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Hey there.


Thought i would say hi to this part of the Fourm.


I am new to Blood Angels having played Wolves for a long time, when i buy a codex i start at the front at work my way through it to get a feel for the army i will be collecting, and i am loving the fluff so far.



I thought it was time for a change, and fancied building a Small Allied formation to the Wolves (Which will know doubt grow arms and legsbefore i know it.)


I pickup up two of the £60 Battle boxes of blood angels  with a Dread, Tact Sq and a HQ in each and 2 rhinos..  I have built one Dread as a Fury and the other as a Libby.


I have been doing a little research on my next buys, and i am liking the look of the Death company and the sanguinary guard, but i think a little more reading up is needed.


anyway i shall stick some pictures up with my WIP


All the best


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Welcome to our little corner of the B&C!


Can't go wrong with DC (either as DC or RAS) and the SG box is great for bits and character kitbashes in addition to making some SG.


Other than that, I'd suggest a Drop Pod and a Stormravrn:)

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Sang guard is bit situational, DC you can't go wrong. Either footslogging with bolters or pistols and CCW or with Jump packs. One of the nasty combo is taking 5 DC + Lemartes,, stuck them and DC dread on  Stormraven then just zoom in battle and let the blood of your enemies flow when DC hack 'em apart. (Tactics against TAU and  DA should be slightly adapt according situation) But yeah. DC with jump packs is good and fast shock troopers. 3+ and FnP makes them resilient.

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I have almost finished the 2no. 10 man Tactical Squads the 2 Captains from the Box sets.






Just 2 Rhinos, and The 2 Dreads to go of my current Blood Angel Collect.


I am going for a Snow Scenic base, so this is Chinchilla dust as the substraight before i add the woodland scenic snow


I bought two boxes of Betrayal of Calth,  I had planned to Build an Night Lords 30K army with them, but 30K has gone cold at the Club.  So i am thinking of Using some to build Wolf Guard for my Wolves.  And Maybe the Death Company of the Blood Angels.



Thank you for the tactic's of the DC, Something i will need to try out.


I shall post more pictures as i have them finished
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I took me about 4 nights (about 3 hours a night) painting the Tactical Squad and 2 Captians.  Which are now finshed with the Snow on the base, i am happy with how this has turned out.  I shall put a picture up when i get home.


I have a thing about unpainted models.


We have a house rule in our small games club, only fully painted models can be used in games,  which is a good push to not be running around with a nicely undercoated army.


I am going  to start the 2 Dread's tomorrow night.

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