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Imperial Fists [1500]


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Here's my army I'm currently working on...


+++ Imperial Fists 1.5k (1500) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++


+ HQ (230) +


Sigismund (230) [Master of the Legion] [Warlord]

Iron Halo - The Black Sword



+ Troops (600) +


Legion Reconnaissance Squad (175)

4x Legion Space Marines

4x Sniper Rifle - Cameleoline

Legion Sergeant -Sniper Rifle


Templar Brethren (425)

8x Templar Brethren

8x Combat Shield - Legion Vexilla - Melta Bombs

Chapter Champion - Combat Shield - Master-crafted Solarite Power Gauntlet


Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier - Dozer Blade - Extra Armour



+ Elites (280) +


Legion Terminator Squad (280)

Legion Terminator Sergeant - Chainfist - Vigil Pattern Storm Shield

4x Legion Terminators

Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon - Pair of Lightning Claws - Chainfist - 2x Power Fist - 2x Vigil Pattern Storm Shield



+ Heavy Support (390) +


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (390)


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought

Armoured Ceramite - Grav-Flux Bombard - Phosphex Discharger


Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod

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You got that right, recon squads have the support squad special rule meaning they can't be used as compulsory troops. You'll have to replace them with a different troop choice. Sniper vets with 2 heavy bolters is great for imperial fists because they are all bs5, but it's going to be really tough to find pts for that. Might have to stick to tacticals in a rhino. 


I'd also throw a teleporter transponder on those terminators, get them up close much faster. 

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Only Problem with Tac Vets as troops is that it requires Pride of the Legion which would force a second Tac vet or Terminators as Troops since Templars would be ineligible to fulfill the troops requirements at that point. 

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Here's the revised list...


+++ Imperial Fists 1.5k (1500) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++


+ HQ (230) +


Sigismund (230) [Master of the Legion] [Warlord]

Iron Halo - The Black Sword


+ Troops (605) +


Legion Tactical Squad (180)

9x Legion Tactical Space Marine

Additional Chainswords

Legion Sergeant


Templar Brethren (425)

8x Templar Brethren

8x Combat Shield - Legion Vexilla - Melta Bombs

Chapter Champion - Combat Shield - Master-crafted Solarite Power Gauntlet

Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier - Dozer Blade - Extra Armour



+ Elites (290) +


Legion Terminator Squad (290)

4x Legion Terminator

Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon - Pair of Lightning Claws - 3x Power Fist -Teleportation Transponder - 2x Vigil Pattern Storm Shield

Legion Terminator Sergeant - Chainfist - Vigil Pattern Storm Shield



+ Heavy Support (375) +


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (375)

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought - Armoured Ceramite - Grav-Flux Bombard - Siege Claw

Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod



Thanks everyone for the feedback !

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The issue I feel with this list is that the units you have want to be in close combat but both te Templar brethren and the terminators will have one turn of sitting duck syndrome


The Templar brethren with sigismund in a rhino just doesn't work for me cause you absolutely need them to be charging and the rhino can stop them from doing that.

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then you should prolly drop  the terminators or just not run Templar brethren , because they are wasted in a rhino , thier bonuses and sigismunds ( outside of his challenge buffs )  come from charging , so  unless your going to put them in a raider a spartan or  one of those flying drop pod things they can charge out of , then its not worth taking them  having them have to disembark the rhino   and get shot at and / or having the target they wanted to charge move away completely wastes them    

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