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Unconventional Warfare: 3K Shattered Legions (NL & IH)


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  With my main legion being my Loyalist Night Lords, I've been able up until now to really hold off doing any other legions (excluding my recent foray into Blood Angels a few topics down). However, with Shattered Legions presenting a whole new take on the way you can build a force, a thought occurred to me of how I could stay with my Night Lords but add a dynamic that I have very little experience with... massed armour.


  Not that it probably matters to most of you, but the fluff justification I came up with was a Loyalist faction of NIght Lords present at the Dropsite Massacre managed to rescue an Iron Hands armoured column (perhaps the praetor and the tank commander served together at blah blah blah...). Anyway, without further ado, here's my Night Lords/Iron Hands Shattered Legions army list...


SHATTERED LEGIONS: 3000pts (Night Lords/Iron Hands)





Legion Praetor (Night Lords): Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Trophies of Judgment, Chainfist, Digital Lasers, Mastercraft a Single Weapon

  • Legion Terminator Command Squad: 4x Cataphractii Terminator Chosen, 4x Chainfists, 1x Plasma Blaster
  • Land Raider Phobos: Multi-Melta, Armoured Ceramite

Spearhead-Centurion Castrmen Orth (Iron Hands) - rides in one of the Sicarans



Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron (Iron Hands)

  • Legion Predator Tank: Blessed Autosimulacra, Heavy Conversion Beamer, Armoured Ceramite
  • Legion Predator Tank: Blessed Autosimulacra, Heavy Conversion Beamer, Armoured Ceramite
  • Legion Predator Tank: Blessed Autosimulacra, Heavy Conversion Beamer, Armoured Ceramite


Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron (Iron Hands)

  • Legion Predator Tank: Blessed Autosimulacra, Executioner Plasma Cannon, Armoured Ceramite
  • Legion Predator Tank: Blessed Autosimulacra, Executioner Plasma Cannon, Armoured Ceramite
  • Legion Predator Tank: Blessed Autosimulacra, Predator Cannon, Armoured Ceramite



Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (Iron Hands): Blessed Autosimulacra, Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blade



Night Raptor Squad (Night Lords): 13x Night Raptors, 1x Pair of Lightning Claws

  • Huntmaster: Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs



Leviathan Siege Dreadnought (Night Lords): Leviathan Siege Drill, Armoured Ceramite, Phosphex Discharger, Dreadnought Drop Pod

Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (Iron Hands): Blessed Autosimulacra, Armoured Ceramite

Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer (Iron Hands): Blessed Autosimulacra, Armoured Ceramite

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It's pretty good and I like the way you've integrated things into the list. Couple of things though.


Praetors have Paragon Blades, it's pretty much the only reason to take them now over a Delegatus. The command squad has plenty of anti armour potential with their own chainfists and considering you can be getting AP2 at initiative with the potential instant Death thrown in, it's an obvious choice.


I'd personally take a grav arm on the leviathan, you're reducing your anti tank potential but you'd be surprised how well the regular siege claw does vs a drill and obviously the anti infantry benefits are enormous - the thing deletes blobs of troops.

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@Fedratsailor & @Unknown Legionnaire: Argh... you're right. Every time I think I've come up with a list that's innovative and that no one else has tried yet, I'm reminded why that is - because they read the rules better than I did, and it's illegal wallbash.gif. Definitely disappointing, but totally understandable - @Fedratsailor, when you say they can have sponsons but no upgrades, I assume that means no Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blade, etc. - does that mean no Blessed Autosimulcra as well? I thought to myself it sounded too good to be true when I was plugging it all into Battlescribe. Ah well - moving forward!

@Balthamal: Cheers for the kind words, my friend. I've long resisted giving my NL Praetor a Paragon Blade, of a number of reasons: 1) I hate that it's basically an auto-include so everyone gives it to their Praetor, 2) I just love power fists/chainfists, aesthetically and rules-wise, 3) I already modeled him with a chainfist, and 4) because my fluff for him dictates it lol.

However, seeing Poom's magnificent Red Butcher-to-Praetor conversion with a Paragon Blade & a Chainfist (just for aesthetics, not actual WYSIWYG rules) might make me go that route as well. I don't have the book with the Delegatus's stats in it - is he really that close to a Praetor? I want my HQ to be as powerful in CC as possible, so that's the only reason I ask. Fortunately, I already have 3 NL Leviathans, one of which has the Claw/Grav Bombard loadout, so I may swap him in for his brother down the road. For now though, I'm sticking with his nastier, Claw/Drill-wielding brother devil.gif .

