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SoH - Help Required


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Hi Everyone.

I finally decided to restart in the Hobby.

I used to play as a teen many years ago but i got into the Universe once

again when i came across the "horus heresey" books.

And since i really like the fluff and the main characters from the Warmasters legion iteself

i decided to chose this army for me.

I bought me the "betrayal at calth" box to get some Minis and Weapons and stuff to build up an army with.

In my Local GW-Shop there are some Heresey players and most of the just started an army.

Now my question(s)

I thought about an army List with Maloghurst/Reavers/Tacticool and Pods.

I was aiming for a List with ~1500 points to start with. I hope thats ok for a start¿

I got the Rulebooks 1-5 and will buy me the Redbook when i order from FW as soon as i know what i will run as a start.

I would be really glad about tips or maybe a Beginner List i can start with and expand my army from there.

Excuse me for my mediocre engl. i am no native speaker.

Best Regards smile.png

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Firstly, welcome to the board! Betrayal at Calth is a good start just to get some bodies in your force and refamilarize yourself with the hobby before jumping into Forge World's complex kits. Other than that, I will leave it to my brothers deep in the Forge World territory to advise you. 

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Sons of Horus are a pretty good starting point for a new player, so I'll give you some advice in regards to building an army that takes advantage of their rules. The Sons of Horus legion tactics are being updated with the release of the newest red book, with the big change being they gain a new rule: Death Dealers, which gives them a +1 BS bonus with Pistols, Rapid Fire, and Assault Weapons if their target is within 12" (does not work for Fury of the Legion or Snap Shots). This is really important because it firmly establishes SoH as the Ultramarines of the Traitors - equally capable of running shooty or fighty lists.


The common theme though is quite evident - aggressive lists. Dreadclaws all around, Reavers with superior weapons as Troops, bonuses to reserve rolls and bonus outnumbering attacks, and teleporting Terminators with Abaddon all point to getting in your opponents face hard and fast.


I'd start with either a Drop List centred around The Reaving Rite of War, or a more balanced but aggressive army using the Long March Rite of War. As a general rule shooting Drop units should be in Drop Pods, while assaulting Drop units should be inside Dreadclaws. This is because Dreadclaws are assault vehicles and drop in Turn 1, allowing for the setup of precise Turn 2 charges.

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Maloghurst is an excellent HQ choice since he unlocks Reaver squads and Vet Tacs as troop choices, gives you ability of the banner that grants the fearless USR, plus he allows you to select a RoW. And all that for less points that a Herald Consul. 

Just have to protect him well since his own attack capabilities are rather mediocre, but who cares.


And I absolutely second the notion to go Drop Pod heavy.

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Sons of Horus have become a superb Legion. Gaining +1 BS to basically all the infantry weapons at optimum ranges was a huge boost.


Not to mention the Justaerins became some of the best value, Legion specific units around. 2 Wound Terminators with WS5 and furious charge at a reduced cost. Fantasic.

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First of all thanks for all your replies so far.


Sons of Horus have become a superb Legion. Gaining +1 BS to basically all the infantry weapons at optimum ranges was a huge boost.

Not to mention the Justaerins became some of the best value, Legion specific units around. 2 Wound Terminators with WS5 and furious charge at a reduced cost. Fantasic.


Yeah i already researched some of the rules and updates so far. thanks man.

Especially the big "weekender-topic" was quite educational.


Since i am absolutely unfamiliar with all the shenanigans about the weapon updates which are usefull

i really looking forward for advice.

I read all those Combi-weapons(melta/plasma?) are quite valuable for Horus's sons?

All the "Reavers" are allowed to get combi weapons for some points. Is this worth consider since i really like

the models and plan to lay my hands on some of those models?

On the other hand with what special weapons i would equip veterans/tactical marines?



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With reavers, the main goal is locking units down in assault.


They are a decent unit and are priced well. There's no problem with running them stock. It's best to have a unit of 10 in a dreadclaw for a potential turn 2 charge.


As for ranged weapon upgrades, you'd need to consider those when you have a broader list planned out.

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