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Night Lords 2k Terror Assault


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Hi guys. Started this new list as secound Project from the B@C box set and then added some units from the Forge World line as well as stuff from eBay.

The force is mainly hard hitting but it lacks some Anti-tank firepower. The main focus is for the terror squads and the hopply hard hitting with fnp Night Raptor to take out the infantry while the Rest try to handle the vehicles. What do you think??



++ Night Lords (2000pts) ++


+ HQ +


Legion Centurion Primus Medicae

[Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Power Axt]


Legion Praetor

[Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Jump Pack, Paragon Blade, Plasma Pistol, Trophies of Judgement]

····Master of the Legion [Terror Assault]


+ Troops +


Terror Squad 1

[9x Executioner, 10x Volkite Charger]


[Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Axt]

········Legion Drop Pod


Terror Squad 2

[9x Executioner, 10x Volkite Charger]


[Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Axt]

········Legion Drop Pod


Terror Squad 3

[9x Executioner, 10x Volkite Charger]


[Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Axt]

········Legion Drop Pod


+ Elites +


Contemptor Dreadnought Talon

[Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, Extra Armour, 2x Graviton Gun]

·········Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod


Legion Terminator Squad

[Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 2x Chainfist, 4x Legion Terminators, Plasma Blaster, 2x Power Fist, Teleportation Transponder]

····Legion Terminator Sergeant

[Nostraman Chaingleve]


+ Fast Attack +


Night Raptor Squad

[4x Power Axes]

······· Huntsman

[Artificer Armour, Pair of Lighting Claws]



Thanks for same CC.

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I would swap the Terminators for another Dreadnought in a DDP. Gets you 5 pods all up, which is 3 on the 1st Turn, and some more anti-tank too. Taking a pair of Contemptor-Cortus Dreadnoughts instead would save you a few points, and wouldn't lose much effectiveness.


Rather than a Primus Medicae, I would get another 5 Night Raptors, as that squad of 7 models will die surprisingly easily. 11 will get you further, and the extra ones don't even need power weapons - they're just ablative wounds. :)

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Thanks for the CC.


What would you say about my changes? Just a little. Or - Mortis + 5 raptors ?


++ Night Lords (2000pts) ++


+ HQ +


Legion Praetor

[Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Jump Pack, Paragon Blade, Plasma Pistol, Trophies of Judgement]

····Master of the Legion [Terror Assault]


+ Troops +


Terror Squad 1

[9x Executioner, 10x Volkite Charger]


[Artificer Armour, Power Axt]

········Legion Drop Pod


Terror Squad 2

[9x Executioner, 10x Volkite Charger]


[Artificer Armour, Power Axt]

········Legion Drop Pod


Terror Squad 3

[9x Executioner, 10x Volkite Charger]


[Artificer Armour, Power Axt]

········Legion Drop Pod


+ Elites +


Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought

[2x Multimelter]


Contemptor Dreadnought Talon

[Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, 2x Graviton Gun]

·········Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod


Legion Terminator Squad

[Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 2x Chainfist, 4x Legion Terminators, Plasma Blaster, 2x Power Fist, Teleportation Transponder]

····Legion Terminator Sergeant

[Nostraman Chaingleve]


+ Fast Attack +


Night Raptor Squad

[4x Power Axes]

······· Huntsman

[Artificer Armour, Pair of Lighting Claws]


But then I don't have 5 DP.

Just 2 first turn.

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I wouldn't take the mortis, it's not really doing anything for your list. Melta is pretty subpar in 30k, it's not going to help you deal with heavy vehicles like a spartan, and you could really use more solid anti tank options. As Caillum mentioned exchange both your dreadnoughts for a contemptor-cortus, much cheaper and model wise it just looks like a contemptor. Two of those with double graviton/fists dropping in turn one, you'll have a fairly reliable method to strip 4 hp off a spartan. 


Also I think 5 raptors is going to do nothing for you. Especially with all axes, your unit will basically be dead before they can even strike, and you have to factor in the unit is going to take casualties before they can assault anything. I really prefer running fifteen raptors, keeping a one to three ratio of power weapons to no upgrades, so shooting casualties only take away non power weapon armed raptors. Now you don't have the points for fifteen, but if you drop all the axes, and drop a terror squad down to 5 men, you'll have the point for a ten man unit. Far more effective, and you really don't need three full size terror squads so you'll be in good shape. 

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Now iam at home. And can spend a little time in the changes of the list. I thinking about your CC and hope that change the most Things. So what do you think ?

++ Night Lords (2000pts) ++


+ HQ +


Legion Praetor

[Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Jump Pack, Paragon Blade, Plasma Pistol, Trophies of Judgement]

····Master of the Legion [Terror Assault]


+ Troops +


Terror Squad 1

[9x Executioner, 10x Volkite Charger]


[Artificer Armour, Power Axt]

········Legion Drop Pod


Terror Squad 2

[9x Executioner, 10x Volkite Charger]


[Artificer Armour, Power Axt]

········Legion Drop Pod


Terror Squad 3

[4x Executioner, 5x Volkite Charger]


[Artificer Armour]

········Legion Drop Pod


+ Elites +


Contemptor Cortus Class Dreadnought

[Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, 2x Graviton Gun]

·········Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod


Contemptor Cortus Class Dreadnought

[Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, 2x Graviton Gun]

·········Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod


Legion Terminator Squad

[Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 1x Chainfist, 4x Legion Terminators, Plasma Blaster, 3x Power Fist, Teleportation Transponder]

····Legion Terminator Sergeant

[Nostraman Chaingleve]


+ Fast Attack +


Night Raptor Squad

[8x Raptors,4x Power Axes]

······· Huntsman

[Artificer Armour, Pair of Lighting Claws]



So I hope that's better. I got a 1/2 Ration on the Raptors, because I got 4 Raptors with Axes.

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That looks good to me. 


One small change to consider, I'm a big fan of combi plasma on terminator squads. That way the turn you teleport in you're not sitting around wasting a turn, and you get to unleash a barrage of ap2 shots. If you can find the pts I'd add those in. 

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