SHATTERED LEGIONS: 3000pts (Night Lords/Iron Hands)



Legion Praetor (Night Lords): Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Trophies of Judgment, Paragon Blade verymad.gif , Digital Lasers, Mastercraft a Single Weapon

Legion Terminator Command Squad: 4x Cataphractii Terminator Chosen, 4x Chainfists, 1x Plasma Blaster
Land Raider Phobos: Heavy Flamer, Armoured Ceramite

Spearhead-Centurion Castrmen Orth (Iron Hands) - rides in one of the Sicarans


Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron (Iron Hands)

Legion Predator Tank: Blessed Autosimulacra, Pintle-Mounted Heavy Bolter
Legion Predator Tank: Blessed Autosimulacra, PIntle-Mounted Heavy Bolter
Legion Predator Tank: Blessed Autosimulacra, Pintle-Mounted Heavy Bolter

Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron (Iron Hands)

Legion Predator Tank: Blessed Autosimulacra, Pintle-Mounted Heavy Bolter
Legion Predator Tank: Blessed Autosimulacra, Pintle-Mounted Heavy Bolter
Legion Predator Tank: Blessed Autosimulacra, Pintle-Mounted Heavy Bolter


Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (Iron Hands): Blessed Autosimulacra, Heavy Bolter Sponsons, Armoured Ceramite

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (Iron Hands): Blessed Autosimulacra, Armoured Ceramite


Night Raptor Squad (Night Lords): 13x Night Raptors, 1x Pair of Lightning Claws

Huntmaster: Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought (Night Lords): Leviathan Siege Drill, Armoured Ceramite, Phosphex Discharger, Dreadnought Drop Pod

Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (Iron Hands): Blessed Autosimulacra, Armoured Ceramite

Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer (Iron Hands): Blessed Autosimulacra, Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blade

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So heres the ROW to explain everything.


Armour Of the Line: Legion Predator Strike Armour Squadrons (armed with Predator Cannon turret and sponson weapons ONLYMUST be taken as compulsory Troops choices in the detachment, and MAY be taken as additional Troops choices. Legion Sicaran Battle Tanks ​MAY​ be taken as Elites choices in the detachment.


your army conforms to the rest of the requirements, just your troops are at issue. sucks but your either gonna pay 75 for a basic pred, 95 for a Heavy Flamer/Bolter pred, or 115 for a Lascannon Predator. 


Looks like you have 150 points opening up due to the restrictions.

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I think pintle-mounted weapons probably aren't meant to be restricted, but that argument wouldn't hold up given the wording. But other upgrades are fine, as they're not weapons - how can you be "armed" with Blessed Autosimulacra? Having said that, a pintle-mounted heavy bolter is 15 points, while 2 sponson-mounted ones are only 20 points. Definitely a better choice.


Orth in a Sicaran Battle Tank is awesome, but make sure it has lascannon sponsons to benefit from his Tank Hunters rule.


Blessed Autosimulacra is a cool upgrade, but it's a lot of points when you apply it across an army (100 points worth in your list). That could pay for a LOT of other stuff.

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yea you have a point, now that ive let my brain re-read it a couple times. upgrades are fine, just no other weapons.


on that you still will either pay as a base cost for preds depending on weapons either 75/95/115,   with upgrades optional.  though im not so sure that Blessed Autosimulacra paided on cheap troops is worth the points.  on sicarans/Spartans/Laser Vindies, though it would be usefull.


@carnivore, you now have me looking at making a Night lords army using this ROW. 

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@Caillum: Always happy to see a reply from you, my friend. You explain things in a way that even I can understand lol. That's a really good point about the lascannons for Orth and the sheer number of points tied up in Blessed Autosimulacra - Iron Hands are new to me and it sounded like an auto-include, but to your point it's probably overkill and those points could probably be better spent elsewhere.


@Fedratsailor: Thank you very much for posting the ROW rules, and for helping clarify the restrictions for me. I really appreciate it. You and Caillum both make good points about the Autosimulacra - probably best reserved for the heavy hitters and not the line tanks. I'm glad the sponsons are okay though - lascannons and heavy bolters definitely add more utility to the Preds in terms in of what they can threaten. And to me one of the greatest compliments in this hobby is hearing my idea inspired someone else to do something similar themselves, so thank you for that! If you do end up giving it a go, shoot me a message and let me know how it's coming along!


Alright, Take 3...





Legion Praetor (Night Lords) - 745pts

  • Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Trophies of Judgment, Paragon Blade, Digital Lasers, Mastercraft a Single Weapon
  • Legion Terminator Command Squad: 4x Cataphractii Terminator Chosen, 4x Chainfists, 1x Plasma Blaster
  • Land Raider Phobos: Flamer, Armoured Ceramite

Spearhead-Centurion Castrmen Orth (Iron Hands) - 80pts

  • --> Rides in the Lascannon Sicaran



Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron (Iron Hands) - 375pts

  • Legion Predator Tank: Blessed Autosimulacra, Lascannons, Armoured Ceramite
  • Legion Predator Tank: Heavy Bolters, Armoured Ceramite
  • Legion Predator Tank: Heavy Bolters, Armoured Ceramite

Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron (Iron Hands) - 375pts

  • Legion Predator Tank: Blessed Autosimulacra, Lascannons, Armoured Ceramite
  • Legion Predator Tank: Heavy Bolters, Armoured Ceramite
  • Legion Predator Tank: Heavy Bolters, Armoured Ceramite


Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (Iron Hands) - 205pts

  • Blessed Autosimulacra, Lascannons, Armoured Ceramite


Night Raptor Squad (Night Lords) - 375pts

  • 13x Night Raptors, 1x Pair of Lightning Claws
  • Huntmaster: Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought (Night Lords) - 375pts

  • Leviathan Siege Drill, Armoured Ceramite, Phosphex Discharger
  • Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod

Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (Iron Hands) - 250pts

  • Blessed Autosimulacra, Armoured Ceramited, Aiolos Missile Launcher

Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer (Iron Hands) - 220pts

  • Blessed Autosimulacra, Armoured Ceramite
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