets forgotten about with all the noise I'll be creating in the midfield, when he does reach his range, melts goodness on either high priority armour or a nice hot death for a pricey elite/hq model.


- Jetbikes speed up and go BANGBANGBANGBANGBOOOMBOOMBOOM. Killing whatever they can and keeping the enemy distracted as other units grab objectives.


- Five man Terror Squad goes with the consul and the apothecary. they drop in and cause a loud mess, charging where possible and probably the unit that will benefit the most from the volkite support squad.


- Terminators and Praetor teleport in and if at all possible strike out at the enemy warlord, decapitating the enemy and then moving on to sow discord and terror

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Welcome to the desecrated halls of the VIII Legion. I'll give my 2 pence since I've spent a lot of time running Terror Assault lately.



Praetor - pretty sure he doesn't need a separate teleportation transponder but I'll double check on that. Otherwise he's sound.


Librarian - decent option, doesn't need a chainglaive when he's got a free force weapon though. Would be good to know what powers you're thinking of aiming for too.


Terror Squads - Volkites are good. Bolters/flamers are worthless, get rid of them. If you're giving them anything other than cc weapons it has to be volkite. Drop plasma pistols and give the headsmen artificer armour. Get rid of powerfists/weapons and use chainglaives and ensure they have meltabombs


Tactical support squad - A waste unless you give them all plasma. Terror Squads do volkite much better with preferred enemy and calivars have the same number of shots as chargers and are heavy weapons to boot. Personally, bin them. So you can.....


Terminator squad - Add more bodies. Teleporting them isn't quite the headache it could be but 5 men (6 including the praetor) are going to be the biggest bullet magnet on the board the turn of enemy shooting they'll have to weather once they land. You'd be amazed how many times you can roll 1 with enough shots coming your way. Also heavy flamers are awful you want a plasma blaster/reaper and a thunder hammer or 2 in there. If you're committed to teleporting them, you want either a way to ensure they're dropping on turn 2 or you want them to be 100% accurate when they do hit the dirt. Might want to consider Sevatar since podding Terror Squads paired with teleporting terminators is playing to his strengths. Not to mention he's probably the best combat special character at present, excepting Sigismund and the Primarchs


Contemptor - Drop the multimelta use a Lascannon and a graviton gun on the DCCW is mandatory. Ideally you want a pod for the dread but points can be a tad tight.


Jetbikes - Drop the multimelta. Take a plasma cannon at least and you'll probably want more bodies in there. If you can bump the squad to 5 you'll be set fair.



Overall there's a decent base to the list. Some of the above can be put down to inexperience with the 30k armoury (everyone starts out a novice :) ) but I'm getting the distinct feeling over BaC here, is this the starting point of your army? It feels like you're looking to maximise the content of the box.


The one thing I'd strongly advise revisiting here is the lack of a heavy support slot. It's true for at least ten of the thirteen legions fully covered that heavy support has the best selections in the whole army list. You're anti tank is pretty much non existent since any half competent player will take armoured ceremite on their valuable Armour 13 and 14 vehicles and say come at me bro with all that melta, Meltabombs are fine since they have armourbane not the Melta rule which bypasses AC. You've got plenty of options for using meltabombs but you really don't want you terror squads to waste a turn assaulting vehicles when they could be hitting infantry, against whom they are excellent (probably one of the premier anti infantry units in the game)


There's not a lot of AP2 either which could cause you to struggle against a 10 man terminator blob which are all the rage atm, Maybe taking a siege breaker instead of a librarian and loading him up with phosphex which you can purchase for some rapiers too if required.

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Thank you very much for your advice, I made some adjustments. I have taken on board quite a lot of what you said, but a few things (like the plasma pistols on the headsmen) I've kept for my own personal flavour. How would you rate this list:



Flayer Lord Shyssak Aceradon, The Returned, Master of the 27th

Legion Praetor

- Cataphractii Terminator Armour

- Master of The Legion (Terror Assault)

- Teleportation Transponder (Not sure if this is required now?)

