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Adding EC to IH - convince me, y'all!


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So, this FW Titan contest has me wanting to spend money, and lucky for me I'm currently awash with Raktra Dollars, so I'm considering branching into the Shattered Legions. The Children seem like a good mix with the Hands, and the colour schemes are gloriously different, so I get to paint something other than black for once. Does this actually work beyond theory though? The main body of the list would be my Iron Hands, with the Emperor's Children side having a character, obviously (possibly just a champion, but I might go all-out with Eidolon), and probably Palantine Blades with jump packs and spears. Possibly a little more somewhere, but that's initial thoughts. So convince me, internet.

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Do it, make those two poles of the magnet that is the Horua Heresy. Do make those glorious haired and trained marines of the EC. Do make that Iron hands father with a EC shoulder pad gifted to him by a EC brother, do give some of your EC models IH parts for extra customization. Do it...



And above all...




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What are Hands?


Slow, Resilient, powerful.


What are Children?


Fast, Mobile, Precise.


Winner if you ask me.


They basically give you access to combat units much more powerful and faster than your own and offset the IH nicely. There is a reason Ferrus and Fulgrim we're best buds (at one point...)

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Iron Hands are more of a shooting legion that doesn't like CC too much. If I were to combine EC and IH into a single Shattered Legions army I would definately borrow some of the combat elements of the former legion to bolster that part of my army. Phoenix Terminators and Palatine Blades are both pretty workable out of a Dreadclaw now, and you can use them to attack enemy squads of marines beyond the reach of your Iron Hands.

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So, this FW Titan contest has me wanting to spend money


I feel the same way, FW has definetly roped us in with this titan competition! EC and Iron hands can definetly work, you've got one legion with solid tanking capabilities to absorb enemy fire, then the emperor's children can drop in and be ready for an assault. Nice mix of a shooting oriented legion and an assault one. 

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