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Rough riders


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This isn't an army lists discussion so I'm moving it to the barracks for you thumbsup.gif Rough Riders are cool, but sadly let down by GW. They're expensive for what you get and could do with extra options but this doesn't mean they don't have a use.

Kept cheaper and/or focused on a task they can do well as a counter attack unit especially as part of a mobile list. I'd go for flamers over grenade launchers to match their assault role, but melta for tank popping isn't so bad either. Got any pictures to share of your riders? smile.png

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Yes I do.


The reason of them being half painted is that they were my fantasy empire riders of the white wolf. I just realised yesterday that I don't use them for that anymore so ill put then to use in the barracks.


PS the reason they look more feudal with their armour is because my be army is mix of loads of regiments that have been brought down to only a few units.

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Yup, my Lancers see action just about every time I play.




Can't say that they always make a big difference, but they have been used to secure last minute objectives.  I'd like to model a few Melta Guns and/or flamers, but just haven't gotten around to doing it.  Up till now I just lay one on the base and it's all good.  Like Warriorfish said though Grenade launchers wouldn't be my first choice.  I've had good luck with the melta option, running them up a table edge and then out flanking the enemy armor to get a shot from the rear.

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Cool unit Fluff-Wise but not exactly amazing on the tabletop. But even then, since I play Death Korps of Krieg, I am.seriously tempted to take two units of them just because the models are so Amazing lol.


That being said, keep them cheap and CC oriented. Special Weapon wise, Flamers are not a bad choice but I have seen them successful with Meltaguns and the Sgt. With Meltabombs.

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I've fielded them a few times and their problem is that they are too soft. When they're a threat to the enemy, a single bolter salvo from a demi-tactical squad is enough to neuter them, followed by overwatch. Sadly, not the edition for small units of soft melee elitists. However, the DKK have a detachment centered around their death riders. If you can field about 25 of them, use that detachment every time. You cannot take special weapons but the bonus rules are worth it 10/10.

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