- Trophies of Judgement

- Digital Lasers

- Mastercrafted Lighting Claw

- Volkite Charger



The Blood Scryer

Legion Centurion

- Consul (Librarian)
- Artificer Armour

- Refractor Field

- Mastery Level 2

- Trophies of Judgement

- Plasma Pistol

- thinking pre cog?





1st Claw

Terror Squad

- Headsman, 9 Executioners

- Artificer Armour, Plasma Pistol, Powerfist Melta Bombs for Headsman

- 9 x Volkite Chargers

- Drop Pod


2nd Claw

Terror Squad

- Headsman, 9 Executioners

- Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon, Artificer

- 9 Volkite Chargers

- Drop Pod


3rd Claw

Terror Squad

Headsman, 9 Executioners

- Nostraman Chainglaive, Artificer Armour

- Drop Pod





Apothecarion Detachment

-Apothecary Draku Arterion

  - Augury Scanner


Night Master Orlan

Contemptor Dreadnaught

- Multi Melta

- Close Combat Weapon with Graviton Gun


The Atramentar

Legion Terminator Squad (x7 men)

- Cataphractii Terminator armour

- 1 Twin Lightning Claws (SGT)
- 1 Chainfist

- Thunder Hammer x2

- Plasma Blaster

- Power Fist x3

- Teleportation Transponder




Legion Jetbike Skyhunter Squadron

- Four Legion jet bikes 

- Plasma Cannon



As a non competitive but not push over list, how would this fair in your opinion?

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I'm a big fan of the names for all your units, very cool. 


You do need the transponder on the character, can't deep strike without it. 


I think overall your list is not bad, but you do have one major weakness: lack of anti vehicle. Especially with builds like spartan deathstars being fairly popular, you really need enough anti tank to deal with a spartan. Right now, I'd say you don't really have what you need. 


To remedy that, for starters I'd recommend a few small changes. Take melta bombs wherever you can. A simple 5 pts upgrade on all those terror squads really goes a long way if they ever have to face something like a dreadnought. Jetbikes really need melta bombs for the whole unit, in fact I'd use their speed and durability to throw them right at whatever you need to kill with melta bombs. 4 bombs will do plenty of damage. I'm also a huge fan of combi-plasma terminators. Not only does that mean you won't waste them doing nothing the turn they drop in, but it also gives you a large volume of high strength low ap  shots for a turn to deal with other terminators or to hit vehicles. Yes, plasma won't do as well as meltas vs higher armor targets, but in the armored ceramite world of 30k melta is pretty subpar in my opinion. Stick with plasma, just hit vehicles on side/rear armor for maximum effect.


With those changes you still fall short I think in terms of anti tank, so I think you need one really solid anti armor unit. Lightning fighter is probably your best bet, since it's not too expensive and is almost guaranteed to destroy any vehicle.  Take 4 kraken missiles, ground tracking auguries and battle servitor control, and a lightning will wreck even a spartan on the turn it shows up. Finding those roughly 200pts will be a bit tough though, best I could suggest is maybe the librarian or a few men of the terror squads. Once you address the anti armor weakness, I think your list is solid. 

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Ok, I've reworked it a bit. The dread is slow and not the best it could be so I've dropped it. Doesn't fit in with the theme, made some squad adjustments etc and ended up with the following:




Flayer Lord Shyssak Aceradon, The Returned, Master of the 27th

Legion Praetor

- Cataphractii Terminator Armour

- Master of The Legion (Terror Assault)

- Teleportation Transponder (Not sure if this is required now?)

- Trophies of Judgement

- Digital Lasers

- Mastercrafted Lighting Claw

- Volkite Charger



The Blood Scryer

Legion Centurion

- Consul (Librarian)

- Artificer Armour

- Refractor Field

- Mastery Level 1

- Trophies of Judgement

- Plasma Pistol

- thinking pre cog?





