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2k Solar Auxilia


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Welp, spent about fifty bucks on Blood Angel stuff and now I'll be selling them since I've changed my mind and am going with Solar Auxilia (I'm fickle, what can I say?) This is the list I'll be building towards.



Lord Marshal - Volkite Serpenta x2 and Meltabombs

Tank Commander



Household Guard - Volkite Chargers and Meltabombs

    Dedicated Arvus Lighter - TL Lascannon



Tercio 1-

     Lasrifle Section - Blast Chargers

     Veletaris Storm Section - Rotor Cannons

     Aegis Defense Line - Comms Relay


Tercio 2-

     Veletaris Storm Section - Volkite Chargers

     Veletaris Storm Section  - Volkite Chargers

     Dracosian - Demolisher Cannon

     Dracosian - Demolisher Cannon



Thunderbolt Fighter - Ground Tracking Auguries

Thunderbolt Fighter - Ground Tracking Auguries



Valdor Tank Hunter - Sponson Lascannon and Armored Ceramite


A combined arms approach. Tercio 1 deploys on an objective and stays there, blasting away as best they can and using the comms to get my air support in ASAP. Tercio 2 will advance under support fire from the commander enhanced Valdor. Air support will get targets of opportunity. The math is good for their AT missiles if they can tag Spartans in the side, avoiding the flare shields. The commander will go with either the rifles or household guard, where ever he is most needed, while the household guard is additional forward scoring (in 40k games) and linebreaker.



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Intersting list, instead Of a thunderbolt a kraken primaris lighting

Also the malcador dwfender is quite more versatil that the valdor.

Also the arvus lighter is an old model and dificult to make

Also think about cost the listt is 700 pounds

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Thanks for the prompt feedback. Part of the reason I went with the Arvus and Valdor is that I already own the models for my IG. I am tempted by the idea of running a Lightning AND Thunderbolt. Might be a good idea to add some diversity to the list and extra insurance against Spartans.

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Thunderbolts are so much cooler than Lightnings though stick to two of them :P Looks like a fun list and is similar to one I had in my head apart from I had Leman Russ Vanquishers instead of the air support and a Malcador over the Valdor. Wish the Macharius had 30k rules I hear the current rules for it are pretty poo (still the best looking IG tank though).

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Thunderbolts are so much cooler than Lightnings though stick to two of them tongue.png Looks like a fun list and is similar to one I had in my head apart from I had Leman Russ Vanquishers instead of the air support and a Malcador over the Valdor. Wish the Macharius had 30k rules I hear the current rules for it are pretty poo (still the best looking IG tank though).

Owning the Valdor ahead of time helped to make that decision. I don't doubt I'll pick up a couple of vanquishers at some point though. The Valdor just fits a lot of what I dig about 30k/40k, the slapped together to fix a problem tanks that make little sense outside of their specific contexts (in this case, OMG! Land Raiders!)

Love the list ! It's beautiful and fluffy yet very playable and can deliver quite a punch !

I dig the double-wielding Serpenta Marshal, heh. Thought about converting my own before I went for Cult instead of Auxilia.

I'm fond of the concept. I'm going to convert Solar Marcharius to have a serpenta and another holster to represent the other, leaving wiggle room if I want his staff or sword to be anything special.

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