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Ryza Knight Houses


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Hi all, I'm starting a new Mechanicus force using the Ryza colour scheme.  I've recently received an Imperial Knight, and I've been trying unsuccessfully to find any information on knight houses associated with Ryza.


Can anyone shed some light on this?  Is this information even available?

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Bare bones information can be found by searching through the Tabula Questoris (so house names, worlds, and allegiance). I've linked to the Knight Households section because that's the one that gives the basic allegiance and, if identified, specific forge world with which the Knight household is allied. What I might be able to do is add a section organized by forge world and giving Knight households allied to each forge world.




Scrolling through, I don't see any Knight households that I've noted as being specifically allied with Ryza. I just figured I'd save you the trip. :wink:

Edited by Brother Tyler
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