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2500pts Infantry Death Guard


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Ok so I have 2 boxes of Calth and some FW models so I wanted to make a fun infantry army. Its not supposed to be competetive but fluffy. And I feel that alot of foot slogging marines is very Death Guard. Let me know what you think, I believe it will look cool on the table.

+ HQ +

Calas Typhon
····Master of the Legion [The Reaping]

Legion Centurion [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Lightning Claw, Rad Grenades]
····Consul [Primus Medicae]

+ Troops +

Legion Heavy Support Squad [5x Legion Space Marines, Missile Launchers]
····Legion Sergeant [Augury Scanner]

Legion Heavy Support Squad [5x Legion Space Marines]
····Legion Sergeant [Augury Scanner]

Legion Tactical Squad [14x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Weapon]

Legion Tactical Squad [14x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Weapon]

Legion Tactical Support Squad [5x Legion Space Marines, Plasma Guns]
····Legion Sergeant [Artificer Armour]

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad [9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, 2x Melta Gun, Outflank]
····Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Weapon, Rad Grenades]

+ Elites +

Apothecarion Detachment [Legion Apothecary, Legion Apothecary]

Contemptor Dreadnought Talon
····Legion Contemptor Dreadnought [Plasma Cannon, Plasma Cannon]

Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought [Two Kheres Pattern Assault Cannons]

Legion Terminator Squad [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Chem-munitions, 2x Heavy Flamer, 9x Legion Terminators, 2x Lightning Claw, 2x Pair of Lightning Claws, 4x Power Fist]

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [XIV: Death Guard]

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If you are just going for something fluffy and not too competitive, why are you posting your army list? I postulate you are looking for some advice to allow your army to work better given the constraints that the army is to remain infantry based and that's perfectly fine. Let's take a look at it.


Ever since the HH Weekender a few weeks ago a lot of information has come out in regards to updates to the Death Guard chapter tactics, weapons, units and Mortarion. To summarize, Death Guard now have FNP(4+) against poisoned and fleshbane weapons (as opposed to simply rerolling things), the Toxin rule on Grave Wardens is now Poisoned (3+), and Deathshroud Power Scythes are no longer unwieldy but instead give a small Initaitve penalty in return for gaining a bonus attack if 2 or more models in base contact. This applies to Silence wielded by Mortarion as well making him quite a bit better.


Apart from that, I feel like by restricting yourself to mostly infantry you are not making the most of what The Reaping has to offer as a RoW. You can't Run or move Flat Out, but all your models have Move Through Cover which means that your vehicles Ignore Dangerous Terrain altogether (effectively a free autopass Dozer Blade). This just begs for you to give some of your units Transports, and your Vets/Plasma Gun Support Squad could really use them. I'd say some form of Transport is vital to your Terminators since their weapon range is so short - a Spartan would work nicely. Come to mention it, why not swap the Terminators with Grave Wardens? They are fluffy for Typhon and have much more ranged firepower.


In my opinion, the best use of the The Reaping is very simple - moving Heavy Support Squads out of Heavy Support to free up the slots for more firepower. This produces an army that could look like this:


HQ - Typhon

T - Tactical Squad

T - Tactical Squad
T - Heavy Support Squad w Missiles
T - Heavy Support Squad w HBs
HS - Predators
HS - Vindicators
HS - Grave Wardens


Having stationary Heavy Support Squads with long reach as objective holders is a very valuable asset that few other legions can take.

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