1st Claw

Terror Squad

- Headsman, 9 Executioners

- Artificer Armour, Plasma Pistol, Powerfist Melta Bombs for Headsman

- 9 x Volkite Chargers

- Drop Pod


2nd Claw

Terror Squad

- Headsman, 8 Executioners

- Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon, Artificer Armour

- 8 Volkite Chargers

- Drop Pod


3rd Claw

Terror Squad

- Headsman, 7 Executioners

- Nostraman Chainglaive, Artificer Armour

- Drop Pod





Apothecarion Detachment

-Apothecary Draku Arterion

- Augury Scanner


The Atramentar

Legion Terminator Squad (x7 men)

- Cataphractii Terminator armour

- 1 Twin Lightning Claws (SGT)

- 1 Chainfist

- Thunder Hammer x2

- Plasma Blaster

- Power Fist x3

- Teleportation Transponder




Legion Jetbike Skyhunter Squadron

- Four Legion jet bikes

- Plasma Cannon

- Melta Bombs


Primaries Lightning Fighter

- Four KrakenMissiles

- servitor

- ground tracking

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I quite like that. There's a lot of bases covered and sufficient threat saturation that you won't see your big units blown off the board one by one against the massed firepower of the enemy. Quick note, you don't need digi lasers with a lightning claw as you can already re-roll failed wounds with it. I agree the melta bombs should be in there wherever possible. 


I can see the points are tight but it would be worth pushing the librarian up to a level 2, just to get some variety of powers. Plus pre-cog would probably be the worst power to have if you roll it, granted it's a nice buff to the libby but the reason you're paying 60 points is to have him buffing a unit he's with so maybe biomancy will be a better option. If you land Endurance you're going to be doing well but there's a few in divination that would serve the same purpose and telepathy has a few decent ones in the absent fearless/LD 10 across the board in the 30k landscape

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Digital lasers gives an extra attack so no reason to not take them with lightning claws. 


List looks pretty good to me. Volkite chargers on the last terror squad would be nice if you could find the pts, otherwise I think you're set. 

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So this is my final tweak then.


Flayer Lord Shyssak Aceradon, The Returned, Master of the 27th
Legion Praetor
- Cataphractii Terminator Armour
- Master of The Legion (Terror Assault)
- Teleportation Transponder
- Trophies of Judgement
- Digital Lasers
- Mastercrafted Lighting Claw
- Volkite Charger

The Blood Scryer
Legion Centurion
- Consul (Librarian)
- Artificer Armour
- Refractor Field
- Mastery Level 2
- Trophies of Judgement
- Plasma Pistol
- thinking Biomancy?


1st Claw
Terror Squad
- Headsman, 9 Executioners
- Artificer Armour, Powerfist, Melta Bombs for Headsman
- 9 x Volkite Chargers
- Drop Pod

2nd Claw
Terror Squad
- Headsman, 8 Executioners
- Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon, Artificer Armour
- 8 Volkite Chargers
- Drop Pod

3rd Claw
Terror Squad
- Headsman, 7 Executioners
- Nostraman Chainglaive, Artificer Armour
- Drop Pod


Apothecarion Detachment
-Apothecary Draku Arterion
- Augury Scanner

The Atramentar
Legion Terminator Squad (x7 men)
- Cataphractii Terminator armour
- 1 Twin Lightning Claws (SGT)
- 1 Chainfist
- Thunder Hammer x2
- Plasma Blaster
- Power Fist x2

- Power Axe x1
- Teleportation Transponder


Legion Jetbike Skyhunter Squadron
- Four Legion jet bikes
- Plasma Cannon
- Melta Bombs

Primaris Lightning Strike Fighter
- Four Kraken Missiles
- servitor
- ground tracking

Thanks for the help guys, I will organise my "to purchase" list from FW now biggrin.png

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