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3500 Sons of Horus

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Built a new Sons of Horus List that I'm itching to try out. I'm a little rusty on my HH rules (been playing my Daemonkin) so I want to run this list by here to see if there's any illegal units or glaring flaws.


Lord of War:

Horus Lupercal

Rite of War: The Black Reaving

Command Squad:

x10 Justaerin Terminators

x10 Combi-Plasmas

x9 Power Fists



Master of Signal (my group interprets Black Reaving as making the MOS Compulsory)

Damocles Command Rhino


x5 Justaerin Terminators

x5 Combi-Plasmas


x5 Justaerin Terminators

x5 Combi-Plasmas


x5 Justaerin Terminators

x5 Combi-Plasmas


x10 Sons of Horus Catulan Reavers

x10 Banestrike Combi-Plasmas

Power Weapon

Dreadclaw Drop Pod


x10 Sons of Horus Catulan Reavers

x10 Banestrike Combi-Plasmas

Power Weapon

Dreadclaw Drop Pod


x10 Sons of Horus Catulan Reavers

x10 Banestrike Combi-Plasmas

Power Weapon

Dreadclaw Drop Pod


Heavy Support:

Whirlwind Scorpius

Basic Idea of the list is to no-scatter Deep Strike in 2 Dreadclaws w/ Reavers on Turn 1, and have them kill 2 dangerous/important units on turn 1. On Turn 2 I have 25 Justaerin and another Reaver Squad coming in a 2+ rerollable or if I want to keep them out, a 4+. It hits with a lot of shock and awe firepower and I can insulate myself from going first against another alpha strike list.

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That's alot... alot of anti-infantry! Only your Horus with command squad able to take out heavy armored vehicles. At that point range you could face a bunch of tanks or eaven super heavies. Otherwise I like it. A very 'in your face' kind of list

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Wow 25 Justerians, that's pretty crazy. The list looks like a lot of fun, but you're going to fall short in any competitive setting. As Bmseifer mentioned, you have basically no way to deal with spartans, land raiders and super heavies. You really need some tanks of your own to support this force, so I'd drop some of your infantry and grab a few tanks to deal with enemy armor. 

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Wow 25 Justerians, that's pretty crazy. The list looks like a lot of fun, but you're going to fall short in any competitive setting. As Bmseifer mentioned, you have basically no way to deal with spartans, land raiders and super heavies. You really need some tanks of your own to support this force, so I'd drop some of your infantry and grab a few tanks to deal with enemy armor.

I thought about swapping the Whirlwind out for a Laser Vindicator, I guess I should. I would've run some Combi-Meltas on my Justaerin but pretty much all the tanks I go up against either have Armored Ceramite or have 1 low AV facing that is vulnerable to Plasma. Do you think I should drop only a few models for the Laser Vindicator or drop more and grab a Sicaran Venator?
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I feel the same way about melta, it's pretty useless when I can just get hit rear/side armor with plasma and the target has AC to make melta much weaker. The main problem is just those vehicles you can't touch with plasma-anything armor fourteen on all sides. Plus, sometimes you really need to take down a vehicle within a turn, and if you don't deep strike on target you won't be able to take advantage of all your combi plas. Because of that yes I'd drop a unit of Justerians and grab a laser vindicator. Plus the new army list update allows you to squadron them, so I'd take even 2-3 laser vindicators to deal with heavy armor, put power of the machine spirit on a few of them so you can fire at multiple targets. Ventator is a good choice as well if you can fit that in. 

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I feel the same way about melta, it's pretty useless when I can just get hit rear/side armor with plasma and the target has AC to make melta much weaker. The main problem is just those vehicles you can't touch with plasma-anything armor fourteen on all sides. Plus, sometimes you really need to take down a vehicle within a turn, and if you don't deep strike on target you won't be able to take advantage of all your combi plas. Because of that yes I'd drop a unit of Justerians and grab a laser vindicator. Plus the new army list update allows you to squadron them, so I'd take even 2-3 laser vindicators to deal with heavy armor, put power of the machine spirit on a few of them so you can fire at multiple targets. Ventator is a good choice as well if you can fit that in.

I think I'll take a Sicaran Venator then, It can deal with any super-heavy I go against.

How does this look?


Lord of War:

Horus 500

Rite of War: The Black Reaving

Command Squad:

x10 Justaerin Terminators 455

x10 Combi-Plasmas 70



Master of Signal 85

Damocles Command Rhino 100


x5 Justaerin Terminators 255

x5 Combi-Plasmas 35


x5 Justaerin Terminators 255

x5 Combi-Plasmas 35


x5 Justaerin Terminators 255

x5 Combi-Plasmas 35


x10 Sons of Horus Catulan Reavers 210

x10 Banestrike Combi-Plasmas 100

Dreadclaw Drop Pod 100


x10 Sons of Horus Catulan Reavers 210

x10 Banestrike Combi-Plasmas 100

Dreadclaw Drop Pod 100


x10 Sons of Horus Catulan Reavers 210

x10 Banestrike Combi-Plasmas 100

Dreadclaw Drop Pod 100


Heavy Support:

Sicaran Venator 190

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It actually just occurred to me your list is illegal. The master of the signals cannot be your mandatory HQ, nor do I believe the command rhino can be either, so you need another hq as well. If you could take a chaplain in terminator armor with the Horus's big command squad I'd do that, but then I don't think you can deep strike. Instead I'd throw a chaplain with one of the reaver squads, or maybe a forge lord if you prefer that. Both can be your mandatory HQ. 


Your list is still going to have serious problems with heavy armor, any list with lots of av14 will be a real struggle to beat, since as soon as the venator is dead you're stuck. One way to help with that is give all your reaver squad sergeants melta bombs. Still if av14 isn't really a problem in lists you face, all reavers/justerians looks like a lot of fun so you won't have too many troubles without heavy armor to deal with. 

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It actually just occurred to me your list is illegal. The master of the signals cannot be your mandatory HQ, nor do I believe the command rhino can be either, so you need another hq as well. If you could take a chaplain in terminator armor with the Horus's big command squad I'd do that, but then I don't think you can deep strike. Instead I'd throw a chaplain with one of the reaver squads, or maybe a forge lord if you prefer that. Both can be your mandatory HQ. 


Your list is still going to have serious problems with heavy armor, any list with lots of av14 will be a real struggle to beat, since as soon as the venator is dead you're stuck. One way to help with that is give all your reaver squad sergeants melta bombs. Still if av14 isn't really a problem in lists you face, all reavers/justerians looks like a lot of fun so you won't have too many troubles without heavy armor to deal with.


The way Black Reaving is written implies that the MOS must be the compulsory HQ, superceding the Support Offier rule because Specific>General. At least, that is how my group has ruled it. It honestly needs to FAQed one way or the other. In regards to AV14, other than AV14 superheavies, which the Venator forces to snap fire, they aren't a big deal.
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