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Fluffy 2000 Point Ultramarine list - Take 2


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Captain Remus Ventanus -  Legion Standard, allows rerolls to reserves, Nuncio-Vox


Master of Signal, Artificer Armor, Cognis Signum


Damocles Command Rhino


2 Legion Dreadnoughts with Chainfist and DCCW's with Graviton guns in Dreadnought Drop Pods


1 Thudd Gun with Shatter Shells (MoS increases BS of this unit).  I had 70 points and wanted a unit to bolster with the MoS.


2 10-man Tactical Squads, SGT with Artificer Armor, Melta bombs (IC's join each providing leadership and call in accurate reserves/orbitals)


5-man Tactical Support Squad with flamers (ride in Damocles)


10-man Locutarus Squad (3 plasma pistols, SGT with Meltabombs)


5-man Fulmentarus Squad with 5 combi-meltas and Power Swords and 1 powerfist riding in Dreadclaw Drop Pod


This list works together, though I think I have too much toed up in dreadnoughts.  C&C welcome!   I really want to field a colorful UM list that demonstrates the list's uniqueness.

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This list doesn't appear to have a lot of staying power, i.e. no vehicles or tough units (barring the fulmentarus, who expensive anyways). I see alot (but not that many actually, only 20) of power armoured bodies that are your only scoring units that are footslogging. Legion dreadnoughts are almost never a good investment.  One option is take out the fulmentarus and replace them with a sicaran venator, that leaves you with enough points left over to upgrade the legion dreadnoughts to contemptor cortus. and if you can find a way to fit rhinos into this list that would help survivability immensely. not to mention aiding with interlocking tactics.

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