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Death Korps of Krieg list question

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Good is a relative term, but yes they work. You're bound somewhat by the nature of the lists in that they're built to work in a certain way so you're best off following that. I'm not sure you could say they're the most competitive of lists but they can pack a wallop and come with some nifty tricks - but again that depends on what you take and how you built the army :)

I just thought they looked like a lot of fun, and of course the dkok models are gorgeous....however, I feel they'd get their ass handed to them by tau and eldar, and as those are the two armies I play most often I dunno if I wanna go there.

They're both definitely good fun to play, but I'm not the man to ask about competitiveness though...


They've got access to the colossus, with its ignores cover AP3 templates for scaring jetbikes, but not sure how to handle things like wraithknights without allies.

They definitely lack in terms of competitiveness, but can they beat Tau and Eldar? Yeah, it'll take some work, and you'll do your fair share of losing until you figure it out, but it can be done. Grenadiers have hotshots, so there's your massed AP3 fire, you have WS4 army wide, making them hit better in CC, you should only be there against tau, not eldar. For tau you need to isolate their units of you plan to assault, because supporting fire is brutal. On the Upside, kill points don't matter much these days, and you can get away with just sending wave after wave of infantry at your opponent, because if you use the forlorn hope rule, you get an unlimited supply of infantry platoons, as long as the platoon is annihilated. Casualties don't matter, who cares if your platoon is too close to the enemy, artillery anyway.


Guard Philosophy 101: Drown them in corpses, yours or theirs, it matters not.

I'm thinking shadowswords with void shield generators for wk

Also, be careful with superheavies. The FW Apoc rulebook says that most baneblade chassis can be taken as lords or war choices for Codex Imperial Guard, there is no Codex IG anymore. While FW hasn't released an FAQ (to my knowledge) saying that C:IG and C:AM/C:MT are all Imperial guard and that everything is kosher, some folks might argue whether or not the "standard" baneblades may be taken for DKoK. I know that Battlescribe won't let you have a standard baneblade with a DKoK army.


That said, I haven't seen anything in the IA books that says you cannot take a Baneblade.

The DKK Siege regiment has access to the Baneblade Super-Heavy Tank.  I think you could make a good argument it's variants are also available.


Death Korps can do very well competitively, although of course not to the level of completely cheesed out Eldar or Tau.  As long as you aren't seeing 3 wraithknights or 2 stormsurge riptide wing they will serve you well.

DKOK can be competitive and the models are amazing so that in itself is worth taking l9l. I field the DKOK Grenadier Assault Brigade list and so far it has served me very well. I have yet to go against the Eldar but I have beaten the new Tau and there new War Machines with my lost as I utilize a lot of Storm Chimeras packed with Storm Troopers. Currently 1-1-3 against the new Tau and there Shenanigans, however I have basically dominated Space Marines and their Chaos cousins thankS to all of the AP3 running around.

Cadia specific


But tbh for friendly games I don't know why an opponent would complain if u used them or cadian supplement for any guard regiment its not like we have chapter tactics for the others (I guess with the exception of the FW but people still use them as counts as anyways)

I use the assault brigade list all the time and they usually do great but I mitigate some of their weaknesses with allies. I take the infantry and artillery elements from DKoK then if I want armor I ally with IA1.2 for scoring thunderers and beasthunter vanquishers. In a more competitive tournament list( I fight fire with fire.) I bring a Baronial Court formation with recycling DKoK infantry platoons and carcass shot griffens. *(not recommended for friendly games)*.

Edit. Stupid autocorrect.


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